The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1925 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic, containing the Media Record: December 17, 1925

CONRAD RYNELL STARTS CREAMERY: Conrad Rynell is in Media this week starting work on the butter factory which he is going to operate in this town.  The plant will be located in the garage building vacated by Charles Stanbary, which a concrete floor will be placed to support the machinery.  It is hoped that the factory will be in operation by the first part of the coming year.

The people of Media and the surrounding community should support this project and give Mr. Rynell their sincere encouragement as an industry of this kind will mean a lot toward the better marketing of cream and at the same time will enable the town folk to buy real creamery butter instead of the substitutes which are now sold in such great quantity.

LOCAL MEDIA NEWS: Mr. and Mrs. B. H. White of this town are the proud parents of a baby son who arrived early Tuesday morning.  The husky boy has been christened Estel Dale and will make a playmate for their daughter, Joyce. Miss Mildred Lawyer is in charge of the primary room of the grade school this week during the absence of Mrs. Smith.  Mrs. Margaret Frank, who was quite ill last week, was taken to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Huston of Stronghurst.  We are pleased to note that her improvement has enabled her to come back to town.  The first basketball game on Media’ schedule will take place Saturday night when the high school quintette meets the Gladstone high school cagers in the Biggsville gymnasium.  Gladstone has been practicing since the beginning of the term and in a recent game defeated Biggsville so we are expecting a hard-fought game.  Coach Clarke has been giving the boys strenuous workouts on the floor and they are taking advantage of his excellent coaching.

D.A.R. Hears Historical History of Raritan Township:  The regular monthly meeting of the Daniel McMillan chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution was held at the home of Mrs. R. N. Marshall in Stronghurst on Dec. 12th.  The program consisted of Christmas carols and patriotic songs engaged in by all present and interesting papers by Mrs. C. R. A. Marshall, (Christmas in other Lands) and Mrs. W. J. McElhinney, (A Short History of the Early Settlement of Raritan Township).

The following facts were brought out in the about Raritan Township which was first called “Bedford Precinct.”  A little village called Bedford was regularly laid out just across the county line of the township in McDonough County.  It had a store kept by Adams and Hardy and a population of 4 or 5 families.  The first settler in Raritan Township was John Scroggins, who came there about 1829 and located in the southwestern part of the township.  Then came Walter Huston who bought Scroggins’ little farm of 10 acres and the latter moved back to his native state of Tennessee.  After this, new arrivals became frequent and by 1837 when George Huston came, a school house had been built near Bedford.  The Hustons, Bowens, Cranshaws and others who settled in this part of the township were mostly from Tennessee and Virginia.

In 1851 to 1858 the northern part of the township was settled by people from New Jersey, many of whom had first come to Fulton County, Ill.  Josiah Brokaw and Alvin Tharp arrived in 1851 and the former became known of the “Father of the Settlement.”  Preaching services for the early settlers on these prairies were first held at his home.  The families of R.V. Cortleyou, S. A. V. Simonson, Wm. VanArsdale, Wm. And Cornelius Schenck, Peter Tharp, Abraham Brokaw, S. P. and J. S. Nevius were included in the group of early prairie settlers.  The question of the establishment of a convenient trading point coming up, it was decided by vote, after considerable controversy, to locate this trading point where the present village of Raritan now stands.  Peter Tharp donated a considerable portion of the land for the townsite and also for a cemetery.  This was in 1856.

The new trading point was named “Raritan” since most of the settlers had come from the Raritan River section of New Jersey.  The Raritan River had taken its name from the tribe of Indians known as the “Raritans,” who were aboriginal inhabitants of northern New Jersey.

The Raritan Reformed Church, the first religious organization of the township, was established in 1855 and in 1859 the edifice which still served the congregation as a house of worship was finished and dedicated.  The Raritan M.E. Church was organized in 1864 and a house of worship erected in 1873.  The Raritan Baptist congregation was organized in 1859 and their church building finished and dedicated in 1866.  A Christian Church was organized in Raritan in 1892 and a house of worship erected.  This congregation was disbanded several years ago.  There is also a Roman Catholic Church in the township known as St. Patrick’s chapel, the organization of the congregation being affected in 1855 and a church edifice erected in 1876.  The Fraternal societies which have flourished in Raritan Township during its existence are Raritan Lodge A.F. and A.M., organized in 1875; Raritan Lodge No. 616 I.O.O.F., organized in 1876; and Raritan Camp No. 862 M.F.A. organized in 1888. Mrs. McElhinney made reference in her paper to the disastrous fire which visited Raritan in 1888 in which the dwelling house in which she lived with her parents narrowly escaped destruction.

Following the program, the assembled guests were served delicious refreshments by the hostess, Mrs. Marshall, assisted by her daughter, Miss Esther and Mrs. Grace Rezner.

***FUNERAL NOTICE*** MRS. SOPHIA WALL:  The funeral of Mrs. Sophia Oliva Wall, wife of Stephen wall, who passed away at the home of her son, John O’Gren on Dec. 16th will be held from the Swedish Lutheran Church with interment in the Stronghurst Cemetery.

PREPARING FOR CHRISTMAS: Coming events are said to cast their shadows before them, but the general atmosphere of expectancy and anticipation which pervades the community during these pre-Christmas days can hardly be likened to a shadow.  It might rather be called a fore-gleam of the brightness which distinguishes the Christmas holiday from all the other holidays of the year.  Many of the shop windows of the merchants are bright and attractive with beautiful decorations and displays of articles appropriate for Christmas gifts…

While there is this quickening of the commercial life of the community as Christmas season approaches, there is a similar quickening in the social and church life as well.  A special song service will be given at the U.P. church Sunday morning, Dec. 20th by the choir under the direction of Prof. Nichols. In the even at the same church the pastor will deliver a Christmas sermon.  On Thursday evening, Dec. 24th the Cantata, “The Babe of Bethlehem,” will be presented by members of the U.P. Sunday School with Mr. Estel Mudd as director and reader,,,The annual “White Gift” offering of the congregation will be taken in connection with the service.  On the same evening, Dec. 24th under the direction Mrs. W. C. Regan, the M.E. Sabbath School will present a program the first half of which will consist of songs, recitations and exercises and in the latter part, a playlet entitled “How the Christmas Song Was Found,” will be given.  The children of the Stronghurst Christian Church will also give a miscellaneous program of recitations, songs and exercises in keeping with the Christmas season and spirit on Christmas Eve.  At the Lutheran church, a special service and entertainments in commemoration of Christmas will be held.

COUNTRY CLUB CELEBRATES CHRISTMAS: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Simonson entertained the South Country Birthday Club at their home Dec. 11th.  The house was decorated in Christmas colors with Santa Claus posters and a Christmas Tree glittering with decoration and bearing a gift for each guest present.  A Christmas program of readings and songs, community sing and games constituted the evening’s entertainment.  The eats consisting of tuna fish sandwiches, pickles and coffee, fruit salad with whipped cream and white layer and devil’s food cake were served cafeteria style. (Remember, at the time period, tuna would probably been thought to be exotic.)    Santa Claus favors were given the birthday guests.  A large birthday cake encircled by a wreath of Christmas greens and bearing Christmas candles in green and red graced the serving table.  While the children grouped about to watch the flickering lights of the candle, preparations were being made to carve and distribute it among the guests.  When to the surprise and pleasure of all, it was found to be a large box of Christmas candies. Assisting the Mrs. Simonson in entertaining were Miss Frances Lind, Mrs. Lois Wetterling, Mrs. Mary Hayes, Miss Esther Lind and Miss Helena Barry in charge of the program.  Guests of the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Clifford McKeown of Stronghurst. and Mrs. Ethel Jennings, Revere, Mo,

WINNERS OF THE SPELLING CONTEST: A spelling contest for grade pupils of Stronghurst Township was held in the 7th grade room of the Stronghurst School under the supervision of Supt. Dawson.   Blanche Crane, a student in the Fort District west of the village, won first place and will have the honor of representing the township in the county spelling contest to be held at Biggsville on Dec. 19th  12:30 pm.  Virgil Jarvis was second place representing the Stronghurst school.

MONEY TO LOAN-ON REAL ESTATE: Rates now 5, 5 ½ , 5 ¼ per cent.  Time 5, 10, 20, 34 ½ years with liberal prepayment privileges—C. R. Kaiser.

BAN MOVIES ON SUNDAY; By a vote of three to two the trustees of the village of Princeville recently decided to prohibit the showing of moving pictures or other forms of amusement at their local theatre on Sunday evenings.  This action was taken after two Sunday evening show had been put of at the play house.  The sentiment in regard to Sunday movies is said to be pretty evenly divided amongst the citizens of the village; but since there is a village ordinance prohibiting Sunday amusements, the majority of the board decided that they had no discretion in the matter.  The manager of the picture house is Mr. A. Cavins, formerly manager of the Lyric Theatre here.

ENTERAIN TELEPHONE PEOPLE:  Grover C. Rehling, manager of the Stronghurst and Inter-City Telephone Companies, his family and the entire force of operators and linemen of the two companies were entertained at a 12 o’clock roast goose dinner Dec. 12th at the home of Thomas Dixon, present of the two companies in Carman Township.  Mr. and Mrs. Dixon are noted as being royal entertainers and their 30 or more guests on this occasion enjoyed a holiday which they will long remember with pleasure.

PROGRESS MADE ON NEW SCHOOL BUILDING: Work on Stronghurst’ s new school building has been speeded up considerably during the past two weeks and the structure is assuming definite proportions which give the beholder a pretty good idea of what the completed building will look like.  The bricklaying force was recently augmented and with favorable weather, the laying of the outer walls of the building should be completed this week.  The four heavy steel trusses which will support the roof covering the central audience room and gymnasium are being put in place and work is being pushed on the flaking portions of the building which are to house the Dist. No. 30 grade school and the Dist. No. 104 high school…

The sum of $48,260.77 has already been paid out of the original contract price of $99,913 for the combined structure and since the contract provides for the withholding of 15% of the amount due the contractors from time to time until the job is completed, it would appear that the actual outlay of the contractors for material and construction work to date has amounted to $56,777.37 or considerably more than one-half of the contract price…

OLENA OBSERVATIONS: Quite a number in this immediate community are indisposed from colds and chronic trouble.  The earth is covered with snow, but out West reports even more with bitter cold.  Some of our farmers have sold their corn and are expecting to shell and deliver soon.  The Olena bridge is still closed to traffic and the temporary crossing is in bad condition.  M. Allen from the Burlington creamery has been a busy buyer of poultry in this neighborhood; there is a reason-from 1 to 1 ½ cent on the pound looks good to the farmer’s wife.  Word has been received stating that Miss Tona Hult of Burlington, Iowa was recently married to a gentleman from that city but did learn his name.  Tona has spent most of her young life in this immediate neighborhood.  The young people of this community will present a play in the Olena Church Tuesday evening, Dec. 22nd entitled, “A Little Clod Hopper,” a comedy-drama in three acts.

LOMAX LINGERINGS: Born to Kinzie Gittings and wife of the southeast country on Dec.8, a son.  Mrs. W.H. Babcook and daughter, Cheryl, returned home from Excelsior Springs, Mo. where Mrs. Babcook has been taking treatment for the past two weeks.  Lester Clark and wife are enjoying a Radiola purchased from E. W. Jolly. (The neighbors would be sure to take note as this was a luxury items that not everyone could afford.)  Mrs. Guy McMininy and daughter expect to leave for an extended visit with home folks in Missouri.  Arlington Gittings who has been in Dakota for the past several months has returned home. 

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mr. and Mrs. G. Q. Fort were Sunday dinner guests at the home of her  sister, Mrs. S. E. Biggs of LaHarpe.  Mrs. E. F.Smelter arrived here from Chicago for a holiday season visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Kaiser.  A total of $238.23 was contributed to the Thank Offering of the Stronghurst U.P. Church by individual members and the various societies of the congregation. ($3,795 in today’s values) Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Sanderson, Miss Francis Sweasey, Mrs. Ella Griffiths and Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Worthington attended the annual Bazaar and supper held at the Raritan Reformed Church last Wednesday evening.  Doug Armstrong, former Stronghurst Citizen, now living on a small fruit farm in Florida, sent C. M. Bell and family a branch from an orange tree containing a half dozen nice russet oranges. Mrs. Cornel S. Schenck, Media, Ill. has been appointed County chairman of Child Welfare and in cooperation with District chairman of Child Welfare of Federated Clubs; she will endeavor to advance Child Welfare work in this county, particularly in the home and school.

The M. Ewing Produce Company of LaHarpe was robbed of about $200 worth of raw furs last Saturday night, the loot consisting of 14 mink skins, 6 coon, 20 skunks and one large red fox pelt, the latter alone being valued at $15 or more. It is reported that the canneries at Rochelle, Ill. recently collected a total of $132,000 crop insurance on 4,000 acres of peas which were killed by frost in May this year. The 40 acre Freman Stice farm in Point Pleasant Township, Warren County, was sold under foreclosure at Master in Chancery sale in Monmouth to Sadie Sampson, whose bid above the mortgage of $10,000 and court costs was $5,000.  The actual price paid is said to be close to $400 per acre. ($6,372 in today’s values) (Times were tough for farmers after WWI.)

VERDICT IN HARBINSON CASE: the John Harbinson Will Case which has occupied the attention of the Circuit Court in Oquawka for the past week was concluded this morning when the jury, after being out all night, returned a verdict in favor of the contestants of the will, that instrument being declared invalid.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: On Sabbath evening, Dec.20th a pageant called, “White Gifts for the King’s Birthday,” will be given at the United Presbyterian Church.  The Women’s Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church held its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. M. J. Babcock.  The Women’s Missionary Society of the Methodist Church met at the home of its president, Mrs. Geo. Kelly.  Coach Pickens who had an ankle badly injured while playing basketball went to Monmouth for an X-ray and it was found no bones were broken, but he will be dependent on crutches for a time.  Mr. and Mrs. A. P. McHenry returned from Table Grove where they were called by the illness and death of his father, Rev. R.H. McHenry.  Arrangements are being made for the community Christmas tree and program to be held on Christmas Eve at the high school auditorium.  Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gilmore of Scranton, Pa. left after a few days visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gilmore.  Mr. and Mrs. William Campbell left for California to spend the winter.  Mrs. Alice Kilgore, sister of Mrs. Jim Whiteman, Mrs. Hettie Kilgore and Mrs. Charley Kilgore, passed away at her home in Grinnell, Iowa yesterday.  The body will arrive here for burial on Wednesday.  Clarence Johnson had his tonsils removed at the Monmouth Hospital.  Biggsville people will be sorry to learn that Mrs. Margaret Beggs, who has been in the Monmouth Hospital for some weeks, suffered a stroke of paralysis last Saturday. 

From the Media Record in the Graphic: PICTURE SHOW: Friday and Saturday evening the Media Community Theatre is showing a Paramount production, “The Ten Commandments.”  This is one of the greatest pictures ever screened and is undoubtedly the greatest Biblical photoplay.  If you have not already seen this picture elsewhere, you certainly cannot afford to miss it as this will probably be your last opportunity.  Bring you family and have an enjoyable as well as an educational evening.