The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
FARMERS AND BANKERS MEET: Lower interest rates on short term loan to farmers and more publicity of the advantages which Henderson County offers in the way of agricultural and industrial opportunities were subjects discussed at the meeting of farmers, business men and bankers held at the Farm Bureau office in Stronghurst. The meeting had been arranged for the purpose of getting the farmers and bankers together to talk over the financial situation and to see if some plan could be devised by which stock feeders and others who need funds to carry them over certain periods of the year could obtain the accommodation required without being obliged to pay the prevailing high interest rates…
AWARDED $42.50: As the result of a friendly condemnation suit instituted in behalf of the state highway commission by the Greater Burlington Association to secure right of way for state bond issue Route 8 under the C.B. & Q. Railroad tracks near Crystal Lake and thus make the completion of that highway possible, a jury of ten men brought in a verdict awarding the railroad company $42.50 damages in Judge Gordon’s court at Oquawka. Neither the railroad company nor the drainage districts which are located on either side of the tracks where the uncompleted strip of road is located, entered any protest to the action, which was taken in order to avoid any legal complications which might arise later.
COMING CALF CLUB SHOW: An event which promises to be of much interest and which if weather conditions are favorable, will attract many visitors is the Henderson County Calf Club Show to be held in Stronghurst on Oct. 8th. County Farm advisor Walker says there will be enough entries in the show to insure a fine exhibition of calves. The various committees have been appointed to look after the other details of the event and are working hard to make the day’s program one which will be noteworthy.
The following program of events has been arranged: forenoon-exhibition and judging of calves and speaking, afternoon-address prominent speaker in connection with annual Farm Bureau meeting plus vaudeville stunts contest put on by various communities in the county and voting for winners in the contest and evening-announcement of the winners and drama at the Lyric Theatre under the direction of W. C. Ivins. A big picnic dinner and supper is being arranged with free coffee served at noon.
NAMED CROP OBSERVERS: Appointment of J. M. Foster of Biggsville, Ill. and E. G. Lewis of Media, Ill. as crop observers in Henderson County for the Sear-Roebuck Agricultural Foundation Index was announce from Chicago by P. V. Ewing, director of research for the foundation and editor of the index. They will form a link in the nation-wide chain of county agricultural observers elected because of their first-hand knowledge of farming conditions and their ability to obverse these and intelligently interpret them.
LIEUT. REX HICKS VISITING HIS PARENTS: Lieut. Rex Hicks of the U.S. Navy is pending a short vacation at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hicks in Stronghurst. Lieut. Hicks has spent the past two years at Columbia University in New York City from which he has received the degree of M.S. He has been assigned to duty for the next three years on the battleship Arizona of the Pacific Fleet and will soon leave for the Pacific coast to assume this new position. His wife, who is now visiting relatives in England, is expected to arrive in this country within a few weeks and will join him in San Francisco.
THEY VOTED IT DOWN: The city of Macomb is all wrought up over the refusal of the Board of Supervisors of McDonough County to grant a license to “The Lake of the Woods” dance hall, a resort located just outside the city limits and which the business men of Macomb evidently consider an asset because of the trade which they obtain from the patrons of the resort.
The vote of the board of Supervisors on the question of licensing the place was 20 to 1 against and the Macomb By-Stander says that the lone man, Walter Thomas, who voted “Yes” on the proposition stands out as a hero in the eyes of many; also, that shortly after the action of the board had become known, a petition was on foot to buy a present for Mr. Thomas as a mark of appreciation of his courage in standing out against the balance of the board. The sum of $50 was quickly raised and a gold watch purchased and presented to Mr. Thomas at the session of the board of Supervisors held on the afternoon of the same day the question of license was voted upon.
The Blandinsville Gazette in commenting on the situation roundly scores the people of Macomb who are abusing the board of Supervisors because of their action and says, “If Macomb wants such a place, why do they not allow it in the city? If it is a good thing and commendable, who do they ban it from the town? By what sort of reasoning so they find fault with the board of Supervisors for doing what their city council has always done and will continue to do?” The Star Gazette also suggests that since the road house sentiment seems to be confined to Macomb, the Sunday night festivities might be moved into the city, and if brush was a necessary adjunct to the place, shrubbery might be planted.
A rather peculiar phase of the situation is that some of the prominent church members of Macomb and many of the Sunday School attendants belonging to the younger set are indignant over the closing of the resort, and that a Sunday school boycott is threatened by the youngsters. This naturally leads to the reflection that a little wholesome discipline at home and the inculcation of moral principles might eventually count for more than is accomplished these days by the many so-called reform agencies which are in operation.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Frederick Salter of Chicago is visiting his mother, Mrs. Zoe Salter, his sisters, Mrs. Ed Logan and Edith Salter, and other relatives. Wm. T. Love of Gladstone was in town for some printing to be used in connection with his work of promoting the new city of NuHope. (Didn’t work in Lomax so now he is trying near Gladstone.) Sheriff Davenport was in town serving summons upon jurymen from this vicinity who will be required to serve at the regular term of Circuit Court in October. Mrs. Helen Burrell left Friday for Galesburg where she and her family will make their home at 77 E. North St. On Wednesday afternoon, club member friends to the number of 20 or more surprised her by dropping in for a farewell visit and social. Mrs. Nellie Cornwell of Chicago visited her mother, Mrs. Catherine Ross. Erman Dodds, who recently returned from old Mexico, has accepted a position with the Pioneer Lumber Co. at Elmhurst, Ill. Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson and daughter, Winnibeth of Colorado, have been visiting at the home of Dr. Henderson. John Cook and wife, who had been visiting relatives and friends, left on the Santa Fe for their home of the J. C. Brook ranch near Lake City, Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Allison returned home after spending seven months at Sulphur Springs, Ark., Excelsior Springs and Butler, Mo. They were accompanied by their son, E.H. Allison of Butler, Mo. The A. C. Allison home east of town was the scene of a pleasant family reunion when all the children and grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. Allison, 16 in number, met to celebrate Mrs. Allison’s birthday. A bounteous repast served in the evening from the well filled baskets bought by the guests was an enjoyable feature of the occasion.
James Marshall returned to his work in Chicago after a two weeks’ vacation spent with relatives here and at Walton, Kansas. He and his brother, Henry and Kermit Stratton of Walton composed an auto party which drove through to Illinois. Miss Dorothea McMillan left for Jacksonville where she is a senior in the Illinois Woman’s College. Miss Gail Brook left for Urbana to complete her course at the University of Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hoffeditz who went from here to LaHarpe a few years ago have moved to Victoria, Ill. where George will have charge of a farmers produce establishment. Mrs. A.C. Allison is taking X-ray treatment at Monmouth in the hope of obtaining relief from rheumatism believed to have origin in the condition of her tonsils. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nevis left by auto for their home at Elk City, Okla. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Mink have moved from the Milligan farm east of Stronghurst into their new home at Media, and Mr. Alex Gibb and family who had been living in the old Kirby residence in Stronghurst have moved to the vacated Mink home. Ivo. Gittings, 65 years of age and a former resident of the Lomax neighborhood, died at his home in Redding, Calif. on Sept. 9th. The remains arrived at Burlington, Iowa on Monday and were interred in the Gittings Mound Cemetery near Lomax on Wednesday. Joe Hoffeditz, formerly of this place, is now an inmate of the Iowa State Penitentiary at Fort Madison, serving out two ten-year sentences running concurrently for larceny. The crimes for which he was convicted were committed at Des Moines, Iowa.
Harley Worley of Blandinsville has been sued for $1,000 by Ralph D. Todd of LaHarpe, that amount of damage being claimed by the latter to have resulted to him from an auto collision on what is known as the Mustain corner near Blandinsville. Todd claims it resulted from the carelessness of Worley. As a result of a protest entered by 60 or more citizens of this county at the meeting of the board of Supervisors held at Oquawka, the dance halls which have been operated at Olena and East Burlington for the past year or more will probably be denied a license to operate in the future should they make application to do so. (Love that prohibition.) The Warsaw Bulletin in commenting on the fact that bootleggers, bookmakers and those engaged in other illicit occupations are now turning in income tax schedules to the government says, “ It will be recalled that last year even burglars turned in their schedules and paid their tax, which is more than quite a few alleged honest people did—oh, well it’s all about the community. Mrs. Chalmers Fort came down from Evanston to take back with her Bobby Smith, the young lad from her home who had spent the summer on the Marion Fort estate farm west of town.
Local and Area News: Ponca City, Okla. Expenses of government are being met by receipts from the city waters, light plant and police department, the only direct tax levied being that necessary to pay interest on a few outstanding bonds. This is an example of efficiency and economy in city government which has few equals in this country. (Several local residents had moved to Oklahoma so this was of great interest.)
OLENA BRIDAL SHOWER: On Sept. 12th a company of about 50 invited guests met at the home of Mrs. Joel Marsden to pay their respects to Mr. and Mrs. Moon by giving the bride a miscellaneous shower consisting of a very fine display of table and bed linens, dishes and aluminum ware, etc. (Wow, up-to-date-Aluminum) after a few hours of intercourse, a fine Cedar Chest presented the bride by her sister, Miss Audra Marsden, and containing the gifts of the guests was drawn to the center of the room and the young bride stepped forward unwrapped the packages and read the donor’s name. Thanking each one for their gift, Mrs. Moon then escorted her husband through the rooms and presented him to the guests as many present had not previously met him. A fine luncheon was served at a later hour consisting of fruit, sandwiches, pickles, olives, coffee, brick ice cream, cookies and wafers. At a late hour the guests, after thanking Mrs. Wilma Hartman and Mrs. Eva McCartney who were the instigators of this pleasant gathering and also thanking Mr. and Mrs. Marsden for their kind hospitality, exchanging greetings with the bride and groom the company dispersed wondering who would be the next to follow in the matrimonial venture.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: The members of the Eldeen Book Club were entertained at the home of Mrs. Ernest Moore. A two-course luncheon was served with decorations being fall flowers. Mrs. Ed Anderson was chosen as president and Mrs. George Cook selected as vice-president. Since five members were absent, the group deferred book selection until the next meeting in two weeks. James Kilgore has been appointed superintendent of fish preserve work for the state of Illinois. This is a fine promotion for Mr. Kilgore and one which is well deserved; he has been district game warden for several years. Word has come to relatives of the painful injuries to Howard McKee of Oakville, Iowa when an oil truck which he was driving failed to make the turn at a bad corner and slid down an embankment, turning over when it reached the bottom. A man riding with Howard jumped and escaped injury, but Howard was badly bruised and cut. Jack McIntosh and Harold White have entered Monmouth College. Four of the class that graduated in June from the high school are now students there.