The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
BIG COMMUNITY EVENT-CALF CLUB SHOW: Arrangements for the big show which is to be put on in Stronghurst next Thursday, Oct. 8th by the Henderson County Boys and Girls Calf Club, assisted by the Better Stronghurst League,(like the Booster Club today) All have practically all been completed and the event promise to be one full of interest and enjoyment for all those who attend. From reports which have been received, the exhibition of the calves which the contestants for the prizes offered through Henderson County Farm Bureau have been carefully feeding and getting in readiness for the occasion promises in itself to be one well worth going many miles to see; while the program of speaking, music, sports and other features has been arranged for will make the day one of both profit and pleasure for all.
The program has been so arranged as to make each hour of the day contribute something on interest to the visitors. The judging of the calves will take place at 10 o’clock a.m., Mr. C.E. Gates, specialist from the University of Illinois having charge of this feature. The judging will be followed by a parade of the calves after which the High School Orchestra will offer music, speaking and awarding of prizes at the stand in the public park.
At 11:20 the fire ladies of the village will give an exhibition and demonstration of the new fire apparatus which promises to be a spectacular affair. (Ladies? Maybe like car commercials today featuring good looking models.) At the noon hour a big basket picnic dinner will be at the park with free coffee served by a committee appointed by the Better Stronghurst League. At 1 o’clock the members of the County Farm Bureau will hold their annual business meeting at the stand in the park and this will be followed by music and an address by L. J. Quasey, head of the transportation department of the Illinois Agricultural Association. Following this will come a series of competitive vaudeville stunts in which representatives from the various townships in the county will try for the first and second prizes of $10 and $5 respectively offered by the Better Stronghurst League. The judging of this contest will be done by the spectators, who will be furnished with ballots on which to record their decisions. These ballots will be counted by a committee appointed for that purpose.
It is expected that the above program will occupy the greater part of the day and it will be followed by a picnic supper with more free coffee for all. (Free coffee must have been a real draw.) In the evening at the Lyric Theatre at 8 o’clock a company of local talent artists will present the laughable comedy-drama, “A Poor Married Man,” which feature promises to provide fitting climax to the day’s attraction.
WON THEIR FIRST GAME: The Stronghurst High School football team defeated Biggsville 6 to 0 in the game played here last Saturday, both teams proved hard fighters. The home team, being lighter, had a slight disadvantage on a wet field. The first half was played in a drizzling rain with the score being 0 to 0. During the last half, LaVern Leinbach made an end run but dropped the ball near the goal line. Howell recovered behind Biggsville goal line and made the only score of the game, 6 to 0. Next Friday the local team will play LaHarpe here.
MARRIAGE BELLS**SPICKNALL-LANT***Miss Helen Lant, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Frank Lant of this vicinity, and Mr. Vern Spicknall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Spicknall of the neighborhood south of Stronghurst, were united in marriage the evening of Sept. 30th at the U.P. Church. Particulars of the happy events are lacking, but both of these young people are well and favorably known in the community.
FALL TERM OF CIRCUIT COURT: (This is a 2-column long listing grand jurors, petit jurors, criminal cases, common law cases, and chancery cases. This is unusual in that cases are listed with persons/banks/businesses involved from Henderson County and Lomax Township suing the C.B. & Q. R.R. to divorces, foreclosures, appointment of trustees, etc., all is listed for the public to read.)
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: A farewell luncheon given by the Women’s Foreign Missionary Society was held at the M.E. Church in honor of their former president, Mrs. Geo. Dixon. For the next several weeks the Book of Romans will be the basis of Bible study at the Thursday prayer meetings at the Methodist Church. The state department of Agriculture had prepared a bulletin dealing with the problem of White Snake Root poisoning. White Snake Root has long been recognized as a source of infection in horses, cattle and sheep and the loss of animals which have foraged in pastures infested with the weed.
OBITUARY- JOHN WILLIAM HICKMAN: John William Hickman, son of William Edgar and Elizabeth E. Hickman, was born at Berwick, Ill. June 13, 1865 and departed this life at Media, Ill. Sept. 26, 1925, aged 60 years, 5 months and 13 days. He was one of a family of three children: his sister, Martha Ellen; his brother, Charles L. and both of his parents having preceded him to the Great Beyond.
He was united in marriage to Sarah Jane Tate of Point Pleasant Township, Warren County, Sept. 6, 1882 and to this union nine children were born: William Edgar, George Washington, Thomas Cleve, Nathan O., John R. and Clifford M. who with their families reside in the vicinity of the parental home. Mrs. Lillian Hamilton of Pontiac, Mich., Mrs. Bernice Rodin and Grace E. Hickman who are at home with their mother. In addition to the widow and children he leaves three grandchildren: Maxine, Lawrence and Louise Hickman.
The deceased spent the early period of his life in Point Pleasant Township where he was engaged in farming and where all of the children were born except one. Much of the land of that now splendid agricultural section he helped reclaim for swamps by laying tile during the eighties and nineties when not otherwise engaged in his farming operations. In February of 1904 he removed with his family to Media where he resided until his demise…During the last weeks of his illness he sought and found peace with God. In the absence of the local pastor, he was administered the Sacrament of Holy Baptism by the Rev. Mr. Abbott of Smithshire. To visiting friends, he asserted his intention to do everything he could to recover his health, but if it was God’s will, he was ready to go. They saw him in his intense suffering calmly contemplating the approach of death. Not one note of complaint came from his pallid lips. The Comforter had come. They, at this bedside, were rechristened in faith. Saturday morning about ten o’clock with all of his loved ones at his bedside, his spirit passed from earth habitation.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: The ladies of the Christian Church will hold a fried chicken supper at the Community Club Rooms on Oct. 10th. Mrs. Ella Parish was in Macomb visiting her son Lowell, who recently underwent an operation for appendicitis at the Macomb Hospital. Mrs. Frances Harter of Bern, Kansas and Miss Olive Burner of Carthage, Ill. have been visiting at the I. F. Harter and Walter Dobbin homes. The ladies are aunts of Mrs. Dobbin and Mrs. Harter is a sister-in-law of Dr. Harter. Mrs. Ella Vaughan of Sparta, Ill. visited at the home of her cousin, Foster Lazear. Carl Clore installed new batteries in the Delco Lighting System at the Severn Pearson residence. (With this system, you generated your own electricity.) Rev. Lester R. Gerber, Perry Simpson and Harold Lounsberry of this place returned from an auto trip to northern Wisconsin where they enjoyed several days of camping and fishing. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Allison of Monmouth are the parent so a young son born Sept. 16th who has been names Stewart Rankin Allison. The mother was formerly Miss Dorothy Rankin of this place. The Gray brothers: Fred of LaHarpe, Earl of Stronghurst, Robert of Macomb and Roy of Creston, Ia.. were called together by the death of their grandmother, Mrs. Laird, who passed away at Ashland Ohio on Sept. 16th. She was buried at Smithshire, Ill. on Wednesday and they drove to Moline to spend time with their sister, Mrs. Leona Brady. A missionary from India gave a talk in the Masonic Hall Sunday morning and at a Methodist church in the evening at Raritan.
NEW DUCK HUNTING LAW: Duck hunters this fall in addition to taking out their regular licenses must make a daily report to the state game warden naming the place where the hunting was done and stating the number and kind of game birds killed…The new law provides that every gun club and every person who owns land and permits other persons to hunt upon them for hire, must take out a state hunting license at the cost of $10 ($158.70 in today’s values). They must also issue to members and guests a certificate showing the number and kind of game birds killed each day. Hunter must comply with this law and are prohibited from transporting any migratory game birds unless they are provided with the certificate showing when and where the game was killed.
ATTENDED GIRLS’ STATE FAIR SCHOOL: Miss Lena Ahlers returned from Springfield where she represented Henderson County in the State Fair School for Girls during its two weeks session…The time is spent in lectures and demonstration during the forenoon of the first week and in sight seeing tours during the afternoon. The second week daily visits to the fair are made and also visits to the Executive Mansion and reception held for the Governor and other state officers.
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Operations began on the ground leased by the town from the Wever Academy farm on the new lake. The whole community is interest in the progress of Lake Wever as it is expected to furnish both pleasures and necessities at its completion. Mr. Charles Pogue is overseeing the work on this new project. Friday evening, Oct. 2nd, a moving picture, “A Stream of Life,” will be held at the United church. This is not a religious picture but a portrayal of modern living. Several from the community who had intended to attend the County Bible School at Raritan were prevented from doing so on account of the rain and bad roads. The E.G. Lewis Seed Co. have in their employment about 35 men who are picking, sorting and hanging the corn to be used as next spring’s supply for seed. The work, however, has been somewhat held up on account of the wet weather.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: H.V. Jamison was the victim of a happy surprise on Friday evening when a group of friends and former neighbors were entertained in honor of his birthday at the home of his daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Snodgrass. Mr. Jamison had gone town after supper and when he returned, he found the company assembled. The evening was very pleasantly passed and kind wishes were extended to the guest of honor. A two-course luncheon was served of which a fine birthday cake was a part. (Long-list of attendees). The Lord’s Supper was observed at the United Presbyterian Church on Sabbath morning, the pastor, Rev. F. M. Caughey, conducting the service. Baptism was administered to four children. Preparatory services were held on Friday evening and Saturday afternoon. (You were expected to attend the preparatory service if you wished to take communion on Sunday.) The M.E. congregation has purchased new carpet for their church building which will be laid soon. The carpet committee who selected it were Mrs. Charles Graham, Mrs. John Gibson, Mrs. Dave Shook and Mrs. Sam Beebe.
A slight accident on the hard road occurred on Saturday afternoon just at the edge of town. The Cannon Ball Bus slowing down to stop, was run into by a coupe coming close behind, the occupants of which did not realize that the bus was about to stop. Not much damage was done and no one was hurt. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hazen and son Les went to Galesburg on Friday night to hear Harry Snodgrass, who was playing at the Orpheum. They remained over until the next day at the home of her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tilley. College students home for the weekend were John McHenry from Knox, the Misses Marjorie Wiegand and Arline Dixon from Macomb Teachers; College, Dale and Russell White from Monmouth College. Miss Helen Everett is teaching near Prairie City. Miss Carl Everett is teaching at Hull City and spent a week with her parents. In a downpour of rain and on a sea of mud, our high school and the Stronghurst high school played football at Stronghurst. The home team lost.
AD OF THE WEEK: A Special Demonstration of the Copper Clad Range Oct. 5-10th at the Tweed Hardware. It is lined with pure sheet copper (not plated) and sheet iron. It had thermos body construction (four walls and air space). It features indestructible one piece, drop-forged back flue. It has one-piece nickel-plated skirting and oval pressed panels in all doors. All together is featuring 36 distinctive features. In addition, every purchaser will receive an all-pure Irish lace linen damask set, consisting of one large pattern table cloth and six large pattern napkins to match.