The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1926 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic: January 7, 1926

SHIPPING ASSOCIATION HOLDS BANQUET: In spite of the well nigh impassable roads, some 115 members of the Biggsville Shipping Association gathered at the gymnasium in Biggsville on Tuesday evening, Jan. 5th for their annual banquet and business meeting.  Following a delicious dinner which was prepared by the ladies of the Methodist Church and during which singing by the whole assembly led by Farm Adviser, E.D.Walker, an enjoyable program was conducted under the direction of W. A. Stevenson, president of the association.  Musical numbers included a duet by W. A. Stevenson and E. D. Walker and two selections by the Biggsville quartette.  Reports of officers were then read.  The manager’s report showed a large amount of business done during the past year. 115 decks of livestock were shipped consisting of 262 cattle, 329 calves, 7381 hogs and 137 sheep…

CORN CULLING SCHOOL: The Henderson County Farm Bureau is today holding a corn culling school at the Community room in Stronghurst.  The school is for corn project leaders who have been selected from each township in the county.  Clair Golden, a graduate of Ames College and a dirt farmer, is conducting the work for the Agronomy Department of the College of Agriculture.  Mr. Golden is discussing the indications of corn diseases and a practical method of culling seed corn to avoid these diseases.  Following the school, there will be held in each township a similar meeting for the benefit of the general membership and others who may be interested.

HOW TO CELEBRATE THE NEW YEAR 1926 STYLE: The “Thursday Evening Club’ met at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dixson who acted as hosts for the club annual dinner of roast goose and many other delicacies.  The guests were seated at two long tables decorated with red carnations (these flowers were special as they had to be shipped into town).  Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dixson, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Findley, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dixson, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Regan, Mr. and Mrs. Art McKeown, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Dixson and Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Upton.

At the Masonic Hall members of the families of the Masons and Eastern Stars enjoyed a watch party.  Five hundred, which was played at five or six tables as well as various other games were enjoyed. Good music was brought in from radio casting station WEAF, New York, on an Atwater Kent radio furnished by John Mc Govern.  By means of the radio, the ringing of the historic ‘Liberty Bell” was heard at midnight, eastern time.  Light refreshment was enjoyed while waiting for the arrival of the New Year.

At the Community Club Rooms, quite a number of young people gathered for a watch party.  Rook proved to be one of the most entertaining games of the evening.  Music furnished by a Crosley radio added zest to the games.  A delicious lunch consisting of combination salad, chicken sandwiches, frosted cakes and cocoa was served.

CHOLERA SERUM USED IN HENDERSON COUNTY: 567,225 cubic centimeters of cholera serum were distributed to 424 members of the Henderson Farm Bureau this year according to Farm Advisor Walker and were used in vaccinating 14,016 head of hogs.  During the past year, according to Director Hedgcock who is a member of the board of directors of the serum association, the officers of the organization inspected nine serum companies and contracted with seven to furnish serum to the association’s members at prices ranging from 50-65 cents a hundred cubic centimeters…

ON APPRECIATION: Owing to the adversity of the weather conditions since the first of September, we all know that it has been nearly impossible for the road commissioners in the surrounding territory to improve the roads since then.  So, I want to thank the people of rural route No. 3, Stronghurst, for the way they cooperated together and dragged the roads in the last few days.  Practically every mile of my 26 was covered where it took true public-spirited men to do any dragging after the condition some of the roads were left in Monday afternoon and they all know that if they put in a bill, they will hear that same old story, “no funds.”-Orville, Boyd, RFD Mail Carrier.

WHO SAYS LADIES CAN’T WORK: Mesdames W. D. Colley, John Hubbs, Mary Sandy, M. Billingsly, Vivian Graham, Zelda Knutstrom, Lewis Cook and Miss Adaline Thomas picked a load of corn Wednesday morning which had been donated by Steve Graham, northeast of Gladstone.  The wagon and team were furnished by H. C. Blackstone.  The ladies picked 35 bushels which they brought to town and sold to William Daughterty at the elevator for $25.00.  This money has been added to the treasury of the Ladies’ Aid Society and will be used for church expenses.  After the ladies came in from the corn field, they were entertained at dinner in the Graham home by Mesdames Mary Sandy and Hazel Randall.

WEDDING BELLS Rev. Lester R. Gerber, pastor of the local Christian Church, surprised his many friends by returning home last Friday with a bride.  The young lady was formerly Miss Thelma Foster of Fisher, Ill.  The wedding took place last Thursday at the above-mentioned city.  Mrs. Gerber is a very charming young lady and before her marriage was engaged in teaching school in her home town.  Mr. Gerber, after graduating from Eureka College in 1925 became pastor of the Christian Church of this village and has formed a wide circle of friends through his pleasing personality.  The couple expect to home to their friends after Feb. 1st.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mrs. Epping is enjoying a visit from her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Reece of Loraine, Ill.  Ernie Spiker who underwent an operation for hernia last Saturday at the Burlington Hospital is recovering nicely. Lee Davis, correspondence man for a Chicago specialty company, spent a few days last week with his uncle, Harvey S. Lant of this place. Mr. A.R. Brooks and wife were in Monmouth to attend the funeral of his brother, Joseph Brooks.  Miss Myrtle Shallenberger has returned to Kahoka, Mo. where she is attending school. Miss Lorene Beckett, after spending vacation with home folks, returned to her school at Fairbury, Ill.  Late word from O. W. Beckett and wife states that they have been visiting at the home of Mrs. Laura Cortelyou in Berkley, Calif. 

Mrs. Frank Crenshaw met with an accident last Saturday when tripping on a rug; she sustained a bad fall.  Fortunately, there were no bones broken and she is now slowly recovering, being confined to her bed and is under the care of a trained nurse.  At the Illinois District Poultry show held at Monmouth last Friday, Mrs. A. R. Brooks won two first awards on her White Brahmas-1st old pen and 1st young pen.  She also won the Root Studio Special with the privilege of having photos taken of her prize poultry.  James Kilgore of Biggsville is superintendent of the Fish Reserve work in the State of Illinois.  Gail and John Brook, Marjorie and Lois McKeown, Dorothea and Faye McMillan and Wendell Adair returned to Urbana to pursue their studies at the University.  The Alex Marshall family held a very pleasant reunion on New Year’s Day.  Born to Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Shafer on Jan. 4th, a daughter.  J. W.Anderson is in Lomax managing a sale of jewelry for K. E. Yoakam of this place, who is disposing of his stock preparatory to quitting business. 

A flock of wild geese estimated to be about 200 were seen flying going in a northwesterly direction.  Can we take this for a weather sign or are they just putting one over on the sportsman this year by traveling out of season? Miss Jean McElhinney has accepted a position at Alamogordo, N. M. in a state school for the blind.  Mr. and Mrs. D. E.  Turner of the Decorra neighborhood are the proud parents of a baby girl born Dec. 30th.  Rev. R. C. Myers went to Dallas City Wednesday to deliver his sermon on “the World Program” and Rev. J. A. Mahaffey went on Thursday afternoon to deliver an address on “Law Enforcement” at the week of prayer services in progress there.  Mr. N. Bruen appeared on the streets of the village last Saturday for the first time since he had the misfortune to break a limb at his rural home several months ago.  Mr. Bruen gets along remarkably well with the use of a crutch.  Rev. C. S. Ramesdale, a licensed minister of the gospel and at present a student at Monmouth College, delivered the sermon last Saturday afternoon preparatory in communion on last Sabbath at the U.P. Church.  During his stay here, he visited his cousin, Mr. John Shaw in the east part of town. (If you wanted to take communion the next day on Sunday, you had to show up for this sermon.) 

During the first of the week C. S. Brokaw, Geo. Stout and Herman Carlson each shipped two car loads of cattle from the Stronghurst yards.  Frank Johnson shipped two car loads of hogs, one from Stronghurst and one from Decorra.  Pearl Drain shipped two car loads of hogs from Decorra.  The Messrs. Brokaw, Carlson, Stout and Drain accompanied the shipments to Chicago.  (Hard to imagine a train stopping in Decorra to load stock, but the town was founded for just that purpose by the Peasley and Evans families.)

SCHOOL NEWS edited by Paul Bell: Well, well! It sure is good to be back to school again after such a long absence…During the holidays Max Veech earned a good week’s wage picking corn.  Bob Pence skated and skated and skated whenever there was ice to skate on.  Joe Howell helped to put the Stronghurst Lumber Co. back on its feet.  Chester Brokaw shaved and went to the show “Girl Shy,” and Sarah Brook did too.  Dick Howell put up ice down at the lake and Chester helped him.  Alfred Shallenberger drove to Biggsville one night but alas! Before he got back, he ran out of gas.  Sheron Gregory washed his hair thereby taking quite a load off of his mind. (must have been oiled up)  Francis Mahaffey went to a watch party and tells us it is 1926 now.  Lois Marshall went to a watch party, but she did not see anything worth mentioning, but Max.  Gladys Lant saw Santa Claus.  Lucile Butler won several games of Rook.  Gladys Mudd attended a wedding dinner; no, it was not her own.  Pauline Marsden got some nice Christmas presents and Irene Kershaw did too.  Ask them about it.  Florence May Findley helped write some interest New Year’s resolutions.  Alma Mills learned how to play Ruth and Jacob with a stool in the center.  Frances Sweasy and Lorraine Anderson washed more dishes than China has exported in 10 years. Paul Bell not only kept his neighborhood tantalized, but wore out four strings on his ukulele which Santa Claus brought him.  Bessie Curd played her first fascinating game of Rook.  Elsie Ahlers learned to top it at 100 bushels a day.  Alice Powell received a new wristwatch—she’ll have no more tardy excuse blanks to fill out now.

1926  SOCIAL AND PERSONAL NEWS: The Misses Ruth Howell, Faye Powell and Zelma Campbell were hostesses Thursday evening to about 25 young people at a watch party in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Campbell.  The large dining room was artistically decorated in streamers of green and white and were softly shaded to give a moonlight effect.  The evening’s entertainment consisted of games, contests, dancing and Rook.  Laverne Gilliland was rewarded first prize as the winner of the watch contest.  At a late hour a dainty tray lunch was served consisting of sandwiches, pickles, cakes, brick ice cream, hot chocolates and mints.  Motto favors were also passed to the guests.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hickman and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baskett were entertained Friday evening in the Etta Thompson home where they enjoyed a midnight oyster supper which was served with the assistance of Mrs. Chas. Gibson.  Mr. John LaVelle, Jr. of Kansas visited his father, John LaVelle, Sr. and sister Miss Anna recently.  On Thursday, Jan.7th the Ladies Community Club will hold their regular meeting in the home of Mrs. Charles Gibson; Mrs. George Hickman will assist in the entertaining.  Mrs. John Pogue and Mrs. Phonso Beall will entertain the Women’s Foreign Missionary Society in their home Friday afternoon, Jan. 8th.  Mrs. E. Weed, a missionary in Egypt whom the ladies of this society help support will be present and will tell of her work in the foreign country.

WEDDING BELLS: Erickson-Strand-Mr. Waldo Erickson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Erickson of Media Township and Miss Edna Strand of Raritan Township, daughter of Mrs. Gus Gabrielson, were united in marriage Wednesday of this week at Burlington, Iowa.   Mr. Paul Strand and Miss Hazel Peterson accompanied the couple to Burlington.  Mr. and Mrs. Erickson went directly to the modern little home in Media which had already been furnished by Waldo.  The community of Media is proud to welcome this young couple into their midst.  Perhaps there has not been a marriage for several years which deserves more credit than this worthy couple.  Mr. Erickson has steady employment with the Lewis Seed Co. and has much to do with helping to mold the life of the community in which he has decided to make his home.  Mrs. Erickson is of very high character.  A young lady of charming ways and will in every way be able to carry out the duties of an ideal home life.  We feel sure she will do her full part in social life of her home community.

The people are very grateful to this worthy couple for locating in a small town at this time when there has been such a clamoring to go to the city to live.  Perhaps there is no better example of what true co-operation can do than comes from this happy marriage.  Mr. and Mrs. Erickson are free to admit if it had not been for the Building and Loan Association of Stronghurst that they would have been compelled to locate elsewhere.

MEDIA DEFEATS GLADSTONE: The Media High School basketball team defeated Gladstone last Saturday night in a return game which was played in the Media gymnasium.  The score was 14 to 8 and was established after a hard-fought game.  Henderson from Biggsville refereed and called the boys hard for any misbehavior that he saw on the floor.  The local boys will play Oquawka High School next Friday evening there.

1926  OLENA OBSERVATIONS: On Thursday, Dec. 31st, 1925 the annual congregational dinner was held in the Olena church.  About 40 were present to enjoy the day socially and also to partake of an exceptionally fine dinner.  Rev. Hubbs and family and their house guests, a sister and a niece of Mrs. Hubbs were present and enjoyed the occasion.  Miss Ford of the Carman neighborhood, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Dowell and was a pleasing young lady to meet.  After the dinner hour, a few hours spent socially and the election of Sunday School officers for the New Year was held:  Supt.-Mrs. Margaret Peyton; Assistant Supt.-Mrs. Anna Johnson; Secretary-Miss Thelma Peterson; Assistant Secretary-Clarence Carlson; Treasurer-Mr. Clas Carlson; Organist-Mrs. Joel Marsden and Mr. Arthur Dowell; Librarian-Vanna Dowell and Assistants-Bessie Davis and Elda Marsden.

On Tuesday evening, Dec. 29th the young ladies of this community gave a comic comedy in three acts, “A Little Clop-Hopper.”  Word received from Mr. and Mrs. Julius Lefler states they had reached Wichita, Kansas where they will establish their new home.  Relatives and friends here were greatly grieved to hear that Mrs. Paul Lant and son of South Bend, Ind. were stricken with pneumonia and Mrs. Lant was quite dangerously ill.  Her sisters, Mesdames Dyes and Lovitt, have done there to be with their sister and to render all service possible.  This community was shocked to learn of the sudden passing of Mr. D. Wasson of Stronghurst.  Mr. Beagels of Hopper was recently found unconscious at his home and a physician called who diagnosed paralysis.  We think the feeling of Attorney General Carlstrom on the dance hall regulation “timely” and hope our state’s attorney will see to it that this ruling is strictly enforced in this county. (Remember this is prohibition and dance halls usually served drinks on the sly.)  Oscar White and wife entertained a bunch of the married people at their home New Year’s Eve.  dancing and merry making was the chief diversions of the evening. 

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: A group of pupils from the piano classes of Miss Emma Folmer gave a recital yesterday afternoon at her home with parents and friends as guests.  The were assisted by Misses Adaline Stevenson and Francis Smith, who played two violin duets.

FOR SALE: Five passenger Buick Six Touring car in good condition and running order, belonging to J. B. Fort.  Car may be seen at the Knutstrom’s Garage.  For terms and particulars inquire of C. E. Fort, Jr.

NOTE TO READERS: The largest denomination of Uncle Sam’s greenbacks is the $10,000 note, only a few of which are in circulation.