The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
BIG REDUCTION IN LAND VALUES: According to figures given by the Farm Census Bureau of the Dept. of Commerce at Washington, the value of all farm lands and buildings in Henderson County decreased from $40,375,620 on Jan. 1st, 1920 to $30,607,640 on Jan. 1st, 1925-a slump of $9,749,980 or more than 24%. Depreciation in Warren County for the same period was $19,448,950 or a little less than 24%. In Mercer County it was $20,373,537 or over 30 %; in McDonough County it was $21,935.474 or over 26% and Hancock County it was $26,049,547 or more than 30%... (Many more statistics given in this article comparing 1920 to 1925).
FAVORABLY IMPRESSED WITH ARKANSAS: Mr. and Mrs. Nat Curry, Dr. A. E. Lauver and Walter Gould of this place accompanied a party from Burlington to the state of Arkansas where they spent several days investigating farming opportunities in the vicinity of Stuttgart..Farmers have turned from cotton to rice as it affording better returns from capital and labor invested. Although usually thought that the successful culture required swamp land where the overflow from extensive bodies of water were available for irrigating, the Arkansas farmers have found that rice may be successfully raised on uplands by irrigating from deep wells, the nature of the soil being such as to hold the water on the surface in a depth of three to four inches. Mr. Curry says that Stuttgart is an up to date and thriving city with fine banks and business houses and that a prevailing note of optimism is in evidence amongst all classes of her citizens. (Always looking for a chance to raise money at this time period. People from here went to Kansas and Arizona too. Lloyd Rankin told me how he went to Arizona and raised carrots.)
BIG HALLOWEEN PARTY: Miss Mildred Annegers was a most gracious hostess to 30 of her little girl and boy friends at an afternoon Halloween party at her home 4 miles west of Stronghurst. As soon as all had arrived, the hostess disguised as a witch flew in on a broomstick through a window singing a welcome to all of her guests to the tune of “How Do You Do.” One interesting game followed another and among them was a guessing contest to guess how many grains of corn a hungry rooster could eat. Lillian Hise won the prize by guessing 200-for the rooster did eat 190 grains of corn. Very mysterious slips of paper were handed out which when exposed to heat spelled out fortunes.
During the afternoon large hats were passed out and favors given to each guest. The guests had been requested to bring a riddle with them and while they were giving these out a most delicious luncheon was served them followed by jolly-pop apples. The entire house was lighted by Jack o’lanterns and the little folks had to watch for the goblins hiding unseen in corners. When shadows began to fall and the cars came for the guests, they lingered as long as possible hating to leave their hostess and guarding jack o’lanterns.
***OBITUARY***JOSPH ATWATER: “Joseph Atwater died at LaHarpe Hospital on Oct. 29, 1925 at 3:30 p.m, aged 66 years, 8 months and 6 days. His death followed a three week’s illness and on Sunday Oct. 25th his condition became so serious that he was removed to the hospital where he received every care and attention but to no avail. Joseph Atwater was born at Raritan, Illinois, Aug. 23, 1859, a son of James and Anna Atwater and one of a family of six children, three sons and three daughters. The brothers Zelotes and Charles and a sister Mary preceded him in death and two sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Leinbach of Stronghurst and Mrs. Lillie Melvin of LaHarpe survive.
Mr. Atwater was married on Aug. 23, 1885 to Miss Emma Grate who survives him. They maintained a home for a time on the farm at Stronghurst and Blandinsville, moving to LaHarpe a few months ago from the latter place and bought the Albert Moore property on Depot St. He united with the Christian Church at Old Bedford when about 17 years old and has been a devout and faithful member throughout his life. He served as an officer in the church for years and was an elder in the LaHarpe Christian Church at the time of his death and taught the Men’ Bible Class…Funeral services were held at the Christian Church with entombment in the mausoleum at Blandinsville.”LaHarpe Quill
LOCAL ROAD SITUATION: At the meeting of the Better Stronghurst League considerable discussion took place regarding the need of more attention being given in the immediate vicinity of Stronghurst for better roads. It seemed to be the sentiment of every one present that some plan should be devised whereby these roads could be improved by dragging and drainage so as to make it possible for people to get in and out of the town without being obliged to call for some one to pull them out of a mud hole…
HOW THE HIGH SCHOOL PARTIED AT HALLOWEEN: The masquerade party given by the girls of S.H.S. on Friday evening was a grand success. The party started at about 8:30 p.m. as it was delayed a little for the football boys. There were some wonderful masques. Hazel Denum won first in the girls contest with her imitation of a very old lady. Paul Bell won first in the boys contest with his suit that would draw any chicken, being made of Purina Chicken Chow sacks. This suit was the hit of the evening.
The rest of the evening was spent in playing games and a program given by the girls. After which a very delightful lunch was served. The party came to a close with a last half hour of “Skip to m’Lou” which was enjoyed more than anything else. Then, promptly at twelve, all started home, sometimes alone, but generally by twos. The boys agreed that the girls could sure entertain when they had to and that it was the best party ever given at S.H.S.-Prof. Dawson says he noticed most attending the Halloween party took part in all the games; this is truly unusual. Could it be possible that the Freshies are the great attraction? (Pretty girls?)
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mrs. Glen Schenck has returned from the Burlington Hospital where she recently underwent an operation for appendicitis. The boys and girls composing the Sabbath School classes of Mrs. Hettie Bell and Estel Mudd of the U.P. Church enjoyed a Halloween social in the church parlors last Saturday evening. A baby girl weighing nine pounds was born to Rev. and Mrs. Elmer Holt this morning; her name is Marjorie Arline. A fine baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graham, Jr. at the Burlington Hospital. Sixty-eight arrests for violation of traffic laws are reported to have been made within two days recently by motor cops on the hard road between Bushnell and Macomb. A 400 lb. buck deer with 14-inch antlers is reported to have been shot on the Edward Oetkin farm located on rural mail route No. 4 near Burlington, Iowa. L. Odegard has moved here and is prepared to do men’s tailoring, cleaning and pressing in the rooms located above the office of Dr. A.E. Lauver on north Broadway. It is confirmed that Ben S. Livermore has sold his 80-acre farm east of Raritan and purchased the 160-acre Guy Lamphere farm southeast of Stronghurst, the consideration in the latter deal being $31,000 ($493,830 in today’s values). Wm Dodds of Villa Park, Ill. is here arranging for the sale of his household goods and furniture at public auction. An average of 75 bushels of rice per acre is reported to be the yield this year on the Thompson Lake farm in Fulton County, Ill. With the present price of rice at $2.08 per bushel, it would seem that rice farming in some sections of Illinois, at least, can be made profitable. Halloween in Stronghurst was marked by the entire absence this year of the “hoodlum” variety of stunts which are usually in evidence on such occasions.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Chas. Cooper moved his family from the Wiegand property to the Sandstrom place in the north part of town. Mrs. M. J. Babcock entertained with a luncheon and bridge party Friday afternoon. Covers were laid for eight and bridge was enjoyed until late afternoon. Halloween was observed here with the usual pranks. Many groups of small boys were out enjoying the fun but taken all in all, the occasion was rather more quiet than usual and no reports of destruction of property were made. Miss Evelyn Dixon of Galesburg and the Misses Arline Dixon and Marjorie Weigand, who are attending the Teachers College at Macomb, were at their homes over the Sunday. Mrs. Grace Selboldt of the high school faculty spent the weekend at her home in Victoria. A Southern Cinderella play will be given Saturday night at the high school by the Country Club. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Essex have gone to Lewiston to spend the winter with their daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Rex Mudd.
HALLOWEEN PARTY MEDIA STYLE: Miss Eleanor Wragg and Master William Lewis delightfully entertained about thirty members of the young people’s Sunday school class at their pretty country home last Thursday evening. The guest arrived enmasque and after being led through scenes from the spirit world such as the tomb of the dead cat and chambers of horrors, they were ushered into the reception hall, which was artistically decorated with Halloween reminders. Ben Heap took first prize as the best masked person present, but several others ran him a close race. Games, contests and stunts were the diversion of the evening. At late hour refreshments were served. The party was declared b all an enjoyable affair.
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Mrs. Etta Thompson has just completed having several rooms of her house redecorated by Ernest Spiker of Stronghurst. Paul Gibson is acting as substitute for Emery Cavins on the rural mail route; Mr. Cavins is taking time to husk corn.
OLENA OBSERVATIONS: The health of the community is fairly good with the exception of bad colds and some chronic trouble. Church services were not so well attended on account of bad roads and indisposition of some. The village school is not functioning this week as Miss Spears is helping care for her father who is reported quite ill of heart trouble. Mr. Porter’s time has expired as mail carrier on Route 1 and the supply is Mr. Kemp of Gladstone. The examination will not be until sometime in January after which a regular appointment will be made.
OLENA OBSERVATIONS: The stork has visited the following homes leaving a daughter at the home of Floyd Burrell and wife of Olena; Mr. and Mrs. John Long a daughter, and a son is reported born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fisher of California; Mrs. Fisher is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Johnson of this neighborhood. Mr. Charles Watson and family who have been living in a tenement house of Mr. Bert Yaley have moved to Burlington, Iowa. Roy, the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Hicks and Ivin, the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry enlisted in the U.S. Navy. Ivin’s younger brother, Dale Hicks had previously enlisted and was sent to a training camp in Wyoming. This is a hard blow on these families who had probably planned an entirely different career for these young men. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Gittings have been housekeeping on the farm home of Miss Lura Speck of Stronghurst, better known as the Ramsey farm. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Burrell have moved to the David Lant home.