The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
***OBITUARIES***” EDGAR KERN: E. W. Kern was born in Henderson County, Illinois July 31, 1856. He died in a hospital in Chicago on Oct.20, 1925 at the ages of 69 years, 2 months and 19 days. He was married in 1873 to Geneva Wheaton of LaHarpe, Ill. and to this union two sons were born. The oldest one Lusk died in infancy. The other son, Zerah and family have been living with his father since the death of his wife last April.
After marriage, they moved to Iowa where they lived one year and then returned to Illinois and lived near Decorra, Ill. for seven years. They then moved to Chicago where he resided until his death. He leaves to mourn his departure one son, Zerah of Chicago, six grandchildren, one brother, C. L Kern of LaHarpe and one half-sister, Mrs. Osse Clover of Tipton, Iowa. Mr. Kern’s remains were brought to LaHarpe where the burial occurred”-LaHarpe Quill
MRS. AGNES ADAIR: Mrs. Agnes Adair, widow of the late James Adair of Biggsville, died at her home in Burlington, Ia. Tuesday afternoon of this week, aged 60 years, 5 months and 3 days. The deceased was born in Henderson County and spent the greater part of her life in the Biggsville vicinity, moving to Burlington about two years ago. Eight children survive her, namely, Mrs. Otis White, Mrs. William Wiegand and William Adair of Biggsville; Mrs. Floyd Rankin of Media; Chester Adair of Stronghurst; Earl Adair of Burlington and Mary and Hazel Adair at home. Two brothers and four sisters survive, namely, Chester and William Gibb, and Mrs. Jane Wilson of Biggsville; Mrs. George Marsden of Stronghurst; Mrs. Jane Mathers of Media and Mrs. Clyde Vaughn of Lomax. Mrs. Adair was a member of the Biggsville U.P. Church. Interment will be made at Biggsville following funeral services at Prugh Chapel in Burlington.
W.T.C.U. MEETING: About 25 members of the Women’s Temperance Christian Union (against drinking) were entertained at a noon-day luncheon at the home of Mrs. J. W. Decker in honor of Mrs. B. G. Widney, who has been president of the local organization for several years. The Widneys expect to move to St. Louis soon.
Advertisement: WINTER CAR CURTAINS: (Times were different.) Have your car fixed up for winter use by the purchase of new curtains or by having the old ones repaired and furnished with new celluloid windows. We are prepared to do the work for you on short notice and at reasonable prices.-Huppert’s Harness Shop, Stronghurst (where Neff Implement used to be and now owned by Flatt Tire).
FUN AT PEASLEY SCHOOL: The Black Cat bids you come Friday eve to the Peasley School prepared to stay quite late. Your fortune will be told and perhaps, you’ll get a ring. After the program’s through, some eats will be served.
HE RETURNED AFTER 25 YEARS: In 1900 Samuel Fulton, a young man from a humble home in southeastern Ohio looking for employment, found his way to this section of Illinois and was engaged as a farm hand on the David Dobbin farm north of Stronghurst. His period of service there covered only a space of about six months, but during that time he proved himself to be an upright and religiously inclined young man, worthy of the confidence and respect of everyone in the community. At the end of that time period, he left to see a means of livelihood and field of service elsewhere. He carried with him the esteem of all those with whom he had come in contact.
Last Saturday, after an absence of 25 years, Mr. Fulton, in fulfillment of a long-cherished desire, returned to Stronghurst to renew some of the associations and acquaintanceships formed in his younger days and in response to the invitation of Rev. J. A. Mahaffey of the U.P. Church, he addressed the congregation of that church at the Sabbath morning service and an audience which taxed the capacity of the same church at the union service in the evening. During the quarter of a century which has intervened, he started life as a farm hand here and has now through his own effort and by the application of those qualities of virtues which were instilled into his life during his childhood days in Ohio, he has risen to a position of power and influence in both the business and the religious world. He is the President and General Manager of the Fulton Automotive Equipment Manufacturing Co. of Milwaukee, Wis,, a successful and growing establishment which distributes its products throughout this country as well as to other nations of the world.
Mr. Fulton began his business career as a traveling salesman and although he is the virtual head of the big manufacturing establishment mentioned, the “lure of the road” still holds him in its grip and he still spends much of his time traveling throughout the various states selling the products of his factory. His interest, however, in spiritual matters leads him to give a considerable portion of his time to the work of the Kingdom of God, and his sample case contains not only a catalog showing the various articles which his factory produces, but also a copy of the Bible, the knowledge and practical application of the truths of which he never misses an opportunity to commend to his fellow men. He is a member and prominent official in the traveling men’s organization known as the Gideons, whose principal work is the placing of copies of the Bible in the guest rooms of hotels throughout this country and in his discourse last Sabbath morning, he talked about this work. The main thought which he emphasized in the union service in the evening was the duty and privilege of the professed followers of Christ of “selling” Christianity to the world. He deeply impressed his audience on both occasions and left with them the conviction that business in religion and religion in business were not only practical but essential to the truest sense in life.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: A handsome and efficient Sunbeam Cabinet Heater was installed in the Worley Drug Store through the P. A. Stamp Agency. L. Odegard, a former citizen of Stronghurst now living in Galesburg, called on friends. He is contemplating returning to the town and resuming the tailoring business. The work of pouring the cement for the second floor of the new school building is well along, but progress on the work is being greatly retarded by unfavorable weather. Dr. Ed Richey and wife with their youngest child and nurse drove down from Detroit, Mich. to visit relatives. Rev. E. J. Holt officiated at the funeral of Peter Alfred Johnson at the late home of the deceased on the old Cooper farm west of Terre Haute. Mr. Johnson passed away at his home of the evening of Oct. 24th at the age of 73 years, 1 month and 27 days. The Clear Lake Club house near Lomax was destroyed by fire Tuesday morning. All of the furniture and equipment was destroyed with the building, and the automobiles of Chas. Moon and R. M. Cassell of LaHarpe parked near by were badly damaged by the flames. The club is made up of citizens of LaHarpe and vicinity.
Notwithstanding the unfavorable weather, quite a large crowd was here to attend the Hereford cattle and milch cow sale conducted by Vaughn Brothers and Co. the prices realized were only fair considering the quality of the offering. The top price for cow and calf was $147 ($2,341+ in today’s values) while the average for the pure bred Herefords sold was $100 ($1,593+ in today’s values). A number of buyers from distant places were present and secured some good animals at bargain prices.
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: The choir of the United Church is working hard on a Harvest Home cantata, “The Harvest is Ripe,” to be given Nov. 22nd as part of the morning church service. Miss Waneta Howell is employed at the courthouse. Mrs. J. E. Lawyer has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Babcock of Plymouth, IL. The Tri-State lodge held their bi-monthly meeting at the Campbell Hotel and in spite of bad weather, a large crowd attended. (Where was the Campbell Hotel?) Herman Dixon, Bob Sullivan, Perry Heap and Eldon White have been spending considerable time down on the river duck hunting. The picture show began operating at the gym on Saturday night. The Young People’s Society of the United Church have arranged for a debate Sunday evening. The topic is “A Lie Is Sometime Justifiable in Some Cases.” The debating team consists mostly of high school and grade school teachers. Wever Lake work is progressing with the lower lake finished and the upper one nearing completion. Clifford Adair is attending the State Normal at Macomb.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bigger northwest of town are the happy parents of a baby boy born last Sabbath. The entertainment given on last Saturday evening by the ladies of the Community Club as a library benefit was given before a full house, rain and snow not serving to keep people away. The story, a musical romance entitled, “The Joy of Life.” was read by Mrs. S. F. Rowley and the missing parts suppled b the “Hitchen Habinet Orchestra” in musical numbers. The proceeds amounted to more than $50 which will be used the purchase new books. The committee from the Women’s Cemetery Society served lunches at the Whiteman-Leibengood sale and report $26.75 added to the treasury. Mr. and Mrs. Will Musser of the north neighborhood are the parents of a baby girl born Friday at the Monmouth Hospital. Miss Beulah Booth, who spent time with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graham, has returned to her home at Red Oak, Iowa. A male quartette from here composed of Will Stevenson, Walter Cochran, Tom Glenn and Charles graham sang at the funeral of Willard Graham at Gladstone; burial was in Burlington. Township Chairman were selected at a meeting held here to consider the advisability of organizing a County Chamber of Commerce: Lomax-W. T. Frye; Carman-Allen Annegers; Terre Haute-Joe Ross; Stronghurst-Lyman Ross; Media-Clifford Thompson; Raritan-Ed Keane; Oquawka-Loren Hall; Gladstone-Wm. Whiteman; Rozetta-Clyde Davis; Bald Bluff-J. Rowley and Biggsville-Walter Cochran.