The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

It's An Emotional Time to be Living

by Dessa Rodeffer

Quill Publisher/Owner


March 2, 2022

In America, it's true. We do take everything for granted. Our families we love so dearly, then something happens unexpectedly and someone's gone.

Our country, then someone hits the twin towers, and we realize it could be gone.

We look around and see our volunteers that protect our towns as auxiliary police and volunteer firemen, our local leaders and community servants, business owners struggling to keep going in a changing market place with government interruptions, coronia interruptions.

Who ever thought we would have to send our kids to schools in a locked school, or wearing masks or they would get called out or sent to the office for not wearing one. Thank goodness the mask mandates have been lifted. Many choices Americans have taken for granted because we have always lived in a free nation.

And God bless our men and women in the service, and our brave veterans who served and still work to provide for their families and communities.

When I hear people of Ukraine stand up for their freedom while wondering if they will have food for their children and for themselves, I wonder, could this be you and me if the Russian invasion is not stopped. Is help going to be there for the Ukrainians? Do we just stand back and watch a people being destroyed? It's an emotional thing to watch and to hear about as compassionate strong Americans.

I watch my granddaughters who just turned 21, one in pharmacy school, the other in research, many others all with aspiring ambitions, wanting to make a difference, and I think of the lady doctor in Urkraine who just wants to take care of the new born babies when bombing is happening around her city and if there will be bread and juice to feed the children the next day.

I continue to publish The Quill with news we enjoy in this blessed America, and as I do, I recall my first editorial of a journalist from Bosnia who was reporting on the bombing in his building where families and children were killed. He told me, "if we keep reporting the news, it gives the people hope, that we still have a voice."