The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Booster Club Prepares For Christmas Open House

At the Stronghurst Booster Club meeting on October 10th, it was talked about the Christmas Open House which will be held Friday, November 18th from 5-7 p.m.

There will be a committee meeting on Friday, November 4th at 4 the Legion. The committee has planned a day to decorate on November 11th at 10 a.m.

Amanda presented the idea of doing to photo booth with a Christmas theme. The idea was also presented to make large wood cutouts for a photos as well. Amanda has an artist that is willing to paint a scene, they just need wood and paints. They could possibly use the back side of the cutout used for Fall Festival. Lori has paints available to use. Mara made a motion to approve purchase of any other supplies needed for the wooden cutouts, Christine 2nd, all in favor. 50/50 raffle tickets are available to purchase.

The September meeting minutes were reviewed and a correction needed to be made on the minutes in the treasurer’s report section as the cost of the band was $500 not 4500.

Treasurer’s report showed there have been several deposits into the Fall Festival. They are waiting on more money from the mum sales and will have a finalized report of the Fall Festival profit at the next meeting.

Fall Festival: 181 mums were sold this year, which cost the booster club $16 per mum.

A discussion was held about the Fall Festival and ways to improve it.

It was agreed upon that updated electricity and ability to have more electricity at the park would be beneficial. Jim is going to investigate.

Farmers Market: The last Farmers Market was held on September 26th. Dates for 2023 have been set as follows: May 22nd, June 5th, June 19th, July 10th, July 24th, August 7th, August 21st. Markets will be from 5-7 p.m.

There have not been very many orders for T-shirts and there needs to be a minimum of 20 to order. Decision was made to table this topic until next meeting.

Bingo Night: they would like to have another Bingo night and will try for January and discuss it more at the next meeting.

Non Profit Status/501c3/501c: A decision was made to table this topic until next meeting. Goals for 2023: Please bring ideas to the next meeting

The meeting adjourned at 5:46 p.m.

Attendance: Amanda Jack, Christine Deverell, Lori Hamilton, Shelly Gittings, Mara Bessine, Sara Lefler, Jim Blender

Next Booster Club Meeting will be Monday, November 14th, 4:30 p.m. at the Legion.