The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
By: Michael Rodeffer, The Quill
The La Harpe City Council met for their regular bi-monthly meeting on October 10th at 7 p.m.
After all recited the Pledge of Allegiance, Randy Shumaker was elected mayor pro-tem in the absence of Mayor Kat Hasten-Reed.
The high service pump issues at the new water treatment plant on Main Street were once again discussed. IMEG Engineering Firm Representative Jack Kusek was present.
Kusek, who designed the water plant, stated that the high service pumps had excessive vibration from the first day they were operated and that the problem was because the concrete bases which the pumps were mounted on were too small. Kusek said the bases were not built to the right specifications.
Kusek stated Trotter Construction had been told the bases were too small and were not approved. Trotter Construction has not made any attempt to fix the problem.
City Attorney Chris Scholz said at the last council meeting he thought the city had done everything they could, in good faith, to allow Trotter to finish the job. Scholz also had recommended getting another capable contractor to remedy the problem.
After considerable discussion, Dave Clover made a motion to accept the Resolution with proposal of option 2 of Exhibit 1, for 2 new high service pumps and 2 new bases, all totaling approximately $43,600 and deducting that amount from the remaining balance owed on the Trotter contract and pay Trotter the difference. Council unanimously approved the motion. The motion/resolution calls for the purchase of 2 new high service pumps from FLO-TECHNICS, INC. and the bases that the pumps sit on to be reconstructed by Laverdiere Construction.
The La Harpe City Council approved paying $1,000 toward the sidewalk project from alley way south of La Harpe Telephone Company to Archer Street. Shumaker, Wisslead, Harkey, and Stambaugh voted yes and Dave Clover abstained.
In other action the council unanimously approved:
Payment to IMEG of $6,611.88 from Motor Fuel Tax.
Present at the meeting was council members, Randy Shumaker, Greg Wisslead, Kelly Harkey, Deanna Stambaugh, and Dave Clover; city clerk Lucretia McPeak; city attorney Chris Scholz; IMEG engineer representative Jack Kusek; city police chief Larry Finch; police officer Scott Rossen; city water superintendent Tim Graves; city employees, Dan Carpenter and Trevor Finch; and guests, Dan Gillett and Michael Rodeffer.
The meeting adjourned at 8:52 p.m.