The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The Village of Biggsville meeting held on November 2nd, was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Brian Sterett with the Pledge of Allegiance.
A Christmas event is being planned. It is called Miracle off 34. The event will take place December 4, 2022 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Members present were: Eric Craig, Kathie Curtiss, Casey Goff, Becky Price, Tammy Slater and Nanci Sterett. Other present were: Brian Sterett, Mayor; Judy L. Gravgaard, Clerk; Marilyn Simmons, Treasurer and Mike West, maintenance.
Nanci made a motion to accept the minutes with the correction of Charlie Huss name, treasurer’s report and invoices. Kathie 2nd, carried.
Water/ Streets: Mike reported that someone broke off a fire hydrant in the south end of town. We will have to replace the fire hydrant. The gentlemen that hit it will pay for it. The lift station had to be pumped by Jones Septic.
Permits: Two were give out this month.
Public Relations: The Fall for Biggsvile was a huge success. There were a lot that attended the event. The band was great and all the venders that came out had great treasurers. Appreciation to the committee that arranged everything and everyone that contributed to the success.
Senior Christmas baskets will be given out December 17th. If you just turned 65 please contact the office (309-337-3122) so we can put you on the list.
Old Business: The bank deed has been recorded at the Courthouse. The sidewalk will be finished this month.
New Business: Kathie made a motion to purchase a new stove for the Community Building, Becky 2nd motion carried. We had someone look at the floors and they said it was not asbestos. It was decided we would have our auditor do the W2s this year.
If anyone is interested in running for a Trustee for the Village of Biggsville Board, please contact Judy at 309-337-7122 to get an application. It has to be back to Judy by December 17, 2022.
Kathie made a motion to adjourn at 7:50 p.m. Eric 2nd motion carried.
Judy L. Gravgaard, Clerk