The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Brian Sterett at 7 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Members present were: Eric Craig, Kathie Curtiss, Tammy Slater and Nanci Sterett. Casey Goff and Becky Price were absent. Others present were: Brian Sterett, Mayor; Judy L. Gravgaard, Village Clerk; Marilyn Simmons, Treasurer; Mike West, Maintenance and Andrew Youngquist Attorney at Law.
Tammy made a motion to accept the minutes, invoices and treasures report. Nanci Sterett 2nd and the motion carried.
There is a storm drain plugged up in the east end of the village. Advanced Plumbing will have to come and fix it.
The restrooms at Reid Park have been completed.
There is a tree on Arthur Street that needs to be trimmed or taken down. We will get estimates. Brian will contact some tree trimming companies.
Tammy make a motion to have Kleine Sewer & Drain to inspect the storm drain on Valley. Eric 2nd motion carried.
We have received a quote on the sidewalk on Main Street.
Andy explained we have two paths we can take for excess trash in yard. We can clean it up and charge the home owner or we can take legal action.
Kathie made a motion to have Andrew Youngquest file a nuisance violation at 402 South Valley. Nanci 2nd motion carried.
We want to give a big thank you to Boy Scout Troop #60 for cleaning the Parks in Biggsville and around town for Earth Day. We very much appreciated their hard work.
June 4th is cleanup day for Biggsville. Dumpsters will be on John Street by Craig/Camerons and Home Sweet Home.
Someone will be there from 7:00 a.m. till 11:00 a.m. Posters are up around town for instructions.
Tammy made a motion to purchase four (4) trees for Lindo Field with memorial funds from Karen Rima and Dr. Lindo. Nanci 2nd motion carried.
The contract with the railroad does not include all of the verbiage we agreed on. Our attorney will make up a contract with all of the information we agreed on and will contract the Railroad. Brian will contact the engineer for clarification of their responsibility.
Nanci made a motion to accept the Water & Sewer Budget the USDA. Eric 2nd motion carried.
Nanci made a motion to adjourn at 8:22 p.m. Tammy 2nd motion carried.
Respectfully submitted
Judy Gravgaard