The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Stronghurst Booster Club Prepares For Upcoming Events

The Stronghurst Booster Club met on May16th at 4:32 p.m. with 10 members present.

The April minutes were reviewed and approved. The treasurer’s report included one deposit of $87 into the general account from the free will donation at the Bingo night. Checks were written from the general account for $68.58 to Fishers for food for bingo night, $568 for flowers, $100 cash for change for sale of bags at Farmers Market, and $531.25 to Goff’s for the bags. One check written from Spray Park account for $87 for postage for the Doc Pogue Run. Yearly insurance bill will be due typically in June and is around $500. Shelly suggested pulling money from each event account- spray park, Christmas walk, Fall Festival to put into the general account to cover the cost of the insurance. The group will discuss this mater more at the next meeting. The Farmer Market profit from the sale of the bags will be deposited back into the general account.

Old Business:

8th Annual Doc Pogue Memorial 5K Run/Walk

The Doc Pogue Run date is set for Saturday May 28th.

Sponsorships are going well, with about 15-16 runners signed up currently. They hope to recruit more runners before the event as Melinda has sent emails to runners from previous years inviting them to this years run. T-shirt orders will go in tonight.

Char will donate 2 cases of water for the event. The Lion’s Club is hosting a biscuit and gravy breakfast the morning of the run. They still need to talk to the village about opening the restrooms at the park the day of the run.

They are still in need of a few volunteers the day of the run to help direct runners, please reach out to Melinda if you are interested in helping.

Shelly made a motion to approve the purchase of 2 $25 gift cards to local businesses to give as prizes to the first man and women runner, and also the purchase of $10-15 of small prizes to give to the children after the kid race, Amanda 2nd, and the motion was approved.

Park: Jade and Christine have planted flowers at the park and in pots downtown. Mulch is needed to fill in the rings and some areas of landscape around the park. Park committee would like to recruit help to weed and spread mulch at the park on Friday May 20th around 4:30 p.m.

There is a watering schedule if anyone would like to sign up for a week over the summer to water flowers at the park please reach out to Christine or Jade. Brian Johnson worked on the spray park and there was a small repair, but it should be good to go for the season.

The group approved purchasing 15 bags of mulch and also pay Johnsons Plumbing for any repairs/maintenance needed for the spray park,

2022 Event Planning:

Fall Festival 2022 is set for Saturday, September 17th, 2022: Things are getting set into place for the event. A discussion was held regarding the sale of mums and approximately how many would be needed. Purchase price for the mums will increase by $2 this year.

They also discussed what children’s activities could be added to take the place of the bounce houses.

Christmas Walk 2022 will be Friday November 18th, 2022

Christmas in July Rummage sale will be July 16th 7:30 a.m. until Noon. Anyone wanting to donate items can do so at any time. Donations can be dropped off at Bob’s TV in Stronghurst during normal business hours.

New Merch/Logo; Christine is still looking into T-shirts and Amanda into canvas bags to sell at Farmers Market.

Farmers Market: These are the following dates of the market:

May 23, June 6, June 20, July 11, July 27, Aug 8, Aug 23, Sept 12, Sept 26. All markets will be Monday evenings from 5-8 p.m. on Broadway in Stronghurst. Exception will be on July 27- the market will be in conjunction with the Henderson County fair and be held on the fairgrounds outside the Allison Building. The first Market on May 9th was successful. There was good feedback from Vendors and shoppers. $215 was made from the sale of bags and raffle tickets. The next market is on Monday May 23 from 5-8 p.m.

New Business:

Eagle View sent a request for sponsorship for their golf tournament. After some discussion it was decided to decline the request at this time.

T-Shirts: Amanda has looked into the purchase of new Booster Club T-shirts for members. Goff’s quoted $14 size thru XL, $2 extra for 2XL and up with a minimum order of 20 shirts. Christine will make up an order form.

The meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m.

Attendance: Donna Painter, Christine Deverell, Amanda Hobby-Jack, Char Fisher, Shelly Gittings, Sara Lefler, Melinda Whiteman, Lori Taylor, Jim Blender, Sara Evans

The next meeting will be Monday June 13th 4:30 p.m. at the Legion.