The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Oquawka is Remembering Norma Jean July 17th – 50th Anniversary of her death and city's adoption of this circus elephant

Circus Elephant is to be Given Celebrity Status July 17 – Postmortem

Oquawka, IL .... Fifty years later, but Oquawka citizens still remember Norma Jean, the beloved circus elephant that was struck by lightning on July 17, 1972.

At the Village of Oquawka June board meeting, Nancy Bundy, representing the Oquawka Parks and Tourism Committee, addressed the board to announce “Remembering Norma Jean”; a celebration in honor of Norma Jean elephant.

Norma Jean was the main attraction for the Clark & Walters Circus, but she was struck by lightning and was killed as they were preparing to perform on the Oquawka Village Square.

She was buried in the spot where she perished; now known as Norma Jean Park, located on the same block as the Oquawka water tower and the city pool. Nancy explained the celebration will be held at her grave at Norma Jean Park on the 50th anniversary of her death; July 17th, 2022, from 1-3pm. Norma Jean T-shirts and post cards will be available.

Fields of Fun will provide hot dogs, cotton candy, snow cones, balloon animals, and popcorn.  There will be free admission to the pool all day. There will also be a slide show featuring the original Norma Jean documentary.

Carey Thacker stated Henderson County Local Artists will provide “Art in the Park”; featuring four art stations for all ages to try free style painting, learn how to draw an elephant, and face painting; along with other arts and crafts. All events and food will be free to the public.

At the board meeting, Nancy Bundy asked for a donation of $545 to help fund the events. Brian Collier made a motion to donate up to $1000 to the Norma Jean celebration. Second by Scott Ray. All voted yes.