The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The regularly scheduled monthly meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Answering roll call were: Dave Clover, Deanna Stambaugh, Kelly Harkey, Randy Shumaker, Greg Wisslead, Treasurer-Monalisa Graves, and City Clerk-Lucretia McPeak. Mayor Katherine Hasten-Reed and Brian Covert were absent.
Also present: Dan Gillett, Tim Graves, David Little, Scott Rosson, Trevor Finch, Daniel Carpenter, and Larry Finch.
Everyone recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Clover made the motion to appoint Alderman Shumaker as Mayor Pro Tem. Wisslead seconded the motion, Motion carried unanimously.
Tim Graves reported George Russell, who used to work for IMEG, passed away. City clerk McPeak will send a sympathy card from the city.
The water tower inspector was here. They found rust spots int he gasifier tank. The gaskets in the water tower were not put in correctly. New water towers are required to have mixers.
He informed the council of girls needing to do community service, and next Saturday would be a date they could be used.
He hasn’t heard from Jack Kusak about the EPA call.
Lift station pump needs a bracket.
Larry Finch reported problems with the apartments on Main Street. They are evicting people without proper procedure. This is a civil matter.
Scott Rosson reported not hearing back from issues pertaining to the old nursing home apartments.
He ordered a “No Swimming” sign for the reservoir. (May need an ordinance with no swimming added to it)
Trevor Finch reported hauling gravel for the basketball court at the city park. The clutch is worn out on the flat bed truck. He will get quotes.
Broc Richardson turned in a bill for $750 for taking down 3 trees at the lift station.
City Clerk McPeak asked about filling the pot holes on C Street
It will be on the next agenda to discuss and take action on prioritizing streets for repair.
Stambaugh made the motion to approve the April minutes. Harkey seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously
Clover made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report and pay bills. Harkey seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Kurt Dittmer wasn’t here to discuss the Sr. Citizen house. This will be on another agenda when he is available.
Clover made the motion to spend $5,780 for chain link fence (50’x10’) from Spike’s Chain Link for the basketball court in the city park. Shumaker seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Clover made the motion to purchase a Body Armor vest for Lynn Hoyt for up to $1,000. Stambaugh seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Jason Siegworth wondered when his drainage will be worked on. It was reported when the weather cooperated.
Graves will be purchasing paint, etc. for city park for community service girls. He will be getting mulch for the memorial at the city park.
It will be on the next agenda to discuss and take action on cameras for the city park.
It was brought up if there was any progress at 209 N 2nd Street. It falls on the property owner.
Other business for discussion only:
The speed zone through the school zone was discussed.
City wide yard sales will be June 25th.
Wisslead made the motion to adjourn to executive session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific city employees and any other topics allowed. Harkey seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
The regular meeting adjourned to executive session at 7:51 p.m.
The regular meeting resumed 8:28 p.m.
Answering roll call were: Dave Clover, Deanna Stambaugh, Kelly Harkey, Randy Shumaker, Greg Wisslead, Treasurer-Monalisa Graves, and City Clerk-Lucretia McPeak.
Also present:Tim Graves, Scott Rosson, Daniel Carpenter, and Larry Finch.
Shumaker made the motion to allow Attorney Scholz to submit a letter to Trotter’s attorney withholding $45,000 from Trotter’s remaining balance of $92,092. Stambaugh seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Shumaker made the motion to adjourn the regular meeting. Wisslead seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
The regular council meeting adjourned at 8:31 p.m.
The regularly scheduled monthly meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Answering roll call were: Dave Clover, Deanna Stambaugh, Randy Shumaker, Greg Wisslead, Brian Covert, Treasurer-Monalisa Graves, and City Clerk-Lucretia McPeak. Kelly Harkey and Mayor Katherine Hasten-Reed were absent.
Also present: Dan Gillett
Everyone recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Clover made the motion to appoint Alderman Shumaker as Mayor Pro Tem. Stambaugh seconded the motion, Motion carried unanimously.
Finance reported Kathy Shupe (Auditor) requests signature to do the city’s 2022 audit. Donna Wood is interested in doing audits. It will be on the next agenda to discuss and take action on auditor.
Public works discussed progress at 209 N 2nd Street.
Performance evaluations are printed and ready for reviews.
Public property reported Jamie Hallowell asked the city to help with gas for mowing the cemetery. He has already signed a contract with the city.
Trotter’s attorney did not accept the $45,000 deduction from their contract.
Jack Kusak talked to the attorney. The Laverdiere project at Park Lane, and the city street project are under a new rep. with IMEG. His name is Greg.
Dan Gillett informed the council of putting 539 flags on veteran’s graves at the cemetery. He was concerned about the bricks at city hall needing sealant. This was done about 9 years ago.
Clover made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report and pay bills. Covert seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
There was discussion on prioritizing streets for repair. It was discussed to cut out Park Lane, 2nd Ave., N 4th, F Street, add Drake, and 2nd Street to Timberview from Main Street.
This will be on the next agenda.
The flagpoles should be up at the Berms
Flags are in for Memorial Day at the park.
They are working on drainage at the N. W. Corner of Park Lane.
The basketball court in the city park is complete and the goals are in and ready to go up.
The city will get 7 ton of mix to fill holes.
Covert made a motion to allow the park district to use picnic tables and city crew for the 4th of July. Clover seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Stambaugh made the motion to close Archer Ave. from D Street to E. Street for the 4th of July. Covert seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
The new restaurant in town has garbage piling up. Wisslead will check into this.
Headstones at the cemetery will cost $200 to reset and clean, and $250 to repair, clean, and reset per headstone. This will be on the next agenda to discuss and take action,
There was a bill from IMEG for $4,932.37. What was this for?
It will be on the next agenda to discuss and take action to cancel the June 27th council meeting due to 3 alderman being gone.
Stambaugh made the motion to adjourn the regular meeting. Covert seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
The regular council meeting adjourned at 7:57 p.m.