The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The Stronghurst Booster Club met Monday, January 10th at 4:30 p.m. with Christine Deverell, Shelly Gittings, Jim Blender, Char Fisher, Rachael Gipe, and Melinda Whiteman in attendance.
Election of Officers – Char Fisher made a motion to approve the following officers beginning in January 2022 and Rachael Gipe seconded and motion carried.
President: Amanda Hobby-Jack
Vice Pres.: Melinda Whiteman
Treasurer: Shelly Gittings
Secretary: Christine Deverell
New officers will need to update signature cards for the bank accounts at the Bank of Stronghurst.
The minutes were approved with one correction made.
Treasurer’s report consisted of a form of account balances and of the deposits/bills from the Christmas open house. Another $100 was deposited into the Christmas account, which was donated from the 50/50 drawing. It was noted there is still one outstanding check from the Christmas Account to Rob Hull. Jim will contact him to see if he misplaced the check.
The 36-month CD will roll over on 1/15/22 into another 3 year term. This CD was started from and for the 125/150th town celebration. This CD along with the Centennial Book account and Quasi Centennial Account are just being monitored by the Booster Club until the next celebration.
There was a general discussion about the town celebrations. The last one was the 125th year celebrated in 2012. The next major celebraton will be the 150th in..... the year 2037.
The Treasurer’s Report was approved.
To help organize and have adequate planning time the following committees have been formed for the Booster Club. If you would like to be part of the committee, please reach out to a Booster Club officer.
There will be separate meetings from regular monthly meetings per each committee throughout the year. Dates and times of those meetings will be communicated to the group so please don’t hesitate to get involved! Committees are:
Memorial celebration will be on May 28th, 2022- The village will mainly head this up with help from the Booster Club as needed.
Doc Pogue Run: no date set yet. Melinda will reach out to Annie to discuss possible dates.
Fall Festival 2022 is set for Saturday September 17th, 2022: Park has been reserved for Friday and Saturday, restrooms reserved, and band has committed to the event.
Christmas Walk 2022 will be Friday, November 18th, 2022: Jim talked to Shane Reed about updating the electrical at the park and hanging more lights. Possibly having a “lighting of the park” at the end of the Christmas Walk. There was discussion about the parade and positive comments of having it on a separate night. Will the village host again in 2022?
The first Christmas Walk Committee meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 1, 4:30 p.m. at the Legion.
Booster Club members plan to go around to businesses again to collect membership fees. Last year this took place in March so they will aim to do it by then. Last year “live local” stickers were given to all that became members of the Booster Club. Ideas are welcome on something they could do this year that is similar.
Jim Blender made a motion to give $100 to the Senior Center for use of their building to store Christmas Decorations and Char Fisher seconded it, motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 5:18 p.m.
The next meeting will be Monday February 7, 2022, 4:30 pm at the Stronghurst American Legion.
*** Note the change to the first Monday of the month in February due to Valentine’s Day.