The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Trustees Discuss Railroad Property Purchase at Biggsville Board Meeting

The Village of Biggsville’s February 2nd meeting was called to order by Mayor Brian Sterett at with America's Pledge of Allegiance.

Members present were: Eric Craig, Kathie Curtiss, Casey Goff, Becky Price, Tammy Slater and Nanci Sterett; and Mayor Brian Sterett, Clerk Judy L. Gravgaard, Treasurer Marilyn Simmons, and Maintenance Mike West.

The board approved the January minutes, invoices and treasurer’s report and voted to accept the invoices for December.

Old Business: The railroad has been in contact with an engineer and the engineer has given The Biggsville Village board a proposal on his price for securing the property after the removal of the bridge. Mayor Stewart will call the railroad and see if they will sign the proposal. Also, the engineer has given the village a proposal for the work that needs to be done on Valley Street.

Slater made a motion to allow Advanced Plumbing to put a scoop down Valley Street to see what the extent of the damage is to be fixed. Nanci Stewart 2nd the motion, but after discussion, the motion was tabled until the March 2nd meeting.

New Business: There was discussion on either purchasing a new typewriter for the village to do the W-2 or if the board would rather have someone else prepare the W-2s. The village typewriter is not working properly. The board concluded to have someone check into the cost of a new typewriter and they will see what would be the most cost effective solution.

After Casey motioned to adjourn the meeting and Price 2nd the motion, a motion carried to adjourn the meeting at 8:08 p.m.

The next meeting is March 2nd at theh Community Center at 7:00 p.m. and is open to the public.

Judy Gravgaard, Village Clerk