The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
By: Michael Rodeffer, The Quill
At the August 22nd La Harpe Council meeting, Jim Lenix addressed the council about loose dogs chasing bikers and walkers. Lenix said in the past week he had been chased three times while walking or biking. Lenix noted several other residents, he had spoken to, expressed the same concern. Lenix stated that recently a loose dog had hit the front tire on his bike and luckily he didn’t wreck.
Lenix reported the incident to Lynn Hoyt, La Harpe police officer on duty, and thanked him for addressing the issue. Lenix said he was concerned for all walkers or bikers in town being chased or bitten by dogs running loose, especially young children. He asked what the city ordinance was regarding dogs and wanted to know if the city had legal authority to prosecute the dog owner when these situations occur.
Council member Dave Clover said dog owners are required to either have dogs fenced in or on a leash and can be ticketed. Clover noted any incidents should be reported immediately and suggested calling 9-1-1 which will go to the county sheriff’s office and they will relay the information to the police officer on duty.
Resident Shawn Kane asked if it was okay to use pepper spray or mace on aggressive dogs. Council member Greg Wisslead said yes you could as you have a right to defend yourself. Consensus of the council was to be sure and report any incident.
Council discussed buying a second AR-15 style rifle for the police department. The police department has one and has asked about getting a second one so each police vehicle had one. Officer Lynn Hoyt stated the cost would be between $600-$1,000 depending on what brand they got. Officer Hoyt didn’t think they needed the highest priced one, but thought the city should also buy some ammunition at the same time.
Council approved spending up to $1,000 for a rifle and ammunition and would let the police officers choose the best choice for them.
Council also approved paying half of the cost for the removal of a tree at the library. Council approved the low bid of $2,525 by Dave Maynard.
Council approved a request from Jamie Huston to use the entry door at 116/118 East Main for her business entry door. 116/118 East Main is slated to be torn down in the near future.
Council discussed a bill from IMEG but took no action at this time.
Council approved accepting the treasurer’s report and paying of the bills.
Present at the meeting were: Mayor Kat Hasten-Reed, council members, Kelly Harkey, Brian Covert, Deanna Stambaugh, Randy Shumaker, Greg Wisslead, and Dave Clover; city clerk Lucretia McPeak; city treasurer Monalisa Graves; city water superintendent Tim Graves; city police officer Lynn Holt; La Harpe librarian Vi Roberts; and ESDA Representative Max Owsley. Guests present were: Jim and Sharla Lenix, Shawn Kane, Dan Gillett, and Michael Rodeffer.
Council adjoined at 8:12 p.m.
The next council meeting will be Sept 12th at 7 pm at City Hall.