The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
At the Stronghurst Booster Club meeting held at 4:34 p.m. on August 15th, the members continued to prepare for upcoming events.
The remaining dates for the Farmers Market are August 22, September 12, September 26. All markets will be Monday evenings from 5-8 p.m. on Broadway in Stronghurst.
The Farmers Market committee will plan a meeting to discuss next years markets.
Movie night at the park will be hosted by the Boy Scouts on September 10th. The booster club will provide free drinks using the remaining orange fall festival cups from 2021.
The Fall Festival 2022 is set for Saturday September 17th,
with pre-sales of mums to begin soon (online as last year). Deadline to pre-order and pay will be September 7th. Mums are expected to be picked up week prior to Fall Festival, tentatively on September 13th or 14th. They will need to clarify with Jim about details on pickup.
Christine and Racheal will plan to deliver straw bales to businesses wishing to participate in decorating a straw bale the week prior to Labor Day. This should give businesses plenty of time to decorate before the Fall Festival.
26 vendors are registered currently and flyers are made and available; Shelly will get ad to the Quill Port-a- potties are ordered; Flatt’s will provide a flat bed for the stage; Darci and Chase Heap have donated 40 lbs. of hamburger for tacos; Smithfield has been contacted and they will know by this Thursday if they approved a donation of 60 lbs. of pork. The spray park will be on during the festival weather permitting.
A discussion about supplies and cooking of food and held and it was noted more volunteers are needed.f
Car show, tractor show, and barrel rides are all planned as well.
The annual Christmas Walk will be held on Friday, November 18th, with a Christmas committee meeting scheduled on Friday, August 26th at 4 p.m. at the Legion.
In other business the booster club:
The meeting adjourned at 5:52 p.m. until Thursday September 8th at 4:30 p.m. at the Legion. *** note the change in date due to the Farmers Market on September 12th.
In attendance: Donna Painter, Amanda Hobby-Jack, Shelly Gittings, Sara Lefler, Mara Bessine, Peyton Jack, Lori Hamilton, Char Fisher