The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
by: Michael Rodeffer, The Quill
At the August 8th La Harpe Council meeting, several residents signed in to speak during public comment time.
Steve Comstock addressed the council about the condition and future repairs to the “My Sister’s Place” building on Main Street. Comstock stated he knew the city was concerned about the condition of the building, but work had taken him away from home for quite a while. Comstock told the council he should be home more now and had plans to do some brick work this year.
Comstock said he just started having issues with the roof which was going to need more repairs before the brick work could be done. Comstock said he plans to clean up behind the building. Comstock stated he could let the council know the first meeting of each month as to progress he is making.
Sharla Lenix also addressed the council and asked if ‘C’ Street, where she lives, could be monitored for speeders. Lenix said several people speed and once the road gets repaired she was afraid the traffic will be faster.
Police Officer Scott Rossen told Lenix he had monitored ‘C’ Street for speeders and would continue to do so as time allowed.
Lenix also stated that there are several feral cats running loose and wondered if there was anything that could be done.
Mayor Kat Hasten-Reed said the council has discussed this and not came up with any good ideas. If cats are trapped shelters do not want to take them so it’s an ongoing problem.
Also addressing the council was Vi Roberts, La Harpe Librarian. Roberts asked the council if they would go half on the cost of removing a tree on the east side of the building. Roberts said she had a low bid of $2,525 from Dave Maynard. Mayor Hasten-Reed said she would have it put on the next meeting’s agenda for the council to vote on.
Former Mayor Ken Brown also addressed the council and thanked them for their support and the city crew’s help this year. Brown gave the council a plaque expressing his thanks. Brown also gave Mike Rodeffer a plaque for the Quill’s support and coverage.
Scott Rossen, city police officer, asked the council if they could give a gift card or certificate to the other 3 police officers, Carrie, Danny, and Lynn, for stepping up and helping with extra shifts while Larry was off.
Rossen also asked if council would consider buying an AR, semi automatic rifle, so both police vehicles would have one. Mayor Hasten-Reed asked Rossen to get prices and it could be put on the next meeting’s agenda.
Mayor Hasten-Reed informed the council that herself, Randy, Chris Scholz, and Jack Kusek, IMEG representative, had a conference call to discuss the possibility of how to deal with the issues of the high service pumps that have not yet been resolved. City Attorney Chris Scholz was to send a letter to Trotter.
Council unanimously approved allowing food trucks at the city park. A fee of $20 per day will be charged if no utilities are used. If one utility is used the cost would be $25 and if 2 utilities were used the cost would be $30. All food trucks would have to have proof of insurance and register with the city. Food trucks would not be allowed on Monday or Thursday evenings when the Annex is open.
The garbage was again discussed at the “Travelers” restaurant which is closed. Police Officer Scott Rossen said the dumpster could be removed since it is abandoned property.
City crew was planning our removing the dumpster. An attempt to call the owner of the cooking oil containers will be made.
Randy Shumaker asked about the new radar school signs and said only 10 days left before school. David Little assured the council they would be put up this week (Aug. 8-13).
In other actions the council approved:
Dave Clover noted the street light on First Avenue was put up and lights were repaired in the park. Clover also stated the bases for the cannon was done and brackets were also done. Clover said cannons should probably be painted before everything is set up.
Clover noted the 3 point hitch on the city tractor has been damaged beyond repair so the city crew would be looking for prices for a new or used one.
Kelly Harkey asked if the recycle bins had arrived. Tim Graves informed Harkey they are in if anyone needs one.
Council adjourned at 8:08 p.m.
Present were: Mayor Kat Hasten-Reed; council members, Kelly Harkey, Deanna Stambaugh, Randy Shumaker, Greg Wisslead, and Dave Clover; city clerk Lucretia McPeak; city treasurer Monalisa Graves; police chief Larry Finch; police officers Lynn Hoyt and Scott Rossen; city employees Tim Graves, Dan Carpenter, David Little, and guests, Ken Brown, Vi Roberts, Steve Comstock, Jim and Sharla Lenix, Dan Gillett and Michael Rodeffer.