The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
At the July 18 Stronghurst Booster Club meeting, members heard from the Treasurer that $1,794 was deposited in the Booster Club Christmas Account from sales at their Rummage Sale. Also in her report, the treasurer said that other deposits were made into the general account of $1,218 ($805 from Fall Fest account due to inadvertently being deposited in wrong account), $390 Farmers Market sales of totes and raffle tickets, and $20 from membership dues. All were approved. The Secretary's minutes were also approved.
Vice President's Vacancy: Discussed and decided to table this topic until next meeting.
Park: Watering schedule was shared with the group. There are still a few weeks in August and possibly into September that need covered.
2022 Event Planning:
Fall Festival 2022 is set for Saturday Sept 17th, 2022: Vendor invites have been sent, kid’s activities are being planned including corn pool and photo opportunities, bathrooms/handwash stations have been reserved, there is a new vendor with drinks, Mum pre-orders will begin next month, Old Tymers will be contacted about a tractor show.
Christmas Walk 2022 will be Friday Nov 18th, 2022.
Rummage Sale was a success! Totes were needed to pack up the leftovers from the sale in an organized fashion which Shelly purchased, Amanda made a motion to reimburse Shelly for the totes, Sara 2nd, all in favor, motion approved. Shelly made the motion to approve payment of $100 to the Legion for use of the building for the rummage sale, Mara 2nd, all in favor, motion carried.
Farmers Market: Remaining dates are August 8, August 23, September 12, September 26. All markets will be Monday evenings from 5-8 p.m. on Broadway in Stronghurst. The purchase of two trash cans with lids and wheels for use during the Farmers Market, was approved.
T-shirts/merchandise: There is an order form for T shirts. Goff’s require a minimum order of 20 to purchase. Shirts will have new Booster Club Logo. If you would like one, please reach out.
Movie night/Truck or Treat: touched on these topics but will table until next month.
The meeting adjourned at 5:37 p.m. with the next scheduled meeting set for Monday, August 15th 4:30 p.m. at the Legion. NOTE the change in date due to the Farmers Market on the 11th.
Attendance: Donna Painter, Amanda Hobby-Jack, Shelly Gittings, Sara Lefler, Jim Blender, Mara Bessine, Peyton Jack