The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

La Harpe Firemen R. A. Smith is Honored at Retirement

On February 10, 2022 R. A. Smith retired after 50 years of service to the La Harpe Fire Protection District. R. A. joined the Fire District on February 10, 1972.

He served the Fire District in many ways. When there was a house on fire the firemen going in to fight the fire could always be assured that the gas and electricity were already shut off because R. A. had already taken care of it. He ran the air cascade system to refill the air packs.

Along with fire fighting R.A. also did all the plumbing, heating, and electrical repairs in the district. He was always looking for ways to improve things in the district.

He has been a very valuable part of La Harpe Fire Protection District and will be greatly missed.

We appreciate his 50 years of faithful service.

Appreciating The Faithful– La Harpe Fire Protection District Fire Chief Jerry Brown with R.A. Smith–50 year volunteer.