The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
FORMER WARREN COUNTY EDITOR DIES IN CALIFORNIA: E.J.Clarke who a few years ago gave up the editorship of the Roseville Times-Citizen to make his home in California died last Monday morning at a hospital in Fullerton, Calif. following an operation which he had underwent several days before. Mr. Clarke was past 70 years of age and was one of the pioneer newspaper men of Warren County going to Monmouth from Macomb. Ill. with his parents when he was 13 years of age. He assisted his father in the publication of a local newspaper. During his residence in Monmouth, he was connected in various capacities with the Second Evening Gazette, the Daily Atlas and the Daily Review. For a short time, he edited a daily known as the Evening Hour. His last newspaper experience was with the Roseville Times-Citizen, which he edited for a number of years.
Mr. Clarke was twice married, his first wife being Ella N. Killian of Ft. Wayne, Ind., who died in 1885. His second wife, Miss Harriet Kettering of Monmouth survives him along with one daughter, Elizabeth Clarke, and two sisters, Mrs. E. C. Means and Miss Bessie Clarke, all living in California. Funeral services for the deceased were held in Fullerton, Calif. and the remains interred in the cemetery there.
COUNTY SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC: No effort is being spared by the committee in charge to make the annual Henderson County Sunday School Picnic to be held at Media on August 21st a noteworthy and thoroughly enjoyable event. Mr. B.H. White has been selected as chairman of the occasion. The following is included in the program: big horse tournament, grand parade of all schools in the county, music by "Ever Ready Orchestra" of Henderson County and the quartette "Speaking." A big basket dinner with coffee served free will occur at noon the then races of all kinds and a real ball game. Plan to attend.
BOY SCOUT CAMP, A GREAT SUCCESS: To the Boy Scouts of Stronghurst the dates of Aug. 3 to 6th and the hill overlooking the famed "footprints" on Honey Creek will always be matters and places of unusual history. The Scouts together with their Scoutmaster and assistant Scoutmaster succeeded in organizing their own camp and carried out a three-day program with almost perfect discipline. On the Saturday before the days of camp, the tents were erected and certain scouts were left as advance guards until Monday when other scouts came, food supplies were brought by noon the cook, Ray Cadle, had a fine dinner ready for the boys…
The Scouts were splendid in their cooperation. On Wednesday evening a public Court of Honor was held and Scouts were advanced according to the work they had done. Many parents and friends were visitors that afternoon and evening to enjoy the occasion. Kenneth Duncan and Everett McKeown were advanced to the rank of Second-class Scouts; Raymond Walker to the rank of First-class and Herbert Brook, Lester McKeown, Vincent Upton, Wm. Lukens received merit badges in bugling, swimming, scholarship, chemistry and poultry keeping…
The boys attending camp were Lester McKeown, Everett McKeown, Vincent Upton, Everett Upton, Wm. Lukens, Herbert Brook, Richard Myers, Charles Davis, Kenneth Sanderson, Kenneth Duncan, Raymond Walker, Roy Wilcox, Frederick Rehling and Edward Beardsley who is an assist Scoutmaster…
The Scouts are grateful to Mr. Evans for the privilege of tenting on his land, to Mr. and Mrs. Peasley for furnishing the camp with good fresh milk every day, to the grocery men who made discounts, to those who furnished cars for transportation, to J. C. Brook for the use of a stove and the others for tents and camp equipment.
LOCAL TALENT TO APPEAR IN "SWEETHEART TOWN": All aboard for Sweetheart Town. Make your plans and arrange to follow the crowd on Aug. 21 and 22 to the Lyric Theatre in Stronghurst when the musical comedy will be given under the auspices of the Lake Fort Club. An entire outlay of scenery, costumes and theatrical equipment belonging to the Frederick B. Ingram Productions under whose direction the play is being rehearsed, will be used here. All the costumes are new and this will ensure the audience of a bright, sparkling, clean array and worn by 30 of our prettiest young ladies. This should be a draw in itself.
The plot has to do with a young country boy who leaves town to seek his fortune. The night that he leaves, Sweetheart Town is the scene of the worst robbery in years and the boy is suspected. Here the plot begins and carries into the city and back again before the final reckoning. In the course of travels, we meet a lunatic, a Pullman porter, an actress, a city slicker, and towns people. These characters are all portrayed by the best talent that has ever been assembled here abouts. (Cast features 37 persons so check the list at the library on microfilm to see if your grandmother is listed.)
MILL RUNNING AGAIN: The Stronghurst Feed Mill which has been standing idle for several months pending its sale under execution of judgement is again in operation. The mill and machinery were purchased at the sale by Mr. John W. Opie of Trivoi, Ill. for the sum of $3,770. The new owner came last Monday and took possession of the property announcing his intention of resuming the custom grinding business formerly carried on by Mr. R. C. Haben.
COLMA COMMUNITY MEETING: A large and appreciative crowd gathered on Wednesday evening, Aug.5th at the Columa school yard to enjoy the splendid program sponsored by several public-spirited citizens of that neighborhood and assisted by E. D. Walker, Farm Adviser of Stronghurst. The program consisted of several snappy numbers from an orchestra composed of the following: Mesdames Mary Whiteman and Fern Ervin and Messrs. James Kilgore, Jr., Marion Davenport, Dale Whiteman, Roy Millen and Page Randall with Mrs. Beth Glenn accompanying on the piano. A group of songs by male quarter consisting of Messrs. Walker, Randall, D. Whiteman and R. Glenn and a violin quarter was another pleasing number. Farm Adviser Walker introduced the speaker of the evening, Mr. C. W. Bond, Secretary of the Greater Burlington Association. Mr. Bond, having been raised on a farm, knew his topic, "Community Cooperation." He discussed the evolution of farming and stressed the idea of keeping your money in your home town rather than spending it in the mail order house. He emphasized the importance of making the farm profitable and attractive in order to keep our young men on the farm instead of letting them go to the already congested city.
Mr. Walker then discussed briefly the development of farm bureau work stating that the first farm advisers worked largely with individuals…He expressed hope that out of the meeting which was being held might grew permanent community organization. He also told of the projects which the farm bureau is now working on among which were the soil testing, growing of more alfalfa and sweet clover, tuberculosis eradication, swine sanitation, hog cholera control, poultry culling and boys' and girls' club work.
A motion pictures was shown, one reel showing how by the use of terraces and dams the great loss of soil from sloping fields can be prevented. The other two reels had to do with poultry management…At the close of the meeting, a number of people expressed their satisfaction and stated that they hoped such meetings could be made a permanent part of community life.
CHAUTAUQUA COMING TO TOWN: Advertising for a 5-day Chautauqua program to be given in Stronghurst includes the attractions billed being three theatrical productions; one light farce and musical comedy; one Harp Ensemble number; two popular musical numbers and three lectures. The plays presented will be "The Gorilla," "The First Year," and "Odds and Ends from the Stage." The lectures will be by G. Whitfield Ray, E. R. Richardson and Raymond B. Tolbert. The musical numbers will be given by Zaptatas Novelty Troubadours and the Mabelle Wagner-Shank Co.
THE SIGN CONTROVERSY: The Better Stronghurst League at an expense of more than $75 ($1,129 in today's money), recently procured and placed at certain road intersections and other points on public highways leading in this direction, neat, medal signs indicating to travelers the direction and number of miles to Stronghurst. Permission was obtained from the Illinois Light and Power Co. to place one of these signs on one of their poles at a corner in the outskirts of one of our neighboring cities. Before the sign had been up a week, one evidently maliciously inclined individual or individuals had so battered and mutilated it as to practically destroy its usefulness for the purpose intended. Our people are loathe to believe that this act was perpetrated or inspired by any person or persons representing the business element or the better class of the citizens of the community referred to. However, since that community has an organization designed to promote the best interest of its people to every way possible and since that organization proclaims the "Golden Rule" as its motto, we might be pardoned from suggesting that a little investigation be started to discover, if possible, who was responsible for the rather scurvy trick mentioned.
We are sure that the people as a whole of the community referred to above have no objection to roadside signs giving information to travelers respecting the distance to other community centers. We are also sure that the same sentiment prevails here in regard to the signs, one of which at least, is within our village limits pointing the way to the city mentioned.
(In this issue is a long list of all those who received diplomas or certificates for the school year, 1924-1925. Look at this list at the Henderson County Public Library on microfilm to discover who were your great grandfather and great grandmother's friends.)
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Wesley Trimmer, who had been receiving treatment at the Santa Fe Hospital at Fort Madison is better and it is hoped that he may be able to return home soon. Miss Mary Kempher, former Blandinsville young lady, who chose professional nursing as her vocation in life and who is well known here where she has been employed in cases of sickness in the past, now holds a permanent position in the U.S. Hospital at Jefferson Barracks near St. Louis. Salaries range from $1,500 per annum for beginners to $3,800 at the maximum. Because of her experience, Miss Kempher starts at a salary much above the minimum (a very good salary for this period). Mrs. Roy Shook recently received word that her cousin, Mrs. Ethel Booten Brown, formerly of the Olena neighborhood and now residing near Cushing, Okla. was seriously injured when the Chevrolet touring car in which she was riding skidded over a 20 ft. embankment and was demolished. Mrs. Brown's injuries consisted of several loosened teeth, a punctured chin and severe injuries to her neck and back. Hugh O. Smith is off to visit his old home near Salisbury, N.C. where his aged mother still resides. As this will be his first visit to his native state in 14 years, Hugh will probably find that time has wrought some changes in the once familiar surroundings.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brooks accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Kurrie of Dallas City left on an auto outing trip to Detroit and other points north and east. Elijah Carman, a 67 year old resident of Colchester, Ill. was smothered to death Friday morning when 15 feet of shale and dirt suddenly loosened and slid down over his body on the bank of a small creek 5 miles northeast of Colchester. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Carothers of Dallas City arrived home from a week's auto tour of Illinois including visits at Monmouth, Galesburg, Kewanee, LaSalle, Starved Rock, Streator Dwight, Decatur, Sullivan, Bloomington, Springfield, Jacksonville, Beardstown, Mt. Sterling and Carthage. Peter Foote, the trotting stallion owned by Ira Foote of this place, won first money in races in which he was entered at Macomb and Griggsville, Ill. He also won second money at Winchester, Ill. in a race in which he stepped the last quarter of one heat on a half mile track in 31 seconds flat, which is a 2:04 clip. A number of people from the various Stronghurst churches enjoyed the hospitality of the good people of the First Evangelical Church of Burlington, Iowa at a picnic in Creiger's park.
OLENA OBSERVATIONS: Mr. and Mrs. John Evans and the lady's parents all of Winfield, Iowa motored over to Illinois Sabbath day and were dinner guests at the Joel Marsden home. They were trying out a new car they had recently purchased. On Saturday afternoon Mrs. Maud Burrell was hostess to quite a few young ladies in honor of her daughter, Miss Inis's 16 birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Logan are now riding in a spick and span new Chevrolet car. The annual Dowell reunion will be held on Sabbath day, August 16 in a grove west of the village near the Arthur Dowell home. The Marshall-Richey reunion will be held at the C.R.A. Marshall home.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: John Graham and Homer Grant came the middle of the week from New Virginia, Iowa to spend some time at the Steven Graham home. Mrs. Bessie Campbell and children of Reed will move to town soon and reside in the house on the Francis Gibb place. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer VanTime of Kansas have been spending the past two weeks with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook. Ray Gilmore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gilmore of Scranton, Pa. is visiting his parents here. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon for Mrs. Luci Davis at the home of her niece, Mrs. Dr. Henderson. Interment was in the Kirkwood cemetery. Friends have received word of the death of Mrs. Flora McGaw-Henderson at her home in St. Louis. Dyson Brothers are at Rozetta where they are doing interior finishing and outside painting on the new home of Lee Beal which has been erected this summer.
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Preparations for the annual Sunday School Picnic of Henderson County to be held here on August 21st are almost completed and everything is being done to make the day one of pleasure. An orchestra has been employed to furnish music. There will be a ball game, horseshoe game, races and various contests that will furnish amusements while the Sunday Schools of the county will furnish entertainment and a basket dinner. The Alumni picnic of Wever Academy and Media Community High School will be held on the Academy lawn. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Lewis and family departed for a trip through the West. They are traveling in a house built on their car and no doubt will have a most delightful trip. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stanbary and family have moved to Smithshire where he will work in the garage for Ernest Staley. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Norville and family have moved into the Wolf property. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Mink and family will move to the vacated Norville home. Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Murtland and son William drove to Lindenwood, Ill. Mr. Murtland had been called there as principal of the high school, but as there was no house in which to live and several other undesirable things, they returned without signing for the job. They had the privilege on the way home to meet Battery A of Galesburg and Battery B of Monmouth of the 122nd and 123nd Field Artillery of the Illinois National Guard with their combat train enroute to Camp Grant for 15 days of training. It was worth seeing as there were about 175 enlisted men and their officers, seven supply trucks, a medical and first aid truck, five tractors and big guns and the officers' cars which formed the column. All along the way they were greeted by throngs of people who knew of their coming and were watching for them. Although it was raining, the boys were in good spirits as they were kept warm and dry in trucks and by their heavy rain coats and caps.
CARMAN CONCERNS: Mrs. Mattie Gillis and daughter Mildred left for Leolo, South Dakota to visit her sister, Mrs. Reuben Marsden. A number here attended the circus in Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. Darr and sons Howard and George of Eldon, Ill. are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Dowell. Mrs. Darr was formerly known as Orpha Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. August Rehling and daughter Lucile were Stronghurst goers. Their son Frederick accompanied them home after being on a three days hike with the boy scouts. Several from here attended the Burlington Fair this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Loncton of Chicago called at the home of Mrs. L's mother, Mrs. J. W. Twilley, making the trip by auto. The Gleaner Sunday School Class will give an ice cream social at the ladies' aid hall next Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crane and son Fredrick left for Boston, Mass.