The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1925 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic: June 11, 1925

BARN DESTROYED BY FIRE: The barn on the former Annegers farm southeast of town tenanted by Carl Jacobson, was total destroyed by fire last Saturday morning by a fire of unknown origin. Mr. Jacobson was in the barn harnessing a team in preparation for the day's work in the field when he heard the crackle of flames in the haymow above. He quickly turned the horses loose and busied himself in removing such articles as he was able from the burning structure. The fire gained headway rapidly and had passed beyond control before aid arrived. Within a very short time, the barn and another small building or two had been reduced to ashes. The barn was a comparatively new structure 22 x 38 ft. in size and was insured in the Stronghurst Farmers Mutual Ins. Co. for $1,600. Mr. Jacobson also carried insurance on the contents, the loss on which was comparatively light being confined to about 150 bushels of oats, a small quantity of hay and a few implements and utensils.

MINSTREL SHOW-GOOD ENTERTAINMENT: The minstrel troupe of home talent artists scored a brilliant success in the two night performances put on at the Lyric Theatre last Friday and Saturday evenings. The whole show was given in the regular professional Negro entertainment style with manager Estel Mudd as interlocutor and Keith Stratton and James Sanderson as end men. The boys constituting the rest of the lineup were Edward Beardsley, Donald Chandler, Robert Chandler, Ross Gibb, Fred Kershaw, Harold Lukens, Malcolm Smith, Harold Smith, Vincent Upton, Alton Vaughn and Frank Wilcox.

The first part of the program was given over to the dialogue comedy stuff which has given Negro minstrels much of its popularity, and there was enough local in the running fire of jokes to keep the audience in a continual state of hilarity and expectancy. The second part of the program consisting of musical sketches, impersonations and vaudeville stunts; there were few dull moments during its continuance. The performance of troupe band with "George Abraham Sousa (Keith Sanderson) as director and George Washington Johnson Fair (James Sanderson) as drummer was one of the hits of the show; also, Harold Lukens' impersonation of a Negro orator, who reversed the usual process in such affairs by hurling eggs from the platform at those in the audience who ventured to disapprove of her remarks added to the merriment. The bloody decapitation scene which occurred toward the close of the performance also created a regular riot of excitement and laughter amongst the audience. Good attendances at both performances netted gross receipt of $120 ($1803.52 in today's values) which will be donated to the basement fund of the local U.P. Church.

THE PLEASURE OF DRIVING-1925 STYLE: Eugene Wilson and wife drove down from their home in Williamsfield and spent Decoration Day here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A.Wilson. They were accompanied home by the latter and by Grandpa Brown. The following account of the trip and of the pleasant week's outing was contributed by Mr. L. A.Wilson:

"We arrived at Roseville Sunday in time for a splendid dinner at the home of Mrs. Nellie Fisher, a sister of Mrs. Wilson and where Grandpa Brown remained for a more extended visit. From Roseville to Galesburg we were privileged to ride on the new hard road and it being Sunday afternoon and an ideal day for motoring, it seemed everyone was out pleasure riding. Mrs. Wilson counted no less than 214 cars we met not counting those we passed or those that passed us. We stopped a couple of hours in Galesburg at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Guenther , the lady being a sister of Mrs. Eugene Wilson, arriving at Williamsfield at 8 pm tired and dusty.

On Wednesday evening we drove over to Elmwood, a distance of ten miles through a beautiful rich farming country with splendid farm homes. Elmwood is a nice-looking town of the C.B.&Q. railroad about the size of LaHarpe. Yates City being only about 2 and ½ miles, we came back home that way. We inquired for the mayor, Mr. Joe Baxter, who is also manager of the lumber yard there and one of our former Stronghurst boys, but Joe and family were out that evening and we did not see them.

Thursday we were out for a drive and went north of Williamsfield to Galva, a distance of 20 miles and Kewanee being only 9 miles to the northeast, we drove on over and looked up our old friends, Abner Negley and wife. We found them well and learned that Mildred, the youngest daughter, was in Chicago studying to become a nurse. The oldest daughter, Miss Belle is doing carpenter work and said there were about 75 dwelling houses under way at the present time there. A drive home by moonlight over the hard road to Galva was much enjoyed. We arrived at Williamsfield at 10:00 pm somewhat tired and ready for a good night's sleep. We arrived home Saturday on train No.23, having enjoyed our week's outing very much. (This article is included for today' reader to show how unusual and enjoyable a drive by auto in 1925 was. The people mentioned would have been known locally and therefore, the trip was an update on friendships. Notice too, how proud the writer was of the time expended and the miles travels as well as being able to drive on the new hard road.

DALLAS CITY MAN KILLED-from the Fort Madison Broadcaster: "Deafness cost William Prout, 83, his life. Both he and little Virginia Gracey,7, were standing of the station platform at Dallas City at 6 o'clock talking when Mr. Prout stepped backward onto the tracks in the path of an approaching freight train. Terror-stricken, the little girl tried frantically to warn him of the danger, but he filed to understand her gestures and was struck by the engine before it could be stopped.

One foot was severed, the other smashed and the back of his had badly cut. He was brought to the Sacred Heart Hospital where he died at 11 o'clock last night. The little girl, the only witness to the accident, is at her home in Dallas City suffering from shock.

ACCIDENT NEAR TERRE HAUTE: While Mrs. Fred Gittings who lives on the old C. R. Gittings farm south of Terre Haute was driving to that village with her four-year-old son Tuesday morning, a passing car crowded her car to one side of the road so that it struck the cement railing of the bridge over Dugout Creek. The shock threw the little boy through the windshield of the car and into the creek while the mother received some severe bruises from coming into violent contact with the steering wheel. Happily, the injuries of neither were found to be of a serious nature. (Passengers were been really tough back then.)

FIRE SIREN DISCUSSED: At the meeting of the Better Stronghurst League, the matter of the purchase of an electric fire siren for the village was discussed. A notification from the Fire Inspection Bureau whose recommendation as to insurance rates are accepted by most of the fire underwriting companies of the country, was read in which it stated fire insurance rates in Stronghurst would be advanced unless certain requirements were met. One requirement was providing of an electric siren connected so as to be operated from the telephone exchange to sound fire alarms. Members of the village board present stated that the board was willing to do everything in its power to meet the various requirements of the Fire Inspection Bureau, but that they believed in view of the heavy expenditures which would be entailed in the purchase of the new fire engine and equipment, that there would not be available funds left sufficient for the purchase of a siren.

Various plans for raising the money were suggested-the most feasible of which seemed to be that of asking each fire insurance policy holder in the village to agree to a prorate assessment up to the amount of their policy. The fund so raised would be used for the purchase and installation of a siren. A committee composed of A. E. Jones, W. C. Ivins and E. R. Grandy was appointed to arrange for the canvass necessary to estimate the rate of assessment required to raise the sum needed, which it was thought would be about $700€¦The advantage to the village of a fire alarm is so obvious as needed no argument. In most cases it would mean from 15-20 minutes saved in getting a stream of water or chemicals on a blaze and the saving in some cases no doubt of thousands of dollars' worth of property.

CULTURE COMES TO THE "MAGIC CITY:" The ladies of the Community Club last Saturday afternoon proved to be a very interesting as well as edifying affair. A large number of specimens of art work of various classes on exhibition which included rare paintings, tapestry work, decorated china ware,etc. were displayed. The lecture on picture pioneer resident of Dallas City, his placing to insure effectiveness and harmony with surroundings, was given by Mrs. E. D. Walker with the assistance of lantern slides shown by Miss Marsden of the Farm Bureau office was an instructive feature of the occasion.

HE'S A LAWYER NOW! Charles E. Fort, Jr., who recently passed a successful bar examination at Chicago, went to Springfield and will appear before the Illinois Supreme Court today to receive the required credentials for the practice of the legal profession.

CLUB CALF TOUR: The members of the calf club and their parents and friends enjoyed a tour of the county, the purpose of which was to inspect all of the calves that are on feed. The boys and girls from the Terre Haute and Biggsville clubs assembled early in the morning and drove to the farm of C. W.Cooper at Bald Bluff where the inspection began. In the forenoon, calves being fed by Leslie Cooper, Russell Darrah, Catherine Rowley, and Stephen Graham were looked over and at noon a picnic lunch was enjoyed. In the afternoon the remainder of the prospective beeves were inspected belonging to the following club members; Russell Whiteman, Roscoe T. Galbraith, Lillian Malmberg, Fred Painter, Walter Drain, Harry Kern, Wendell Wetterling George Painter and Irven Painter.

When the trip was finished, everyone seemed to feel that they had had a mighty good time and several expressed that belief that when the calves were finished, they would make a real show. In addition to the club members those who made the trip were Pearl Dixon, C. C.Painter, J. E. Painter, Lowell Painter, Fred Seigworth, J. A. Mafhaffey, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rowley, Elizabeth Rowley, C. W. Cooper and C. E. Peasley.

HENDERSON COUNTY ATHLETE WON SECOND AT STAGG MEET: Jack McIntosh, Biggsville high schools high jump artist, won second honors at the Stagg Track Meet in Chicago last Saturday, clearing the bar at 6 ft. 1 5/8 inches, being beaten by only 3/8 of an inch by the winner. R. Whiteman, a team mate who was also entered in the meet, tied for fourth in the high jump at 5 feet, 11 inches. The significance of the records made by the two Henderson County boys can be understood when the fact is considered that the best school athletes in the state participated in this meet.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Miss Marie Rankin of Monmouth, a student of Columbia University in New York City, is home on vacation. Prof. Nichols was guest of honor at a social gathering held at the U.P. Church parsonage participated by members of the church and their friends. Prof. Nichols, who is soon to leave on a vacation to Colorado, has acceptably filled the position of choir director of the U.P. Church during the past few months. He was made the recipient of a purse of money in gratitude. Mr. Geo. Fort went to Chicago accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hicks to consult an expert occultist in regard to the removal of a cataract from his eye. They were advised that the operation would be performed with safety and that the chances were that it would result in the restoration of the patient's sight. Mr. Fort will probably have the operation in the near future. Ernest Baker, a pipe line employee at Dallas City, drove a Ford car onto the Sycamore crossing of the Santa Fe Railroad Saturday morning in front of a freight train which was approaching. The car was struck and dragged and rolled a distance of 121 feet, the driver being carried with it for 80 feet. He was picked up and found to be in a semi-conscious condition but with no indication of broken bones. Later, he was taken to the Santa Fe Hospital in Fort Madison where his recovery was predicted.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: T. D. Turnbull and wife of Newark, N.J. arrived during the past week for a visit with Art Mills and family.  Mrs. Turnbull is a sister of Mr. Mills, whom he had not seen since she was seven years of age. Mr. and Bert Putney, who have been at Joliet, Ill. for the past two or three weeks where he was employed with a Santa Fe Signal Service crew, returned to Stronghurst and within a few days will leave for Medill, Mo., to which point Bert has been transferred and where a crew of workman will make their headquarters for a year or two. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Binnion whose home for the past year has been at Magnolia, Ill. where he was employed as superintendent of the high school, were business callers in Stronghurst.  They are the owners of the former Q.W. Nelson farm south of town.  Miss Esther Marshall, who has been a student of Columbia University, New York City, returned home for the summer.  Gail Brook, Louise Rankin, Mildred Grandy and Clifton Regan, students at the University of Illinois, returned home for the summer.  The ladies of the Stronghurst Christian Church will serve ice cream and cake at the Community Club room on June 13th. 

According to the Galesburg papers the new power line of the Illinois Power and Light Corporation between Keokuk and Monmouth is practically finished and most of the wire stringing completed.  Of the 14 deaths in Henderson County in 1924 which called for a coroner's inquests, 10 were found to have been due to apoplexy or heart affections, one to bronchial asthma, and three to accidental injuries. 

Mrs. Jessie Denum was stricken with a severe attack of appendicitis early this week and was taken to the Burlington Hospital where an operation was performed for her relief; she is reported as resting easily.  Mrs. Wm. Hartquist, her daughters Ethel and Edith, her son Clarence and Miss Margaret Vaughn started on an auto trip to Chicago where they will spend a week visiting and sight seeing and will also attend the commencement exercise at Northwestern University where Miss Evelyn Hartquist will be one of the graduates.  Mrs. Amanda Johnson of Roseville completed her 30th round trip to the Pacific coast recently when she returned home from her winter's stay in California.  Mrs. Johnson, who is 86 years of age, has traveled over 140,000 miles on Santa Fe trains in making her trips to the coast and while she usually travels alone, was assigned a colored maid by the railroad officials to look after her needs on her last trip home.  A joint birthday party in honor of the Misses Erma Curry and Edith Salter was given on the lawn of the Nat Curry home.  The grounds were illuminated with Japanese lanterns and tables, chairs and benches scattered about for the comfort and convenience of the company of young people.  Hobert Musser, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Musser of this vicinity while visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Newton, at Kirkwood, was attacked b a dog belonging to a neighbor, Frank Lamphere.  The boy received a scratch on the nose, but whether from a barb wire fence through which he climbed or from the fangs of the dog could not be determined.  The dog was killed and the head sent to a Kansas City laboratory for examination for rabies and the result of the test being anxiously awaited. The members of the Stronghurst "B. B." Club are enjoying their annual outing at the river near Carman.  C.R.A. Marshall and daughter, Lois, left on an auto trip to Walton, Kansas where they will spend two weeks visiting relatives. Members of Chef Shaubena Chapter of the D.A.R. of Roseville and their families will hold their annual flag day program followed by a picnic dinner at the J. C. Brook home southeast of Stronghurst; quite a number of ladies in this community are members.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: The home talent play, "A Modern Cinderella," promoted by the Media Community Club was performed before a good house and the hearty cheers from the crowd voiced the sentiments of the loyal supporters. Mrs. J. E. Campbell and LaVerne Gilliland entertained the audience between acts with their blackface specialties and responded several times to encores.  The ladies realized $73.75 from the two-night play and are very thankful to all who helped and contributed in any way to make their play a success.  Mrs. Homer Dixon entertained the Home Missionary Society of the M.E. Church at her home for their regular monthly meeting.  Their topic was, "The Business Girl."  The Young People Society of the United Church will have a sack social at Wever Spring in the woods west of town.  Dan Campbell and grand daughter Miss Zelma left in Miss Zelma's car for Akron Ohio to join Mrs. Campbell and Grandson Clifford who have been there for several weeks.  They will spend the summer there with relatives.  C. G. Richey came over from Fairfield, Iowa to spend the week with home folks.  Mrs. Grace Kimball, who is away nursing most of time, is home for a short vacation.  Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Lamb are the proud parents of a daughter born Sunday night; both are doing nicely.  Paul Gibson and Frank Nelson left in Paul's Ford for Denver and other western cities.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: The Misses Carol Everett and Eva Gibb left for Macomb to attend summer school.  A letter was received from Sam Glenn, clerk of the United Presbyterian Church indicating that Rev. Caughry would accept the call to become pastor of the church here.  Miss Louise Willman returned home from her schoolwork at the Weston School in Galesburg where she will teach next year.  This shows that they are well pleased with her work as this will be her fourth year at that place. Lynn Jamison returned to Harlan, Iowa where he will spend the vacation  writing insurance and again teach there next year.  A company of ten people from Joliet, relatives of the Stevenson family, were entertained in the Wm. Stevenson, Sr. home.  Children in town are busy practicing for the Children's Day Program which will be at all three churches next Sabbath. 

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Lois Kilgore entertained a number of her little friends last Saturday afternoon with a doll party in honor of her tenth birthday.  The little people had a good time and refreshments were served in the afternoon.  Harold Steinbeck who was operated on at the Burlington Hospital for appendicitis is reported to be getting along satisfactory.  The Intermediate Class of the United Presbyterian Church along with their leader, Beth Glenn,  spent the afternoon picnicking down in a fine shady place in Mrs. Jamison's pasture.

OLENA OBSERVATIONS: Rev. Bartram and family are leaving by auto for Bloomington, Ill. to attend the graduation exercises of the class of 1925 of which their son is a member.  He is studying for the ministry.  Miss Esther Johnson left for Macomb where she will spend a few weeks in the Teachers Training Class.  Her sister, Miss Nellie, and Miss Hazel Hicks accompanied her to the train at Stronghurst.  Miss Golda Davis, who recently went to visit her brother Lee in Chicago, has accepted a position in a telephone office and is well pleased with her work and surroundings.  Miss Laura Marsden has accepted a position in Burlington and her sister Pauline and brother Reeder have accepted position in the country during summer vacation.  Mr. Lewis Dalton has moved from Oquawka to Olena and will occupy the home of Floyd Burrell.  Mr. Vern Likely assisted by some of his neighbors is hauling hogs to ship to the Chicago market.  Mr. Ira Peterson and family are enjoying a new Chevrolet car.  Mr. John Marshall has purchased a new Ford car.  Mr. Aril Dowell and young Mr. Lefler are planning a trip to Washington state in the near future.  Misses Ruth Brooks and Clydean Simpson have been appointed delegates to the Sunday School Convention from Dist. No. 8 to be held at Paris, Ill. next week.  On June10th Monmouth will dedicate its $325,000 gym.  The principal speaker will be W. A. Stagg, athletic direction of the University of Chicago.  Mrs. Fred Lant and children of Oquawka have been recent guests of relatives in and near Stronghurst.  Mrs. Lant says they will be located soon in Lamoille, Ill. where Fred is working on the hard road. Mr. Love of Gladstone has been interviewing farmers here in regard to locating the county seat near Gladstone; the result was rather disconcerting. (Mr. Love was always promoting a scheme.)

Raritan Reports:  Martha Brokaw of Colorado has come to keep house for her father, Cornelius Brokaw.  Dorothy VanArsdale arrived home from Pella for summer vacation.  Miss Callie Starbuck who has been visiting her brother, Dwight Starbuck, returned home to Missouri.  Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thrush are owners of a new Ford car.  Miss Esther Perrine is attending school at Macomb.

LOMAX LINGERINGS: W. R. Sanders has rented the A. B. Smith building and expects to open a second-hand store. Quite a large crowd from here attend a picnic in Crapo Park given by the Tri State Lodges of this county.