The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1925 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic: June 4, 1925

 EIGHTEEN SENIOR GRADUATED: Eleven young ladies and seven young men of this community received last Friday evening at the Stronghurst United Presbyterian Church at the hand of Supt. L O. Dawson, the documents bearing record of their faithfulness and diligence in completing the prescribed course of study in the high school also carries with it, the right to entrance to many of the high educational institutions of the state without an entrance examination. (They graduated.) The names of the graduates are as follows: Roberta Denim, Doris Dixson, Gertrude Gibb, Idelle Hollingsworth, Nellie Johnson, Winifred Jones, Grace Kemp, Lena Morey, Faye McMillan, Lucile Parish, Hazel Stine, Wendell Adair, Clarence Burrell, Donald Chandler, Eldred Kemp, Clifford Mills, Loren Pearson and Frank Wilcox.

Parents and friends filled the church to over flowing last Friday evening while exercises appropriate to the occasion were held. At a few minutes after eight, the church organist, Mrs. Gertrude Upton began playing a processional to the strains of which the graduating class, preceded by Supt. Dawson and Rev. S.H. Zendt, the speaker of the evening, marched up the east aisle and took their places in the choir box and on the rostrum. An invocation by Rev. R. C. Myers followed after which the high school chorus sang "Pale Moon." The Salutatorian of the class, Miss Faye McMillan, then gave an address of welcome. Misses Lena Morey and Doris Dixson sang a duet, " Underneath the Trees." The Valedictory of the class by Doris Dixson was followed by a vocal solo, "Sing, Sing, Birds on the Wing," rendered in a very effective manner by Miss Grace Terry, music instructor for the high school. Following this Supt. Dawson introduced Dr. S. H. Zendt of Galesburg, the speaker of the evening. His theme was "The Mission of the Graduates"(read about the address in this issue of the paper on microfilm at the Henderson County Public Library)€¦Exercises were closed by Rev. J. A. Mahaffey.

BLANDINSVILLE MAN KILLED IN AUTO ACCIDENT: Royce Bloom, aged about 30 is dead and Royce Huston of the same place is lying in the LaHarpe Hospital suffering from numerous cuts and bruises as the result of an accident which occurred at about 11:30 Wednesday night at a bend in the road at the county line between McDonough and Warren Counties north of Good Hope. Two men were on their way to London Mils in a new Studebaker roadster with Bloom at the wheel. While running at a speed of about 40 miles an hour, the car came upon the bend in the road with which the men were unfamiliar and in making the turn, the car was overturned and rolled over a couple of times pining the occupants beneath the wreck.

When help arrives, it was found that Bloom had been instantly killed, his back being broken in three places. Huston, it was found, had injuries which necessitated his being taken to a hospital. His recovery is expected. He is the proprietor of the Huston Auto Company of Blandinsville, having just recently purchased the business from Chas. Sweeney. Bloom was employed in the Grigsby Hardware store there.

RENOWNED HORSE TO LIVE IN CARTHAGE: Sherman Altizer of this city has purchased Earl Jr., 2:01 ¾ from Chas. Roberts of Industry, Ill. and will bring him here for the 1925 season. Earl Jr. is a gray stallion 20 years old who has paced on every grand circuit track in America. During his 20 years he has won nearly 50 thousand dollars in prize money (today's value=$679,500, a fortune back then) and made a mark of 2:01 ¾ .

During the last two years he has been working as a guideless wonder. Last year at Quincy he set a new world's record for guideless pacers at 2:07 ¾ -at that time being 19 years old. He is the holder of 13 world records and has sold for $5,000 more times than any other horse in the world. The old "war horse" has had the most brilliant career of any horse alive today and is still going, though 20 years of age, he can clip off a mile at 2:10 any day in the week. Mr. Altizer will bring him here this week and put him up at the fairgrounds where he can be seen any time.

HONORING THE DEAD: Fitting honors were held last Saturday afternoon to the Memory of the heroes of the Civil War and the late World War, who sleep in our cemetery. Although the decision to observe Memorial Day with public exercises was arrived at rather late for any elaborate arrangements, the ceremonies at the Lyric Theatre and the cemetery were in keeping with the spirit of the occasion and were attended by a fair-sized audience. Ball games and other sport events at various neighboring places had the effect of reducing the attendance as compared with former years, but the exercises themselves were more the less effective and served their purpose.

The services which began at 2 pm were presided over by Mr. R. W. Upton as chairman and were opened with the singing of "America" by the audience. An invocation by Rev. R. C. Myers followed after which Mrs. Alice Painter sang an appropriate solo. The chairman next gave a brief history of the origin of Decoration Day and called to memory of those present the fact that its observance in Stronghurst had been for many years under the direction of Evans Post of the Grand Army of the Republic (Civil War veterans organization) named in honor of the first Henderson County soldier to fall in the Civil War. (He died in the Battle of Pea Ridge, Arkansas and his stone is in the Olena Cemetery). He stated that the last commander of that post was Comrade George J. Morgan, who passed away several years ago. He then announced that Miss Lucille Parish, a grand-daughter of Mr. Morgan, would read the roll of honor containing the names of those upon whose graves in the local cemetery a wreath and flag were to be placed a little later. Following this, C. E. Fort, Jr. sang "Land of Mine."

Rev. E. E, Atherton of Joy, Ill. was then introduced as the orator of the day and delivered a patriotic address in which he called to mind the meaning to this generation of the services made by those who fought and died in the wars€¦Following this address, the garlands of evergreens and flowers which had been prepared by the committee were given to a band of school children under the direction of Miss Mary Morgan and Mrs. Marguerite Boyd. The march to the cemetery was led by the local Boy Scouts. The ceremonies at the cemetery consisted of songs and drills and recitations by the band of school children. They decorated the graves afterwards and were dismissed with benediction by Rev. Myers.

THEY WON: On May 30th in the first game of the season in this district of the Illinois Farm Bureau Baseball League, Warren and Henderson County teams put on a very pleasing exhibition of the national game, the score resulting 6 to 4 in favor of Henderson County. The teams were well matched and it was anybody's game until the last man was out.

THERE WERE THREE: Frank Gustafson, who operates a farm three miles south of Stronghurst, is the owner of a Jersey cow which probably holds the record in the matter of extent of progeny within a given period of time. During the five years previous, this cow has produced 9 calves, including 4 pairs of twins. Last Monday night she went her previous records one better by giving birth to triplets, all of which are healthy, active calves with every prospect of developing into fine specimens of the Jersey breed. Of the 12 calves this cow has produced in 6 years, all but one is alive and well,

CULTURE COMES TO STRONGHURST! The Stronghurst Women's Community Club is arranging to make the subject of their next meeting "Art" in the club room on June 6th at 2:30. The leaders of the meeting will be Miss Emma Marshall, Mrs. E. D. Walker and Miss Lucretia Bruen. There will be on exhibition specimens of art work in the line of paintings, decorated ware of various kinds, embroidery work, quilts and other articles as well as reproductions of famous painting. Lantern slides will also be shown under the supervision of Mr. E. D. Walker, showing approved methods of hanging pictures, interior decorations for the home, etc. Music for the occasion will be furnished by the girls of the Junior and Senior Classes of the local high school costumed to illustrate the latest vogue in feminine apparel.

RARITAN REPORTS: Mr. and James Sweasy and grand daughter of Monmouth attended the Decoration Day services Saturday afternoon at the opera house. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Dice and daughters of Maquon spent Saturday at the Alfred Roseberg home. Elmer Voorhees attended the Sunday School Convention at the Reformed Church Saturday afternoon. Miss Loretta Schenck arrived home for her vacation in Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Holman and baby daughter of Indiana are visiting the Amos Morris home.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Miss Dorothea McMillan is home for the summer vacation from the Columbia School of Expression in Chicago. Mrs. Dale Davis finished a successful year's teaching at Maple Grove with a picnic. About 40 were present and enjoyed a social time and bountiful dinner. The directors have employed Miss Clydean Simpson to teach the coming year. W. C. Regan was stricken at his home Wednesday evening with an acute attack of appendicitis. He was rushed to the Burlington Hospital where an operation was immediately performed. Reports this morning were that he had passed through the ordeal nicely and was resting easy. Rolla Mudd came down from Chicago to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Mudd. Mr. Claude L. Fish and family late of Kahoka, Mo. who have spent the past week at the W. B. Gregory home in this village, left via auto for Bedford, Indiana to make their future home. Editor E. O. Barnes of Raritan was stricken with a heart attack on the street last Friday while on his way to the funeral of Robt. Rankin. He was taken to his home where for a time his condition was thought to be serious. He recovered from the attack which will be acceptable news to the veteran newspaper man's wide circle of friends and acquaintances.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Union services of the Stronghurst M.E. and U.P. congregations be held next Sunday evening at the M.E. Church with Rev. Mahaffey delivering the sermon. Mrs. James Brewer and Mrs. James Brown and son James, Jr. visited during the past week at the home of Mrs. Brown's brother, A. D. Prescott. Mr. Brewer and Mr. Brown are expected to arrive for a short visit. The Brewer and Brown families are expected to sail from Quebec, Canada next Wednesday for their old home in England for an indefinite stay. Mrs. F. J. Murphy attended the graduation exercises of the Mendon High School. Her grand-daughter, Miss Mildred Austin, a graduate, received the $100 scholarship to Carthage College given to the highest-ranking student. Her sister, Miss Dorothy Austin, a junior, received the George Campbell prize of ten dollars given for good citizenship.

Four acres of vineyard near Nauvoo, Ill. was sold at a Master of Chancery sale for $2,100, or a little more than $500 per acre. Rex Mudd and wife now make their home at Lewiston, Ill. Henry Haben and family left for an auto trip to Minnesota where they will spend several weeks visiting at the home of Mr. Haben' parents. Thomas Ayers, who is employed as bookkeeper in the offices of Standard Oil Co. in Chicago is spending a two-week vacation at the home of his father, S. W. Ayers. Miss Frances Worley, who is a nurse at the Burlington Hospital, spent the Memorial Day vacation at home of her parents, Mr. and Mr. G. W. Worley, Mayor Ludlow of Dallas City has resigned his office preliminary to moving back to his old home in Cleveland, Ohio, and Mr. Earl Curtis has been appointed to fill his unexpired term.

The children of the Maple Grove school, Mrs. Madge Davis , teacher, will hold a "Parcel Post Sale" at Lovitt's grocery in Stronghurst. (Anyone know what this is?) Mr. Albert Swanson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gust A. Swanson, has returned from Rock Island where he was a Sophomore at Augustana College. He will continue his work there this fall. He was a member of the college band. Mrs. Carrie Simonson and her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford McKeown, moved into the property on Mary St. which Mrs. Simsonson recently purchased. Prof. and Mrs. Dawson, who had been occupying this place, moved some time ago into the Bane property on South Broadway. Iowa's new gasoline tax law is proving a boon to the owners of filling stations located at bridge ends on the Illinois side of the river. Motorist from Burlington are now purchasing all their gasoline at the Henderson County end of the big wagon bride there.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: John Suydam , a "drummer boy" of the Civil War, played his drum for the 40th consecutive year at Kirkwood for their memorial services. Three years ago when Mrs. Suydam passed away on that day was the first time he had missed since he began to go over there to play for them. The last annual high school picnic was held in the woods north of town Friday afternoon. The day was ideal for a picnic and one long to be remembered as it was probably the last time that some who were there would ever be together again as teacher and students. The faculty served refreshments of "wieners, buns pickles, ice cream and cake. Clarence Vaughn of the high school expects to go to Chicago to the Stagg meet in which he has entered. Clarence is a Sophomore and broke the record in the 100-yard dash at our county track meet, his time bing10 1-5. This is a record that very few, if any, high schools of the state held.

CARMAN CONCERNS: Intermittent showers continuing through the night and today and although so far, the rainfall has not been heavy, it is reported of considerable value to the growing crops. Mr. Love of Gladstone was in town boosting for the town of NuHope which will be located near there. Mrs. Mattie King of West Branch, Iowa spent the weekend at the home of her mother, Mrs. Anna Gillis. Everett Harris and daughter, Pauline, are spending a week's vacation here at the A.C.Babcook home.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Memorial services were held at the cemetery Saturday morning with a large assemblage being present. A large flag which had been donated by Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Garrity, was unfurled by the only survivor of the Civil War living in this community, John Mekemson. A tall flag pole with a cement base had been erected and as "Old Glory" took the breeze, it was a beautiful sight. The Ladies Aid Society of the U.P. Church will hold an ice cream social on the east lawn of the bank Saturday evening. Mrs. Edgar Bergren was hostess of the Eldeen Book Club. Time was spent socially, books being exchanged. Refreshments of salmon sandwiches, pickles, strawberry ice cream, angel food cake, wafers and ice tea were served. Mrs. S. E.Williams of Culver, City, Calif. was a guest. Miss Jessie Claybaugh has resigned her position at the Inter-City Telephone Co. office. Her unfailing courtesy won her many friends who will be sorry to see her leave the work.