The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic: July 9, 1925
D.A.R. COMING TO TOWN: About a dozen ladies of this community who are now members of Chief Shaubena Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution of Roseville met in the Stronghurst Community Club room and took the preliminary steps necessary for the organization of a local D.A.R. chapter. The following officers were elected: Regent, Mrs. Maude Brook; Vice-Regent, Mrs. Minnie McElhinney; Secretary, Miss Esther Marshall; Treasurer, Mrs. Mabel Sanderson; and Registrar, Mrs. Nannie Marshall. At a luncheon at the home of Mrs. Lucretia Bruen in Stronghurst, the completion of the organization will be affected and a name of the chapter selected. The Illinois State Regent of the D.A.R. is expected to be present and invitations have been extended to neighboring chapters. (For some today, realizing the importance of this group will be hard to comprehend; however, in 1925 to be able to say your ancestors were fighting with the patriots was social status.)
WEDDING OF THE SEASON: BARR-FITZ: "Beautiful Sunday morning light through the stained-glass windows, made a radiant vision of the bridal party of Miss Grace Barr, who was united in marriage to Mr. Fred Fitz of Cambridge, Ill. on Sunday morning, June 21st at seven o'clock in the Grace Methodist Church. Preceding the entrance of the bridal party, Mr. Herbert Fitz, brother of the groom sang "Because" and "At Dawning" accompanied by Mrs. E. V. Young at the pipe organ with violin obligato by Mr. David Lashmet. Messrs. Roy Barr, brother of the bride, and Carol Smith acted as ushers. To the organ strains of Mendelssohn's "Wedding March," the beautiful bride entered preceded by little Miss Lolita Hoobler as flower girl and Miss Florence Guild as bridesmaid. She was met at the altar by the bridegroom and his best man, Mr. LaRue VanMeter. Dr. A. C. Piersel of the faculty of Illinois Wesleyan University was the officiating clergyman at the double ring ceremony.
The altar was adorned with palms and ferns while on either side tall candles burned in triple branching candelabra. At the close of the ceremony exquisite violin selections were rendered by Mr. Lashmet with organ accompaniment which included Schubert's "Serenade." The bride, a most beautiful young woman, was gowned in white satin crepe worn with full bridal veil caught b orange blossoms. Her shower bouquet was of bride roses and lilies of the valley. Miss Guild was charming in a gown of green with tan accessories and carried an arm bouquet of Madame Butterfly roses. The little flower girl was dainty in a gown of pink voile made with ruffles. The ceremony took place in the presence of a large company of relatives and friends. Later in the day Mr. and Mrs. Fitz departed by motor for a trip to Wisconsin Lake Country." (Local brides-to-be would have read this with interest and adopted some of fashion and flowers for their own ceremony.)
THEY TURNED IT ON: After about a year's work in construction, the sixty-mile double-line transmission line from the Keokuk dam to Monmouth, Ill. has been completed and the current turned on the wires by the engineers of the Illinois Power and Light Company, owner of this latest link in high tension transmission. The 64-foot steel towers which carry this double line are from 600-650 feet apart, weigh 4,000-5,000 pounds each and carry two wires, either of which is of ample capacity to carry the load should one circuit, for any reason, be put out of service. The current is carried on the line at 66,000 volts.
The juice taken from the Keokuk hydro-electric plant at the west side of the river at 13,800 volts is carried across the river to the east side where it is stepped up to 66,000 volts for transmission across the prairies to Monmouth. There it is again stepped down to 2,300 volts for that city and the neighboring communities which are served. The Illinois Power and Light Corporation installed two 5,000 k.w. frequency changers at the dam for changing the frequency from 25 to 60 cycles.
LIGHTNING STRUCK IN DALLAS CITY: The Dallas City Review plant had a narrow escape from destruction during the heavy electrical storm which prevailed last Friday night and Saturday morning. At about one o'clock on Saturday morning, a bolt of lightning struck the building, jumped the open switch of the electric motor which runs the machinery of the plant and literally burned the motor up. The intense heat engendered set fire to the surrounding woodwork and ceiling. Mrs. Reid, the owner of the building who lives in rooms in the second floor, saw the reflection of the fire through a window and after alarming the neighbors, put out the blaze unaided by attaching a line of garden hose to a faucet in the basement of the building and directing a stream of water on the fire. The Review estimates the damages to be between four and five hundred dollars. Fortunately, however, the loss is covered by insurance.
SCALDED BY HOT SYRUP: The Waldo Johnson home near Decorra was the scene of a distressing accident Friday morning of last week when Mr. and Mrs. Johnson's little 3 year old daughter, Marianna, pulled kettle of cherries off the stove where they were cooking, the boiling hot syrup pouring over the child's neck and one side of her body inflicting burns which caused the tendons of the neck to be exposed and causing the little one the greatest agony. After first aid had been rendered, the little sufferer was taken to the Burlington Hospital where physicians expressed the hope of being able to save the child's life. The family has the sympathy of the entire community in their affliction.
FARM BUREAU PICNIC A BIG SUCCESS: If appearances were any indication, the 4,000 people who gathered at the Burlington Fair Grounds last Saturday for the big Henderson-Des Moines picnic all had a good time. From the time the prize contest opened at 10:30 am until the tug of war, closing the day at 5:30 pm there was something doing all the time to entertain the crowd.
The rain that fell the night before and threatened to continue during the day no doubt cut down the crowd considerably. In the prize contest which opened the day's entertainment, Frank Allen of Danville, Iowa, was the big winner receiving a car of limestone; the other fortunate parties being Wm. Powell of Stronghurst; Leo Blake of Mediapolis; I. R. Crothers, Morning Sun; Will Dockendorff, Danville; C. H. Nau, Middletown; S. K. Wagner, Danville; J. H. Johnson, Carman; Anna and Maurice Ingram, Lomax; Loren Hall, Oquawka; J. A. Vandermark, Mediapolis; and H. H. Schweitzer, Mediapolis. The Girls; Clothing Club put on some neat stunts, Yellow Springs taking first. At this point dinner was called and the many people present spread the contents of their baskets on the tables which had been provided under the grandstand. Needless to say, a bounteous feast was spread. The Oakville Ladies' Band played during the noon hour and also during the afternoon program.
At 1:30 chairman, J. I. Edwards, introduced the two Farm Bureau presidents, C. W.Cooper of Henderson County and Frank McDonald of Des Moines County. Mr. McDonald made a short address of welcome and the main speaker of the day, W. F.Schilling of Northfield, Minn. gave an excellent address on the cooperation among farmers. Following this, the afternoon sports started of which the features were the baseball game, tug of war and mule race. In the baseball game, the Henderson County team continued their winning streak by beating the Des Moines boys 6 to 3 in a closely contested and interesting game.
The mule race had three entries: C. W. Bond, Secretary of the Greater Burlington Association; Rex Wickman, County Agent of Des Moines County; and Ernest D. Walker, farm adviser of Henderson County. Bond took the lead but was soon passed by Wickham who held the lead until near the finish when Bond's animal made a spurt and came under the wire several lengths ahead. Walker's mule was third from start to finish. He suspected the mule being reared in Des Moines County was averse to bringing honors to Henderson County. The tug-of-war which closed the afternoon's entertainment was won by Des Moines County. (Other races run were the following: Slow Ford Race, Ladies Nail Driving Contest, Boys' 50-yard dash, Ladies' Baseball Throwing Contest, Girls' 50-yard dash, Boys' 100-yard dash, Girls 100-yard dash, Boys' and Men's free-for-all sack rack, Men's free-for-all foot race, Boys' sack race, Boys' relay race and Women's child calling contest. Maybe 2021 Henderson County Fair might have similar races on Family night except for the mules as they would hard to come by.)
BURLINGTON DISCUSSES WAGON BRIDGE RECEIPTS: The total receipts for the 24 hours on July 4 was $902.15($13,981 in today's values)…In order to correct any false impressions which might arise as to the big profit the city of Burlington is making through bridge tolls, the Gazette hastens to explain that there are really some rainy days and some cold winter days when the receipts from tolls are positively disheartening. And, then, those terrible up-keep expenses! No, the idea of charging Illinois people any less for the privilege of getting into Burlington to spend their money or Iowa people any less for the privilege of free use of Illinois' splendid hard road system is not to be thought of. (I think when the present bridge did away with the tolls, the city of Burlington's budget was definitely affected.)
SHE'LL TEACH IN ROSEVILLE: Galesburg Republican Register "Miss Mary Dixson of Stronghurst has signed a contract to teach in the Roseville High School the coming year to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Miss Phyllis Jackson. Miss Dixson comes highly recommended and will be known as the dean of girls, a work she has made a special study. She will also teach science and physical training. She is a graduate of the University of Illinois. In accepting this position, she declined an offer as assistant in the science department of the University of Illinois and also a position in the high school at Baraboo, Wis.
MEDIA MAN TO TALK ON RADIO: Station WLS (Sears-Roebuck station) will broadcast talks by E. G.Lewis of Media on July 14 at 12:00 noon. Mr. Lewis will on the air with a talk on "Alfalfa and How to Grow It;" and at 8:10 pm station WLS will broadcast another talk by the well-known Henderson County farmer and seedman on the subject, "The Farm, Town and City." Many radio sets in this community will doubtless be tuned in with WLS when Mr. Lewis gives these talks.
THEY EARNED SCHOLARSHIPS: Free scholarships in higher educational institutions were earned by the following grade school graduates in Henderson County at the examination conducted in April and May: Edith Gertrude Brook, Stronghurst; Mary Apt, Lomax; Harry Cox, Lomax; Keith Murph, Carman; Ruby Edna Avery, Stronghurst; Faye Lawyer, Media; Hazel Ellen Sterrett, Biggsville; Virginia Turley, Biggsville; James Sliger, Gladstone; Louise Johnson, Biggsville; and Margaret Walters, Seaton.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Miss Ruth Brokaw of Chicago is enjoying a weekend with her parents, Mrs. and Mrs. A.V. Brokaw. Miss Viola Peterson from Gorin, Mo. came to visit her aunt, Mrs. Al Berg and family. Lester Sippel and wife of Geneseo, Ill. spent the Fourth at the B. E. Sippel home. On their return home, they were accompanied by Mrs. G.H. Sieben and daughter Mary Louise of Houston, Texas who had visiting at the Sippel home. Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Bell and son Paul spent the Fourth and over Sunday at the home of Ernest Staley and family in Galesburg. John Winedar of Chicago, a cousin of Mrs. Manly Staley, is a guest at the Staley home and plans to spend the summer here. A Drovers' Journal item states that E. R. Melvin of Raritan Township in this county was on last Thursday's Chicago market with a shipment of hogs which sold up to $14.15, a price within 5 cents of the practical top for that day ($212.96 in today's values). A recent meeting at Seaton Ill. conducted by "Red" Pecaut, who was associate with Grandy Cantrell in the evangelistic meeting held here last summer resulted in the conversion of 30 persons. A free will offering of $260 ($3.913 in today's values-wow!) was given the evangelist. Relatives here received word of the birth on July 7th of a fine 9 lb. boy to Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Chase at Kansas City, Mo. Miss Evelyn Fort has recently purchased a Chickering Parlor Grand Piano of the Guest Piano Co. of Burlington, Iowa. (Now she was ready to give lessons.) Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Brokaw and children attended a picnic and reunion of the Gibb family held on Saturday, July 1st at the home of Francis Gibb in Biggsville. Mr. and Mrs. George Berger of Davenport, Iowa visited from Saturday until Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hadley. On Sunday the group made an auto trip to Keokuk.(They were probably going to see the new power dam.) Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Walker an Mr. and Mrs. Earl Taylor drove to Farmington, Iowa in the Walker car and spent the day at the farm which Mr. and Mrs. Walker own near the city mentioned. John Norwood and family drove down from Chicago; they left two boys, Kenneth and Alfred, here to spend a few weeks at the home of Mrs. J.N. Salter.
The Citizen's bridge across the Mississippi River at Burlington had a narrow escape from destruction recently when a twenty-foot hole was burned in the planking by a fire supposed to have been started by a cigar or cigarette stub. The Burlington city council has now voted to install 15 hydrants, each equipped with four reels of hose, on the bridge. Marion Brown and his little brother Clyde of Dallas City drove their Ford car on a Santa R.R. crossing in that city, saw a train coming, became excited, killed their engine and then had to jump to save their lives. The result was a demolished Ford and two badly scared and, no doubt in the future, more cautious boys.
Ed Crapnell, manager of the local Benteco store is taking a vacation this week with family visiting old friends in Mercer County; Mr. Robert Hamilton of Burlington is looking after the store. Greenup Stillwell, an aged and well-known citizen of Oquawka, who was born 70 years ago in what is now Rozetta Township, passed away suddenly at his home last Saturday. His death was due to complication following an attack of flu which he suffered last winter. Mr. and Mrs. Allenford Buckley, Miss Ruth Brokaw, Miss Erma Kaiser and Ernest Smelter drove down from Chicago to spend the 4th and Sunday with Mr. and Mr. C. R. Kaiser and family. Mr. Smelter is first teller at the Hyde Park State Bank where Miss Brokaw and Miss Kaiser are bookkeepers and Mr. Buckley has an interest in a chain of meat markets which are operated in the city. Mrs. Buckley at one time was an official of the Hyde Park State Bank. Miss Ruth Mains, bookkeeper at the South Shore State Bank, returned with them Sunday evening. (Looks like local women had successful careers.) Virgil Keithley, a teacher in the Blandinsville high school and Miss Esther Olson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Olson of the Old Bedford neighborhood, were married at Monmouth on July 1st. Highway Supt. C. R. A. Marshall and County Supervisors Wiegand of Biggsville, Dixon of Carman and Kern of Terre Haute are considering proposals for the erection of a number of culverts and other bridge work in the county. Ray Beaver and wife and three children from Hemlock, Mich. accompanied by Mrs. Little, a sister of Mrs. Beaver, arrived here by auto for a visit with Ray's father, A. L. Beaver. T. C. Knutstrom and family left on a vacation auto trip to Minnesota where he hoped to find the opportunity to try his skill as a fisherman in some of the famous lakes of the country. His son Ralph, who has been employed in Fort Madison for some time came up to take charge of the garage during his father's absence. Robert Adair, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Adair of this vicinity and Miss Belle Negley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Almer Negley, former Terre Haute Township residents now living in Kewanee, Ill., were married at the home of the bride's parents on June 25th. The newly married couple will make their home at Hyannis, Nebr. where the groom has been living for the past year. Miss Jean Fleming, a teacher in the Stanton, Ky. school maintained by the United Presbyterian Church gave a very interesting talk at the local U.P. church last Sabbath morning on the conditions in the "hill districts" of our Southern states and the efforts which are being made to extend the benefits of Christian education into those underdeveloped sections of the country. Chalmers Fort and wife of Evanston, Ill. were visitors in the home of the gentleman's mother and sister, Mrs. Sarah A. Fort and Mrs. Anna Dickerson. They were accompanied by Robert Smith, a young lad who makes his home with Mrs. Chalmer Fort's parents in Evanston and who will spend his summer vacation of the Fort farm west of town.
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Mrs. Florence Mathers, Mrs. J. J. Gram, Harold Drain and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Murtland and William were shopping in Stronghurst Monday afternoon.(Today, this seems mundane but really it told the town who did what and who were friends with who-local gossip.) Mr. and Mrs. George Wax returned from an outing on the banks of the Mississippi River at Hamilton. J. E. Lawyer, agent for the Santa Fe R.R. here, went to Fort Madison to enter the Santa Fe hospital for treatment. Joe, Jr., the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Campbell was so nearly overcome by the heat Saturday evening that for awhile it was doubtful about saving his life. He suffered a slight attack Sunday afternoon. He is thought to be some better and perhaps out of danger at this time. J. B. Heap and sons lost a valuable mule by heat Thursday afternoon while plowing corn. Quite a number of farmers had to stop their work on account of the horses being unable to stand the heat. The Men's Bible class of the United Church has issued invitations to the entire community to be present at a fish fry to be given by the class Thursday evening at Wever Lake. A free moving picture will be given after the supper. The committee in charge is sparing no efforts in an attempt to make this a most enjoyable affair.
While Mrs. Harry Norville was helping Mr. Norville water their cows Thursday noon, the cow which she was leading, in some manner-probably shaking er head at flies, caught Mrs. Norville on her horns and threw her some distance into the air. She fell on her right shoulder, bruising it quite badly. One of the cow's horns penetrated the flesh causing an ugly wound which required the services of a physician and one stitch to properly care for it. She was badly frightened and shaken up by the fall and quite weak from the loss of blood for a while, but is recovering nicely and will soon be all right again. This family seems to have more than its share of bad luck. Mr. Norville is not yet able to go without his crutches since having his leg badly broken while bailing straw about nine months ago.
CARMAN CONCERNS: Mr. Samuel Howell is now riding in a new Ford touring car. Mrs. Huff and daughter, Garnett of Dallas City will soon move their household goods here. Mrs. Huff is employed as principal of the school here while her daughter will teach at Dallas City. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Wisby and daughter Lizzie Marsden and granddaughter, Ruby and her husband and great-granddaughter, Mildred Marsden, all of Leola, N. Dakota, spent Tuesday at the home of the former's son, Harry Wisby and family. Mrs. Mary Bradley entertained the Carman Thursday Club at her home serving a two-course luncheon. Several of the LaHarpe Club members are enjoying the breezes from the Mississippi River here. Little Charles Johnson of Stronghurst is staying this week at the J. Fred Clover home while his little sister is in the Burlington Hospital being treated for burns; the babe is improving. Ruby, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Coffman was at Dr. Emerson's office in Lomax on the 4th of July, the result of stones from a torpedo striking her on the lip. (Watch those fireworks!) Gene Babcook is working on the section now in Henry Jones' place while Henry assists Dannenberg Bros. during the threshing season which will start this week.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Friday was another hot day but a breeze relieved the situation somewhat. Some of the farmers in this community have been shocking wheat at night by the aid of automobile lights to avoid the extreme heat in the middle of the day. The home of Dr. Elvina Mekemson which has recently been remodeled, is completed and she with Dr. and Mrs. Robert Mekemson have moved in and are nicely located. Mrs. M.L Daugherty who has been staying with Mrs. H.O. Garrity slipped and fell on a porch which had just been scrubbed and is suffering considerable discomfort. Mrs. Garrity's health has been good since returning from Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Wittman and daughter Louise returned from a two weeks stay with relatives at Hamps, North Dakota. The change in temperature as they came south was felt acutely. Wraps were needed there and people still had fires in their homes. They report Miss Emma Wittman who is well known here in very poor health. Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Taylor of Buffalo, N.Y. arrived for a visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Erickson. The trip was made by auto in 2 ½ days. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pearson have received word of a daughter arriving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Alexander at Swift Current, Sask., Canada. The lady formerly was Miss Alma Pearson. A family reunion was held last Saturday at the Harry Foster home north of town in honor of Mrs. Foster's father who is visiting from Cheyenne, Wyo.
The pageant, "Stars and Stripes," given by Dr. Rezner's Bible class was well given before a good-sized audience. Various groups representing the different wars in which this country has engaged were reviewed by the spirit of patriotism and as each group appeared, appropriate songs were given by chorus and soloists. All flags of this nation from its earliest history were displayed, also the flag of the cross of Christ and lastly the official Jewish flag, the flag of the "House of David," which was the property of Dr. White who had been presented with it by friends who had traveled to Palestine. Dr. White gave a short address following the program. The central point of his theme being a real patriot is one who must be loyal to God and the Bible. A martial band added its share to the program.
A recurrence of the earth tremors that shook four states was felt in five towns in central Montana. No fatality resulted from it and but three persons were injured; however, $500,00 in property was damaged. Yellowstone park was not damaged. Park officials announced no one in the park was injured and none of the natural beauties were damaged.