The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic: July 30, 1925
OLD RESIDENT CALLED HOME: PERRY T. LOVITT-Perry T. Lovitt, a resident of Stronghurst for the past 35 years passed away at his home in the north part of the village last Saturday morning, July 25 at about 11 o'clock following a protracted illness. Mr. Lovitt, the son of William and Mary Ann Lovitt, was born in Janesville, Ohio, October 13, 1850 and died at his home in Stronghurst, Illinois on July 25, 1925, aged 70 years, 9 months and 12 days. He was the eldest of ten children, five of whom survive him. He came with his parents when he was seven years of age to Terre Haute, Illinois, where he lived until grown. He was united in marriage to Laurena Beach, October 5, 1875. To this union were born four children, two dying in infancy. Ida May Lovitt, who has been with her father for the past five weeks and whose home is in Denver, and Professor W.V. Lovitt of Colorado Springs, Colo. are the surviving children. His wife died Christmas Eve, 1917.
Mr. Lovitt and his family moved to Whiting, Kansas some years after this marriage and afterward returning to Terre Haute and later moving to Stronghurst somewhere about the year 1890. While living at Whiting, Kansas, the deceased united with the Methodist Church and his membership has been with that denomination continually since.
One brother, William, lives in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, and the other, George, lives in York, Nebraska. One sister, Sarah E. McLimans, lives in Hot Springs, South Dakota and another sister, Cynthia who lives in Topeka, Kansas while the third sister, Rhoda Rogers, resides in Omaha, Nebraska. None of these were able to attend the funeral services conducted by Rev. R. C. Myers at the Methodist Church in Stronghurst with interment in the Terre Haute Cemetery.
DEATH OF MRS. ANNA E. EDMUNDS: Mrs. Anna E. Edmonds, a resident of Henderson County for the past 74 years and who during that time won a high place in the confidence and esteems of all with whom she came in contact, passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mary Edmunds at Terre Haute, Ill., Friday evening, July 24 at about 5:15 o'clock following an attack of cerebral hemorrhage which she suffered on Monday, July 20th.
Mrs. Edmunds was a native of England, having been born in Monmouthshire, England about 90 years ago. She was the daughter of Thomas and Mary (Howell) Morgan, who came to this country with their six children in the year 1848 and settled in Oneida, N.Y. In the year 1851 they came to Illinois and settled in Terre Haute Township, which has ever since been the home of the deceased. In early womanhood the subject of this sketch became the wife of Joseph P. Barnes of Terre Haute Township and to this union three children were born, namely, Joseph J. Barnes, present county clerk of Henderson County; Edward Barnes of Indianapolis, Ind. and Mrs. Mary Edmunds of Terre Haute. The husband and father passed away in 1878. Ten years later his widow became the wife of Philip Edmunds of Terre Haute Township, who also preceded her in death several years ago. Following the death of Mr. Edmunds, the deceased made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Mary Edmunds. Funeral services, which were attended by a large concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends, were held at the Terre Haute M.E. Church on Tuesday afternoon, July 28th at 2 o'clock. The remains were laid to rest in the Terre Haute Cemetery.
An unfortunate and distressing circumstance connected with the death of Mrs. Edmunds was the fact that her son, County Clerk J. J. Barnes was on a vacation trip amongst the Wisconsin lakes at the time of her death and although every effort was made to locate him including the broadcasting of radio message from Davenport, Iowa, and the insertion of notices in city dailies, communication with him was not established until the morning of the day set for the funeral. He at once telegraphed that he would be unable to make the trip home from the place where he was located in much less than 3 days and advised that the funeral services take place according to arrangements already made and without his presence.
PREACHED TRIAL SERMON: Rev. Joseph R. Sizoo, pastor of the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church at Washington, D.C. who will deliver the funeral sermon at the services to be held for William Jennings Bryan, Friday, was previous to his call to the Washington charge a minister in the Reformed (Dutch) Church. The recollection of the writer is that he was licensed as a preacher at a meeting of the class of Illinois held in the Reformed Church in Raritan, Ill. where he also delivered his trial sermon. He was for a number of years pastor of the 2nd Reformed Church of Somerville, N.J. going from there to the Washington, D.C. charge. (Why is this in the paper? This is a local tie to a man who will be preaching at a funeral of a very famous man, William Jennings Bryan, who had run for the Presidency of the United States in 1896. He is remembered for his "Cross of Gold" speech in support of "free silver" believing it would bring prosperity to the United States.)
LAST FRIDAY'S STORM: Rolling masses of dun-colored clouds coming up from the northern and western horizons, vivid lightning flashes and heavy peals of thunder last Friday evening created considerable fear here that a bad storm was imminent. So far as the village and immediate vicinity was concerned, however, these fears proved groundless, a heavy downpour of rain with a few scattering hail stones being the chief features of the storm. Residents of Decorra neighborhood a few miles west of us, however, were not so fortunate, for in the locality the storm was of a violent nature, being accompanied by a wind which was strong enough in places to cause considerable damage to buildings, trees and growing crops. Hail also wrought havoc to crops in a district from a quarter to a half mile wide over which the storm passed, the growing corn in that district being practically stripped of leaves and the stalk bruised and battered by the large hail stones which fell. Most of the corn was just at the ear setting stage and it is predicted by those who have seen the effects of similar damage to corn in that stage in the past, that the yield will be diminished by at least 75%.
Considerable of the acreage of corn on the C. E. Peasley and Elmer Davis farms was affected by the storm and their loss will be quite heavy as will also be the case of the Chandler and other farms in the district covered by the storm. The Johnson Brothers, who rent some of the Evans land east of Decorra, also had about 75% of corn riddled by the hail, but they were lucky enough to have taken out hail insurance on their crop and will be partly reimbursed at least for the loss sustained.
HAGENBECK-GREAT WALLACE CIRCUS: Many residents of this community are arranging parties and will motor to Burlington on Aug.5 when the Carl Hagenbeck-Great Wallace circus with Buffalo Bill's Wild West arrives for two performances, afternoon and evening. One of the most interesting incidents of circus day is the arrival of the various trains and in all the cities where they have exhibited, thousands have witnessed the arrival and unloading. One must be a spectator at the unloading of these numerous cars to realize the bigness and size of the show as the amount of paraphernalia carried is almost unbelievable. Every car on the various sections is loaded from top to bottom and the townspeople scarcely believe that the trains could move with all the tonnage carried.
Much skill and system are necessary in the loading and parking of the cars. Every animal cage, every wagon, every trunk, every tent and every piece of material must be placed in its exact location. To have an article vary one of two inches requires the reloading of the car, it is said. Every workman has his exact duty to perform and it must be done like clock-work. There must be no delays. For the convenience of the public a downtown ticket office will be open all day at a downtown store where reserved seats can be obtained at the same price as charged on the grounds.
NEWEST SANTA FE DINING CAR: The Santa Fe Railroad announces a successful trip on the California Limited from Chicago to Los Angeles and back of its latest improved all steel dining car and club-lounge car, both built from original designs by the Fred Harvey system and embodying radical innovations. The trial trip indicates that more passengers can be comfortably served at meals and in less time, also without any standing in aisles waiting for a seat. Letter patent have been taken out on the diner, which is actually a restaurant on wheels with devices for much quicker service. The last dining car patent was granted in 1865 to the Late George M. Pullman.
Except for larger cars and better equipment, the diner ordinarily in use on American railways is about what it was 50 years ago. Aisle congestion, crowding in pantry and kitchen, and unavoidable delays in serving patrons have baffled the cleverest managers. Only a radical rearrangement of the interior space offered any hope for permanent improvement. Briefly, this is what the newest Santa Fe Fred Harvey Car, in connection with the club-lounge car, has done. It bids fair to revolutionize that branch of railroading and improve the already high standard of railway meals on wheels.
These two cars are operated together and located at the forward end of the train. The new diner has only one public entrance through the reception room in the club-lounge car, which, being next to and behind the dining car, is furnished with easy chairs available for use in case of any delay in securing satisfactory seats at tables. Besides the customary barber shop bath and lounge, the club-lounge car has a small soda fountain, likewise has facilities for sale of candy, cigars and magazines. Sleeping quarters and private bath for the crew of the diner are in this car.
The dining car seats 42 persons instead of the customary thirty or thirty-six. Kitchen and pantry go all the way across from side to side. A checker is employed, who also acts as cashier. A pantryman relieves the waiters of considerable extra work. The entire crew of waiters can occupy the pantry at one time thus further expediting service. Automatic dishwashing, sterilizing and egg-boiling apparatus are notable features and the ventilation is simple.
The Santa Fe plans to build more dining and club-lounge cars of this new type, gradually replacing present models. The station dining room service for certain trains will not be changed. (This was really big news and the public will want to book passage just to experience the new cars. Watch The Harvey Girls with Judy Garland, a 1946 movie, to journey back in time when rail travel was exciting. Presently, dining cars require booked reservations, require masks and will only accept credit cards.)
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hohstadt and daughter and Mr. Ross Benge and Miss Watkins of Arbela, Mo. were visitors at the home of Al Berg and family. The county Sunday School officers met at the U.P. Church and planned a program for the County Sunday School Picnic to be held at Media on August 21st. Leslie McMillan is spending this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McMillan. Leslie is the superintendent of equipment department of the Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. (grocery stores). He spent his first week in Holland, Mich. Mrs. Chester Gibb of the north neighborhood is suffering from a badly scalded arm resulting from the breaking of a fruit jar which she had just filled and was attempting to seal (she was canning). Her burns were of such a nature as to require the attendance of a physician. Postmaster J. F. Mains returned from a two-week vacation visit at the home of his brother, T. N. Mains and family in Palos Park, Ill. Part of the time was spent in helping out with the haying on the farm which T. N. operates and part in touring the environs of Chicago and making note of the wonderful industrial development which is going on in those outlying districts. Mrs. C. S. Schenck and son Edward of Raritan neighborhood each underwent an operation for the removal of tonsils at the Burlington Hospital. Mrs. Glen Carlson was taken to the Burlington Hospital where she under went an operation for appendicitis. She is reported to be making satisfactory recovery. Dr. Fred Neilson of Sioux Falls, S. Dak. And Mr. and Mrs. Chalmers Fort of Evanston, Ill. drove from there to Keokuk, Ia. and inspected the big dam and power house. On their return trip, the tourists stopped at the home of Chalmer's mother, Mrs. Anna Fort, west of town and took dinner. Miss Francis Worley is at home enjoying a three weeks' vacation for her duties as nurse at the Burlington Hospital.
Oat threshing is now well under way in this locality. No big yields are reported, 40 bushels per acre seem to be about the high limit while yields of from 12-20 bushels are only reported in some instances. Mrs. F. J. Murphy returned from a tour of the West including scenic points in Colorado and Yellowstone Park; she was accompanied by Mrs. Elizabeth Chandler of Alexis. Peter Nevius and wife, old residents of this vicinity who have been living in Oklahoma for the past 30 years or more arrived here by auto from their home in Elk City, Okla. Prof. Grady Fort and wife of Shenandoah, Ia., who are making a vacation auto tour of several states, have been visitors at the home of the gentleman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Fort. From here the tourists expect to go to Starved Rock, Ill. and from there up into Wisconsin for a visit with Mrs. Fort's relatives. They also have in mind a visit to Canada before returning home to Shenandoah. Notwithstanding the fact that the Chautauqua program put on by the Dallas City people this year was one of the best ever given there, the enterprise failed to make expenses. The plan of buying a program outright and placing the price of tickets at a figure which will be an inducement for everybody in the community to attend has been decided upon for next year.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mr. Harry Hardin, whose youth was spent in this section of Illinois but who struck the westward trail some 40 years ago or more and is now a prosperous resident of Santa Cruz, Calif. and who with his wife and daughter Florence are making an auto tour of the Western and middle Western states, was greeting old friends in this village at the home of W. J. McElhinney were they are guests. The family are traveling in a car which is the last word in the matter of convenience for camping tourists and have spent most of three months already in the open. They expect to stop in Iowa and Missouri on their return trip for visits with friends and also to tour Yellowstone Park.
La Harpe voters approved the proposition of a $25,000 ($2,878,250 in today's values) bond issue for building an addition to their city school building by a vote of 291 to 88. Bids for the building work were opened and the contract awarded to T. G. Raines of Fort Madison, Ia. whose bid was $22,494. The ladies of the Stronghurst Christian Church are now serving dinner daily at the woman's Community Club rooms for the benefit of threshing crews operating in the neighborhood. They are receiving a nice patronage and performing a service which many housewives in the community who have formerly wrestled with the threshing crew feeding problem doubtless appreciate.
A band of yeggmen (robbers) attempted to crack the safe of the bank at Berwick, Illinois last Saturday night, but gave up the job after the first charge of nitro-glycerin had proved effective in only starting the outside plate of the safe door. Following their failure, the yeggs made a hasty exit from the village after scooping up about $60 in cash which had not been put in the strong box. A young couple of the town who were making the bank steps a trysting place when the robbers arrived, were marched about under guard by one of the gang for a while and then compelled to lie down with their faces in the ground until the yeggs made their getaway.
OLENA OBSERVATIONS: On Thursday evening, Aug. 6th in the Olena Church the Farm Bureau management will put on a four-reel picture show. The admittance is free. At this time the ladies of the church will serve refreshments. Rev. and Mrs. Bartram were calling on many of their parishioners in the neighborhood. Mrs. Glen Carlson was taken to the Burlington Hospital and operated on for appendicitis; reports are she was resting nicely. Miss Thelma Peterson who a few weeks ago was operated on for gallstone trouble and appendicitis has been returned to her home west of Olena and is making satisfactory gain. Mr. and Mrs. Smiley Brown of Oakland, Calif. after spending two weeks visiting relatives left for their home by was of Seattle, Portland and Puget Sound. Mr. Brown is the brother of Mrs. Emily Long of Olena. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Lant who have since their return from Lincoln, Nebr. have moved into Olena having rented the Mrs. Hult property. Rumor is that Miss Grace Wolford of Olena neighborhood and Mr. Charles McCannon of Mississippi Valley were quietly married in Monmouth of July 23, 1925. Mrs. Laura Lant and her mother, Mrs. Alex Marshall, are out to the Wm. Marshall home today preparing dinner for Mr. Lant's threshing crew. Mrs. Chalmer Perdue spent several recent days at the Edgar Rankin home helping care for Mrs. Rankin and a new baby daughter. Mrs. Rankin will be remembered as Miss Veta Perdue of Olena. Some from here have been getting a fine quality of Alberta peaches at the Benteco store in Stronghurst at $2.90 a bushel. Many from here attended the Dollar Day in Burlington.
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: A large crowd was out Sunday morning to hear Evangelist Grady T. Cantrell who came over from Roseville where he is conducting a meeting to preach here. He was accompanied by his former singer, Red Pecaut, who led the song service. Everyone was glad that these two were with us once more. (Revivals were big deals; save your soul and see your neighbors.) The Men's Bible Class will serve ice cream and cake at a social at the church Saturday night. All the ladies are asked to bring cake. The annual Sunday School picnic will be held here Friday, Aug. 21st. All schools in the county will take part in the program. The annual Alumni picnic of Wever Academy and Media Community High School will be held at the Academy Aug. 20th. Paul Erickson, Eston Palmer, William Cross, Nina Heap, Dorothy Dixon and the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Schroeder have been quite ill the past week of malaria fever; all are thought to be improving. Harry Norville and Clyde Drain are baling hay and straw near Ponenah. Paul Gibson returned from a trip to California. Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Tilly of Kansas City are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Barnard White; the ladies are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Schroder are riding in a new Chevrolet. Miss Faree Mathers has purchased a Ford coupe. Mr. and Mrs. Dan J. Smith have returned from their honeymoon trip, having visited St. Paul, Minn., the lakes and Dells of Wisconsin and several places in Iowa during their absence. They were treated to an old-fashioned charivari upon their return by a bunch of young people and are receiving congratulations from their many friends. Mr. Smith went to Burlington on Monday to resume his work. They will be residing with the bride' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gram.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pearson entertained at dinner last Sabbath Mr. and Mrs. Tunina and son who are driving through from Great Falls, Mont. to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mekemson and daughter Corabell and Mrs. Myers of Hamilton, Ill. and Preston Plummer of Casper, Wyo., who was spending a weekend here with his mother were present. Mrs. Lucia Davis who has been seriously ill at the home of her niece, Mrs. W.D. Henderson, is quite low. Mrs. Sam Beer of Kirkwood is here helping to care for her. Miss Olive Noyes is helping at the post office taking care of books during the absence of Mrs. Jamison who is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Lou Folmer at Cortland, New York. Fulton Henderson, a former local boy who is now from Hamilton, Ill. with the Hamilton Entertainers broadcasted over the radio at Carthage one evening last week.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Clarence Gibb and Mrs. John Rezner attended a meeting of the executive committee of Henderson County Sabbath School Association to selected dates for the annual picnic and annual convention. The picnic will be held on Aug. 21 at Media and E. G. Lewis is in charge of arrangements. The annual convention will be held at Raritan, Sept. 30. Mrs. James White and daughter, Miss Opal, left for a several weeks' vacation in the East and plan to stop at Niagara Falls and Brooklyn, N.Y. Mrs. Roy Kilgore and daughter Jane left for Normal, Ill. where Mrs. Kilgore will attend the Normal University for the next six weeks. Mrs. James Whiteman received word that her sister, Mrs. Alice Kilgore, had been injured in an automobile accident near her home at Griswold, Iowa. Miss Jean Mekemson returned from Memphis, Tenn. where she went for observation concerning her recovery from hip trouble and her condition was reported as satisfactory. She will resume her work in the office of the Willis manufacturing company.