The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic: July 23, 1925
SENATOR McKINLEY HERE TODAY: United States Senator McKinley accompanied by M.C. Porter of Monmouth and J. H. Barnhart of Danville, Ill. paid a short visit to Stronghurst today in the course of the senator's tour through Henderson County. A reception was held for the distinguished visitor at 11 o'clock at the Hotel NuVon, where he met and shook hands with many people of the community. He also gave an informal but highly interesting talk at the hotel during which he discussed several of the problems which are claiming the attention of Congress and the national administration at present…All those who met and listened to Senator McKinley while he was here seemed to be favorably impressed with his personality and his views up on public questions. Republican County Central Committee Chairman, C.R. Pendarvis of Media, accompanied the senatorial party to Stronghurst and went with them from here to Raritan where arrangements for a stop for a noon-day lunch had been made. The tour of the county will end up at Oquawka this evening.
FARM BUREAU TEAM TAKES FIRST PLACE: The Henderson County Farm Bureau baseball team made sure of first place in this district when they defeated the Knox County team at Biggsville Saturday by the lop-sided score of 18-0. Knox County was badly handicapped by being unable to get their regular team together on account of the rush of farm work. Their team was weak both at bat and in the field, making but two hits and having seven error chalked up against them. On the other hand, the Henderson County boys played errorless ball in the field and gathered thirteen hits, among which were four two baggers, two three baggers and three home runs.
GOOD QUALITY APPLES: We have a fair crop of good quality apples and believe there is enough to supply the home trade through the season and will be pleased to see our customers here. There is the prospect of a large crop of Grimes Golden ever before and the price will be reasonable. There are more fine varieties this year and fewer of the Ben Davis class. Our price now is $1.50 per bushel for the best varieties and quality of summer apples. Second grade, half price or seventy-five cents per bushel.—Weir Fruit Farm
WILLOW BUGS IN WINROWS: Last Thursday night seems to have been "willow bug night" in Mississippi River towns in this section and judging from some of the newspaper accounts of the invasion, the plague of locusts which old Pharaoh had to contend with was mild in comparison. The following extract from an article in the Dallas City Review, gives an idea of what the visitation of the nasty insects in that city was like: "The town was literally alive with the greasy pests and strangers thought they were about to be eaten alive. Our people are so used to them now that they take it more as a practical joke with gritted teeth and a sickly grin.
Wherever a light was burning, the insects swarmed like bees. Every house in town was covered until they looked like they were feathering out. Under each street light they piled up until they were six or eight inches deep, also under the opera house globe, the sidewalks were covered and they had to be scooped off time after time so the people could get past there."
Quite a contingent of the bugs evidently took advantage of the chance for free transportation inland offered by passing Santa Fe trains and traveled as far as this point where the attractiveness of our "White Way" caused them to forsake the cars and spend the few remaining fleeting hours of their existence here. Having seen Stronghurst, the most of them seem to have been content to die rather than return to their starting place.
FIRE SIREN INSTALLED: The electric fire siren recently ordered by the Stronghurst village board, payment for which was provided by contributions by property owners, based upon the insured value of their property, arrived last week and was installed on Tuesday under the direction of Mr. Ralph Butler. The noise producing apparatus was placed about one-third of the way up the frame work of the village water tower and connection made with a control box at the village hall building. Connection will also be made with a control at the central telephone office and with a box located in some other part of town not definitely decided upon as yet.
The somniferous possibilities of the new device were given a test after its installation, and the weird, wailing sound produced seemed to carry distinctly to all parts of the village and a considerable distance beyond. Heard during the stillness of the night, the effect would no doubt be considerably intensified.
FAREWELL, FAREWELL: Mrs. Nellie Hollingsworth was guest of honor at a gathering of ladies of the neighborhood club to which she belongs. The party was held at the home of Mrs. Mary Kern, who was assisted in her duties as hostess by Miss Ethel Jenkins. Twelve guests enjoyed an enjoyable time and were served a delicious luncheon. Mrs. Hollingworth and family are preparing to move in August to Elvaston, Ill. where she will care for her father and mother who are advanced in years and growing somewhat feeble.
ENOUGH SIGNATURES! W. T. Love and George Galbraith of Gladstone stated that the necessary number of signatures have been obtained to the petition for a vote upon the question of the removal of the county seat of Henderson County from Oquawka to the proposed new city of Nuhope and that would soon be filed with the proper court officials in Oquawka. (Love was noted for trying to establish a new center of enterprise in this county; he tried down by Lomax.)
THEY EARNED HIGH MARKS: In giving a corrected list of the Henderson County pupils earning Normal scholarships, we left out the name of Herschel Moffitt for the reason that we could not find a record of having had the 8th grade last year. On careful examination, we found he passed last year's examination and not only receives the scholarship for Biggsville Township, but has the honor of having the highest grades in the county. His average is 99. Edith Gertrude Brook of the Stanley School with Mrs. Icel Thrush as teacher, deserves 2nd place in the county having an average of 98 1/9.
TOPS THE CHICAGO MARKET: D.N.Cortleyou of the Raritan neighborhood made a record sale of cattle on the Chicago market on July 14th when he sold a long string of yearlings at $13.90 per cwt. This was top for their particular weight which averaged 1,060 lbs. There were 119 head in the bunch which sold without a sort and was a most unusual transaction from many standpoints. It brought a gross total returns of $17,548, one of the largest for any feeder to make at the market this year. The return per head was $147.50. The cattle were Highland, Texas range-bred Herefords which had been on feed since last winter and were a remarkably smooth, meaty lot. Mr. Cortleyou has made previous sales; his most recent one being in October last year when he marketed 84 head of the same kind of cattle at $12.65, high top at the time.
BETTER BABY CONFERENCE: (Before health departments and costly doctor visits, this was a way for parents to have their babies checked.) Under a special arrangement with the State Board of Health, a Better Baby Conference will be held at LaHarpe during the Tri-County Fair week, Aug. 25-28. The State Board of Health has promised that a child may have the following examination: mental, physical, dental, eye, ear, nose, throat, weighed and measured, final examination, scored and consultation. No prizes are offered this year as in the past as the offering of prizes had a tendency to keep many of the parents from bringing their children when they knew that their child has no chance of winning a prize. All parents who have boys and girls 6 months to 6 years of age should bring them to the conference. Application blanks may be had by writing to J. W. Minnich, Secretary of the Tri-County Fair Association, LaHarpe, Illinois.
THINKS THE LAW A JOKE: The arrest of Dr. E. E. Nordegn, Dallas City chiropractic, stirred up editor Butler of the Review of that city to write a red-hot editorial on the injustice and utter foolishness of the war which the regular medics are carrying on in this state against the Chiropractors. "From a strictly business standpoint," says the Review, "we can see nothing but fallacy in the arresting and fining of chiropractors. Firstly, it shows the smallness of the medical men, surgeons and others who are trying to invoke the law to prevent people from being treated by chiropractors which is in fact the greatest advertisement that can be given them. Second, they are trying to force them to take an examination in the practice of medicine when they do not practice medicine. Did you ever know of a more asinine idea or one so unconstitutional? The entire teaching of chiropractic is to do away with medicine.
Let's wake up and select people to make laws who are not old fogies. If the doctors and surgeons cannot keep their business without forcing people to use their nostrums, let them wake up, forget their ethics(?) and let them hustle for business by advertising their wares and telling the people what they have as do the chiropractors It is straightforward advertising, what it is, and until the M.D.'s recognize the fact that education of the public through advertising is what they need far more than running down and forcing out of business by persecution their busy competitors. The law, as it stands, is a farce and only making Illinois and its medical men the butt of jokes from other states."
MOVE PRISONERS: Notwithstanding the protest entered by Supt. Mead of the Henderson County Farm and Jail (jail was at the poor farm at this time) against the action of Sheriff Davenport in removing six prisoners to the Warren County Jail for safe keeping, the Monmouth Review-Atlas states that the protest will be unheeded and that Henderson County Sheriff has expressed his intention of keeping the men at Monmouth until their terms expire or until the time they are brought to trial, adding that Sheriff Davenport feels that they are safer in Monmouth than they would be in Henderson County's "cheese box." Now, if Warren County authorities will generously refrain from sending Henderson County a bill for taking care of the prisoners when we pay an official of our own to look after them, it may help to increase the sentiment which already prevails in some quarters for turning over all of the business of Henderson County to the officials whose habitat is the imposing stone structure which adorns Monmouth's public square. (At this time there was talk of merging the two counties as it existed before 1841 when Henderson County was formed.)
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Miss Betty Rankin of Tarkio, Mo. was a house guest at the A. S. McEhinney home. Miss Gladys Lant returned from three weeks visit at her brother's home in Lincoln, Nebr. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Davis are the proud parents of a son born to them Tuesday morning. Miss Audrey Marsden is taking a two weeks' vacation from her duties as assistant at the County Farm Bureau office and in her place is being filled by Miss Edith Hartquist, former assistant. Miss Ethel Hartquist, who graduated from Northwestern University last spring, has accepted the position of teacher of French and History in the high school at Mendota, Ill., a school that employs a corps of 20 teachers.(Otherwise, it is a big school.) Erman Dodds, who is sojourning in old Mexico, recently came into possession of a young dog which it was claimed was of the breed known as German police dogs. He shipped the animal here at considerable expense to be taken care of by his brother-in-law, Lawrence Duncan. The latter had only had the dog a few days when it sickened and died, evidently from poisoning. As the dog was kept chained up at home and had never molested anyone, Mr. Duncan naturally feels that the poisoning of the animal was a scurvy trick.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rodhoim arrived from Villa Park, Ill. for three weeks visit with her mother, Mrs. Arthur McKeown. Mrs. W. E. LeCroy has been at Urbana, Ill. for the past 10-12 days at the beside of her mother who is seriously ill and for whose recovery but little hope is held out. Evangelist Cantrell and Pecaut who are engaged in a series of revival services at Roseville came over to Stronghurst and accompanied by Rev. Mahaffey and Nat Curry drove over to Gladstone where they spent several hours fishing at Sand Pit Lake. They returned in the evening with a nice string of black bass. Mrs. C. M. Bell's class of girls in the U.P. Sabbath School went to Burlington and enjoyed a day's outing and picnic dinner at Crapo Park. J. M. Nesbitt, a representative of the Chicago Drovers' Journal, made a tour of this section of the state and was a caller at the Earl Brokaw place where he looked over Earl's fine herd of Poland China swine. Earl Taylor and family, who have been residents of Stronghurst for the past six months are preparing to move to Galesburg about Aug. 1st where he has secured the position of assistant section foreman on the Santa Fe. Editor Frye of the Lomax Searchlight, accompanied by his wife, left on a vacation to Johnson City, Tenn. During the 2-3 weeks they are absent, the Searchlight will be printed in Chicago, but will go out from Lomax in the regular way.
Mrs. Susan Widney died at the home of her son, Ralph L. Widney in La Harpe last Thursday at the age of 95. The deceased was of Scottish ancestry, a descendent of a member of the famous McDongal clan of Scotland, who came to America and enlisted in the war of the American Revolution. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Putney came back from Medill, Mo. and arranged for the storage of their household goods here during their temporary stay in Missouri where Bert has employment with the Santa Fe Railroad. J. L. Mink and family have rented the Putney residence and moved in last Monday. Mrs. John Gilliland, who has been in ill health for some time, was taken to the Galesburg Cottage Hospital where she underwent an operation for the removal of two internal tumors. Latest reports are to the effect that she was recovering nicely from the effects of the ordeal. Vern Carmack of Blandinsville, who is employed as lineman by the Illinois Power and Light Co., received a shock while at work near Dallas City and fell to the ground sustaining some severe bruises; the flesh on one forearm and hand was also quite badly burned by the electric fluid. Mr. Carmack is a brother of Mrs. Harold Simonson of this vicinity.
The Blandinsville Star-Gazette says Dallas City and community are having an ugly scrap over their new community high school. The law suit which ended in a victory for the school has been appealed, two of the directors have resigned and angry opponents are going to other towns in tirade to express their opposition to the Dallas merchants who advocated the school. We in Blandinsville have no community high school but with $12,000 in tuition money, we are happy anyhow. C. M. Bell, foreman in the Graphic office suffered an attack of illness which kept him confined to the house for a couple of days. He has returned to work. A Buick touring car being driven by Miss Gertrude Gibb and a Ford coupe piloted by Alton Vaughn collided Wednesday forenoon at a street intersection in the east part of town. One wheel of the coupe was smashed and the car otherwise damaged. The damage to the touring car was slight. The occupants of neither car were injured. Twenty-three tickets were sold at the Santa Fe station for the special excursion last Sunday to Chicago. About 1,200 people between Ft. Madison and Chicago took advantage of the cheap fare to spend the day in the big town by the lake.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Mrs. Bert Liby in company with her sister, Mrs. Frank Berry of Monmouth, left for Denver, Colorado Springs and Manitou where they expect to spend weeks visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson and Ivan Gibson, Wendell Sloan, Mrs. S. J. Churchill, Mr. and Mrs. Will Stevenson, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Renwick, the Misses Carol and Helen Everett, Mac Whiteman and Russell Ericson drove to Roseville to attend the meetings which are being held on Sabbath evening by evangelist Grady Cantrell. (Mr. Cantrell was making the rounds saving everyone in most surrounding communities.) Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Whitman and Dr. and Mrs. W. D. Henderson drove to Little York where they spent the afternoon at the Paul Henderson home. Rev. F. M. Caughey, the new paster of the United Presbyterian Church conducted services both morning and evening last Sabbath, but owing to the illness of Mrs. Caughey who recently underwent a serious operation at the Omaha Hospital, they will not get moved until the first part of August. A two weeks' vacation was given him so no services of any kind will be held at the church the next two weeks.
Short funeral services were held at the cemetery last Friday evening for Ray Rowley whose body arrived here that evening at 6 o'clock from Oklahoma City. Rev. Litchfield of the Presbyterian Church was in charge. The body was accompanied here by his wife and a sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Hess. Ray was a son of the late Ross Rowley and was laid to rest beside the father. Mr. and Mrs. D.W. Lee came in last Saturday evening from their home in San Francisco for a few weeks visit at the home of Mrs. John McKee and other relatives. Ralph Gibb was home from training at Great Lakes Naval Station. Miss Lola Brown and brother George are spending the month at the home of her uncle, Alvah Kilgore in Iowa while their mother Mrs. Pearl Brown is visiting relatives in Colorado. Threshing was commenced in the northeast community and other farmer clubs expect to start Wednesday. It has been a busy time with cutting grain and haying.
LOMAX LINGERINGS: Mrs. Wm. Sparrow has been quite sick for several days. Mrs. Ermil Logan is spending a few days at Davenport taking chiropractic treatment. Several from here attended the funeral of Mrs. Joe Smiddy at Keokuk Friday. W. T. Frye and wife left for two weeks visit with his mother at Johnson City, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Geo Reams who have been living at Mill Springs, Mo. for the past two years have sold their place and have decided to locate in Lomax again. Moore Cook opened up a butcher shop in the west side of the Waggoner Building last week. John Marsh and family have moved from the Roth property to rooms in the Waggoner Building.
PASTOR GOES TO OLD HOME: Rev. W. H. Cross, pastor of the United Church in Media left on train No. 22 of the Santa Fe for New York from where he will sail Saturday morning on the ship, Majestic, of the White Star Line for England to visit his boyhood home in the Malvern Hills. Mr. Cross came to this country alone when a boy of 17 years of age and this will be his first visit home. Before returning, he will visit sisters at London and Birmingham and he expects to spend a short time in France. He will be away until September 1st so there will be no preaching services after this Sunday until Rev. Cross returns. Sunday school and prayer meeting will be held each week at the usual time and Sunday morning at 11 o'clock Evangelist Grady T. Cantrell, who is conducting a series of meetings at Roseville, will be here to preach for us. (What a confusing notice-no services but Cantrell will preach.)
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: The Ladies Bible Class entertained the Men's Bible Class at a social in the church parlors Thursday evening. The entire company was divided into two sections, the yellow and green, for the evening's entertainment by the committee and several contests were put on which offered no end of amusement and fun. The green division received the most points during the evening and carried off the prize, a box of suckers, which were distributed among the members of that section. The ladies served cake and lemonade. (This was how to have fun in 1925.) Miss Faree Mathers and her Sunday School Class of young ladies drove to Burlington Friday afternoon and ate supper at Crapo Park; they then attended the picture show, "Racing Luck," at the Palace that evening. Those who composed the party were Misses Faree Mathers, Waneta and Ruth Howell, Eleanor Wragg, Goldie Heap, Lillian Mink, Grace White, Francis and Mabel Drain, Marjorie Smith, Zelma Campbell and Faye Powell. Dorothy and Earl Pogue returned from a two weeks visits with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Garrett of Bowen. Mr. and Mrs. Barnard White, Misses Edna Strand, Faye Powell and Grace White, Waldo Erickson and Gayle and Guy Shook were passengers on the excursion train to Chicago. Miss Waneta Howell works in the office as stenographer for Judge Gordon of Oquawka. Miss Dorothy Rowe of Whiting, Ind., who has been visiting her grandmother, Mrs. T. B. Palmer, left for a visit with her grandparents and other relatives at Newton, Kansas. Edwin Erickson, postmaster, is taking his vacation and his brother Paul has charge of the office during his absence. Paul just returned from serving as the postmaster in Smithshire. Norman Grossman and Raymond Mathers have started their machines threshing and Gayle Heap will start the first of next week.