The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The Blessings of Christmas

by Dessa Rodeffer

Quill Publisher/Owner


December 8, 2021

I'm excited to say that our 28th Anual Christmas Book for 2021 is being printed this Thursday, Dec. 9th, and should be inserted into your newspaper Dec.15th and at no extra charge to you (or deduction on your subscription) thanks to all the businesses that support it.

Quill Editor Shirley Linder and myself are putting out a plea to our readers and area residents to send in their news.

We want your club activities, your church activities, your engagements, weddings, newborn announcements, family and friends gatherings.

We put news in the paper at no charge. If you charge for an event, we charge to run it.

If you are advertising your business - we charge to run it. The Quill or email them to:, or PO Box 149, Stronghurst, IL 61480.

If someone is being honored for their 1st to 101st birthday, we will announce it.

If you have an uplifting story to tell, please send it to The Quill. We still need a typist and writer, so we are limited in what we can cover. Call us with news and your ads. We appreciate your pictures, and your "Take The Quill Along", and your "Meet Your Neighbor" articles" Give us your suggestions or volunteer to be one. We appreciate your support during these hard times of rising costs.