The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

La Harpe Council Hears Railroad Crossing To Be Repaired

By: Michael Rodeffer, The Quill

At the September 13th La Harpe Council meeting, council member Randy Shumaker informed the council that railroad workers were planning on starting work on the railroad crossing at South C Street this week.

Shumaker was told by railroad personnel that the South C Street crossing could take up to 20 tons of asphalt.

The council had previously approved only 10 tons of asphalt. The council unanimously approved buying an additional 40s ton of asphalt if needed for the 3 railroad crossings.

Shumaker reported all three crossings should be done by September 24th.

City street employee David Little informed the council that the storm grates which were ordered should be coming tomorrow (Tuesday). Little said they would install them either Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday.

Mayor Kat Hasten-Reed informed the council that city Attorney Chris Scholz had told her he had been in contact with the building owner, Steve Comstock, of the Flower Shop onMain Street and plans were being made to either repair the outside wall of the building or demolish it by the end of the year.

Mayor Hasten-Reed introduced Samantha "Sam" Harnack, the new executive director of the Hancock County Economic Development Group.

Mrs. Harnack lives in Carthage. Mrs. Harnack informed the council that she is available to help La Harpe and small businesses in the county. Mrs. Harnack noted there was grant money available thru the "Back 2 Business Program". Deadline to apply is at the end of the month.

It was on the agenda to discuss reimbursing a resident on South Center Street for half the concrete used for pouring a new walk in front of his house. The council split 3-3 on approving the motion. Randy Shumaker, Greg Wisslead, and Deanna Stambaugh voted to reimburse the resident and Brian Covert, Dave Clover, and Kelly Harkey voted not to reimburse the resident. Mayor Kat Hasten-Reed broke the tie vote by voting not to reimburse the resident.

The mayor noted any sidewalk work done should be brought to the council before work is done so it could be inspected by a council member to verify it need repaired.

Mayor Kat Hasten-Reed announced the following committee changes:

Legislative: Randy Shumaker, Chairman, Greg Wisslead, Kelly Harkey

Finance: Dave Clover, Chairman, Deanna Stambaugh, Kelly Harkey

Public Works: Brian Covert, Chairman, Dave Clover, Randy Shumaker

Public Property/Public Safety/Public Inspection/ESDA: Greg Wisslead, Chairman, Deanne Stambaugh, Brian Covert

The council unanimously approved the committees.

Dave Clover handed out two playground equipment proposals to be studied by the council.

In other action the council unanimously approved:

Jason Siegworth asked if there had been any decisions made on the tile issues in his yard. Siegworth was informed that there was not any decisions made yet but council would check again with the engineers.

Present at the meeting was: Mayor Kat Hasten-Reed; Council members, Kelly Harkey, Deanna Stambaugh, Randy Shumaker, Dave Clover, Greg Wisslead, and Brian Covert; Clerk Lucretia McPeak; Treasurer Monalisa Graves; Police Chief Larry Finch; City employees, Trevor Finch, David Little, Tim Graves, Daniel Carpenter; Guests Jason Siegworth, Samantha Harnack, Dan Gillett, and Michael Rodeffer. Council adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

After the meeting, Mayor Hasten-Reed was asked if there was any update on the high pressure pump issue at the water plant. The mayor stated there had not been any activity or repairs made by Trotter Construction as per their agreement.