The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
By: Michael Rodeffer, The Quill
Mayor Kat Hasten-Reed informed the council that KJRY Railroad e-mailed the city and is willing to supply the labor and equipment to repair the 3 rough crossings in town. KJRY has asked the city to supply up to 10 tons of asphalt for the repairs. The Council agreed and unanimously approved the purchase of 10 tons of asphalt at $98 per ton.
In other action, Council unanimously approved the purchase of 2 drainage grates at $500 each.
It was brought to the attention of the council by Clerk Lucretia McPeak that Mr. Brice Haddix had declined his offer for full time police officer from La Harpe.
The council raised the limit from $100 to $150 for the amount due on water bills which would trigger a water shut-off notification. With water rates raising a resident's monthly bill of $100 would have triggered the notification so council felt the need to raise it to $150.
Council discussed the tile which needs repaired at 607 West Main. It was reported Ameren would set a new pole and the city crew would need to repair the tile. No date was announced for the repair.
Council also approved the treasurer's report and paying of bills.
Present at the meeting was Mayor Kat Hasten-Reed; Council members, Deanna Stambaugh, Kelly Harkey, Greg Wisslead, Brian Covert, and Dave Clover; Clerk Lucretia McPeak; Treasurer Monalisa Graves and Dan Gillett.
Meeting adjourned at 7:33 p.m.