The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
At the Village of Biggsville's board meeting on May 5th it was announced the city wide cleanup day is June 5th from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
They will not be taking tires, refuge, paint cans, electronics, batteries, or oil.
Old appliances may be taken behind the old school. 65 or older only, may call 598-0048 for curbside pickup of appliances.
Seniors please have appliances outside by the curb and ready to pick up.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Brian Sterett at 7:00 p.m with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mike reported that the village sign needs to be repaired.
The mower needed to be repaired and they gave us a loaner. Casey, Eric and Brian volunteered to help mow.
The leak at Nichols is fixed.
Eric Craig volunteered to be the Zoning Officer.
We will be taking the fence down at Biggs Park and cleaning up the park ground. We will have a new fence at a later date.
Mike has been in contact with the company that is going to remove the pump and fill the well.
We will have a contractor make an access through the roof to remove the pump.
We have to have an alternate coordinator for JULIE. Tammy Slater said she would be our alternate.
Kathie made a motion to adjourn at 8:00 p.m. Casey 2nd, motion carried.
Members present were:
Eric Craig, Kathie Curtiss, Casey Goff, Becky Price, Tammy Slater and Nanci Sterett.
Others present were: Brian Sterett, Mayor; Judy Gravgaard, Clerk; Marilyn Simmons, Treasurer and Mike West.
Respectfully submitted,
Judy L. Gravgaard,
Village Clerk