The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The Village of Biggsville's meeting was held March 3rd, at 7:00 p.m. with Trustees: Kathie Curtiss, Casey Goff, Kevin Mortimer, Becky Price and Tammy Slater present. Nanci Sterett was absent. Others there were Clerk Judy Gravgaard, Treasurer Marilyn Simmons, employee Mike West.
Streets/Water: There are two water pits that need to be fixed. One we are having trouble getting the water to shut off. The other one keeps filling up with water. Mike has someone to come and look at it and see if it is the village problem or the home owner.
Parks: Mike and Casey will get the equipment they need to fix the swings at Lindo Field. Mike is working on getting the women's restroom at Reid Park ready for summer. Mike will do some work on the swings at Reid Park.
Old Business: Greg Fulkerson has everything ready to go to the EPA on the well we need to cap except a time frame. We need to know the depth and diameter of casing to get a bid. Mike will get estimates. Greg suggest we tell the EPA we will have it done in eight (8) months. Kathie made a motion to have the well capped within eight (8) months, Tammy 2nd motion carried.
New Business: Brian will need to be out of town for a few months for work. We will have to have a Mayor-Pro-Tem while he is gone. Kathie made a motion to accept Casey Goff as our Mayor-Pro-Tem. Tammy 2nd, motion carried.
The board gave appreciation for Kevin Mortimer's dedication to the village board and working so hard for Biggsville. He will be missed.
Meeting adjourned at 8:03 p.m..