The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

A Citizen's View-Stronghurst Township Meeting 

By Virginia Ross

The June Stronghurst Township meeting was basically a review and signing of the budgets for the various township funds. Board examined each one and the group approved their passage.

Board members and Fran Work and Jane Miller had met at the mausoleum before Memorial Day to clean and do what repairs possible. Seeing the condition, the board invited Amy Laue, of Leyda, Burrus & Metz from Burlington, Iowa to hear her recommendations as to the repairs. 

After some discussion, Laue volunteered to contact a knowledgeable source to look it over and if needed, to bring an expert evaluator for his recommendations.  She also said that probably the only way the township could fund such repairs would be through fundraisers and she would be willing to help as she has experience in this field.

If you have love ones within the mausoleum, the board wants to hear your thoughts on how money might be raised for repairs.

Under Old Business, Melissa McIntire noted there were deeds to be signed for cemetery plots.  She noted under New Business that Zack Jacobs (Midwest Tree Service) would be cutting down a rotten cedar tree in the Olena Cemetery; he will grind out the stump at a later date.

Larry Fox, Road Commissioner, presented his budget and it was approved by the board. He noted he had several projects for the summer.

Meeting adjourned at 6:59 p.m.; the next meeting will be on July 12th at 6 p.m.. 

Plan to attend and as a citizen, see your local government at work.