The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Taps Across America

-By Virginia Ross, Special For The Quill

I was watching CBS Sunday Morning and one of the features was how all across the nation at 3:00 pm on Memorial Day, Taps would be played by ordinary citizens.

A man from Alabama was so touched by what he saw last year, that he ordered a trumpet off the Internet and has spent the year learning to play Taps so he can participate. 

If he could do it, our local Legion could too. So, at the Memorial Day ceremony at the Stronghurst Cemetery yesterday, I asked The Stronghurst American Legion if this would be possible.  LuAnn Mynatt immediately said, "I'll so it."

On this rainy Memorial Day, May 31, 2021 the Stronghurst American Legion member, LuAnn Mynatt, played taps at the Stronghurst, Illinois's Veterans Memorial near the red, white and blue water tower.  This is the first time Stronghurst has participated, but hopefully, it will become a yearly tradition.

"The National Moment of Remembrance is an annual event that asks Americans wherever they are at 3 p.m. local time on Memorial Day, to pause for a duration of one minute to remember those who have died in military service to the United States.

The time 3 p.m was chosen because it is the time most Americans are time off from work for the national holiday.  The moment was first proclaimed in 2000 for Memorial Day that year, and was put in law by the United States Congress in December 2000." -quote from the website of Taps Across America.


Taps at 3 p.m. being played by LuAnn Mynatt as it is all across America and even foreign countries.