The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

La Harpe City Council Discusses Reservoir Issues, Drainage Issues, and Water Issues

By: Michael Rodeffer, Hancock County Quill

The La Harpe City council met June 14th for their regular meeting. The council discussed problems at the reservoir which included drinking, swimming, and empty liquor bottles present. There are ‘No Swimming' and ‘No Drinking' signs posted at the reservoir.

Randy Shumaker, chairman of public works and public safety, made the call to close the reservoir until the council could meet on June 14th. So the reservoir was closed for 4 or 5 days.

William Smith, during public comment, spoke to the council and said he has fished out there for years and didn't think it was fair to close it to everyone because of 2 or 3 persons not following the rules.

The council voted to reopen it Tuesday morning (June 15th) and have the reservoir patrolled more often and write tickets if needed. City Attorney Chris Scholz noted one of the ordinances allows the council to ban anyone that is not following the rules.

Water superintendent Tim Graves reported to the council that the water still smells. Graves noted he had 2 representatives from Hawkins (the town's chemical supplier) tour the new water plant. One of the Hawkins representatives was a water specialist and he recommended putting an aerator in the gasifier to take out the sulfur content. The Hawkins representative thought that everyone involved with the water issues should meet together after getting the IEPA report and work on the solution.

Graves informed the council that copper sulfate to treat the reservoir was going to cost about $1100.

Graves also said a city tile was in need of repair on North Center Street. Graves said it would take four (4) twenty foot sections of tile to fix it. Tile would run about $115 per section.

Street employee David Little informed the council the the first load of cold patch for potholes in the roads had been put down.

Mayor Kat Hasten-Reed informed the council there would not be a June 28th meeting because of a lack of a quorum.

Dave Clover brought up a drainage issue at Park Lane. Clover said ever since Laverdiere had put in the new water main that Jason Siegworth's yard has not drained and part of his yard is water-soaked.

According to IMEG's Megan Crook, Laverdiere had broken a tile which drained the yard, but she said that Laverdiere had repaired it.

Council took no action at this time and will do more investigating as to what the best solution would be.

In other action the council approved the following:

Council adjourned at 9:50 p.m.

The next meeting will be held on Monday, July 12th at 7:00 p.m. Prior to the regular meeting there will be a joint committee meeting at 6:30 p.m. to discuss the budget. Meetings are open to the public and held at The La Harpe City Hall.