The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Fortress Bank to Hold 34th Annual Ag Strategies

Fortress Bank, La Harpe, will hold its 34th Annual Ag Strategies meeting on Monday evening, January 25, 2021, from 7 to 8 p.m.

Due to Covid-19 restrictions, this year's Ag Strategies meeting will be held by way of a Zoom webinar. Anyone interested in agriculture is encouraged to attend.

"We normally have a dinner meeting, but current conditions prevent us from safely doing so," said Andy Bastert, Regional President for the Western Illinois Region of Fortress Bank. "Nevertheless, we're excited to host a quality lineup of ag speakers."

There is no charge for the meeting but reservations are required by visiting and clicking the "Register Now" button on the Ag Strategies banner. This year's speakers include Bob Rhea, Stu Ellis, and Andy Bastert.

Bob Rhea serves as Chief Executive Officer for Illinois FBFM, leading the farm business analysis program serving 12,000 farm families with 200+ staff members.

He assisted farmers through FBFM with accounting, tax, and consulting services from 1984 until his recent CEO appointment.

Bob is an instructor for the University of Illinois Tax School, giving virtual presentations this past year to over 4,000 attendees.

Bob received his bachelor's degree from Western Illinois University and Master's degree from the University of Illinois.

He is a trustee for John Wood Community College and was named JWCC's first Distinguished Alumnus Award recipient.

Bob and Debbie recently celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary along with children Tracy, Casey, Ashley, their spouses, and 7 grandsons.

Stu Ellis has been a well-known agricultural communicator in Illinois for 50 years. Beginning as the farm broadcaster at WSOY in Decatur, Stu expanded his service to Corn Belt farmers through radio, television, newspapers, newsletters, and the Internet.

He has recently joined WCIA 3 in Champaign, providing morning agricultural programming to WCIA 3 and WCIX 49 in Springfield.

He was raised on a Christian County farm near Taylorville and received B.S. and M.S. degrees from the University of Illinois in Communications. His voice and information about agriculture have been heard on many Illinois radio stations, including reports about agriculture from six continents.

Stu has expanded his service to agriculture through video reports on a wide range of issues from various locations.

Andy Bastert is Regional President for the Western Illinois Region of Fortress Bank. He has been loaning money to farmers for 38 years, starting as a loan officer at Mississippi Valley PCA in Pittsfield in 1982. Andy moved to Carthage in 1987 and joined what has become Fortress Bank, heading up the Ag Division and serving on its board of directors.

Andy Bastert Regional President Fortress Bank

Stu Ellis, well-known Illinois farm broadcaster

Bob Rhea - CEO Illinois FBFM, Tax consultant and instructor