The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Board Rejects Rezoning Request

By: Shirley Linder, Quill Editor

At the January 4th meeting of the Village of Stronghurst the board addressed the subject of rezoning property on State Highway 94 (across from the fairground) from agriculture to commercial. Preceding the regular meeting a public meeting was held for the public to express their desires or concerns regarding this change in zoning.

The property, if zoned for commercial, would become a Dollar General Store site.

Dollar General had requested the village install the sewer and water for the site. Doug Erickson, Engineer presented the board with an estimate of $60,000 to complete this task, explaining he had figured high and there were items that could be done cheaper when all was finalized. Randy Jarvis asked what the bottom line could potentially be and Erickson said $30,000. However, all agreed it was better to consider the high figure when making the decision.

Randy Jarvis made a motion to reject rezoning the property to commercial and Amanda Van Arsdale, seconded the motion. All board members voted yes to the rejection with the exception of Mike Bohnenkamp who abstained.

In the absence of Mayor Brendan Schaley, Shane Reed served as Mayor pro tem and opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.

The police report for December included: 98 hours worked, 435 miles on squad car, 1 traffic stop with verbal warning, 2 uniform traffic tickets, 5 service calls, 2 assisting Henderson County, 1 arrest, 18 business courtesy checks.

In other business the board:

Bohnenkamp also asked that the village allot the police department $3,000 per month instead of the $2,000 per month they now receive. It was $3,000 several years ago. This will also be on next month's agenda.

Present: Trustees, Mike Bohnenkamp, Jerry Nortrup, Amanda Van Arsdale, Shane Reed, pro tem mayor, Mike Swisher, Randy Jarvis; Employees, Ronnie Gittings, Hollie Allen, Attorney Mariah Wallace; Guests, Doug Erickson, Brian Hubbard, Jim Fisher, Garrett Fisher, David Knutstrom, Shirley Linder

The next board meeting will be February 1st at 6:00 p.m. at the Stronghurst American Legion Hall. Note change of meeting place.