The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Take "The Quill" Along

Debbie (Bembow) DeForest and her husband Mike of Galesburg took "The Quill" along when they spent time at their winter home in Florida with jobs of landscaping, painting, and decorating, etc.

While in Florida, they also vacationed in West Palm Beach and visited the West Palm Beach 9th annual Holiday in Paraidse campaign, the world's only 35-foot, 700 ton holiday sand tree.

"Sandi" is made out of white sand and surrounded by spotlights that continually are changing the colors, making it appear as if the sand is actually changing colors. It's a stunning attraction.

When you go on a trip, take "The Quill" along and have your picture taken with it and send it to us. Let's see where all the Quill can travel.