The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

La Harpe City Council Hear Farm Report

By: Michael Rodeffer, The Quill

Kurt Dittmer brought the Johnson Trust Report to the La Harpe City Council on February 8th. Dittmer reported income of $474,575.34 from cash rents of the farm land and hunting leases. Of that the school received $385,000 for the year. Dittmer said some money was spent on improvements to some of the farm. Dittmer said farm leases would be up after the coming year. Dittmer also said they had very good renters and that they all paid on time and wanted to know if the council wanted to extend the contracts. Dittmer said if the council was happy with it's renters they could extend their contracts. The City of La Harpe receives $2,000 per year as trustee of the farm.

Council unanimously approved the Johnson Trust Report.

Randy Shumaker, chairman of Public Works, informed them that the city was eligible for a USDA- Rural Development Community Facilities Grant. This would be a matching grant with the city paying 1/2 of any approved items. Shumaker added he was looking into a new plow truck, probably one ton 4x4 truck with a dump box and spreader. The council unanimously approved a motion to spend $500 for the application fee.

Council also unanimously approved, $1,000 paid to Bob's Tree Service to remove a tree and stump and clean-up for a tree on the city right-of-way at 102 W. Archer Avenue.

David Little reported his pick-up truck's cab had filled up with smoke because of a wiring issue on the fan. Little said the truck was drivable but had no heat and he was planning on taking it to Palmer’s on Tuesday to be repaired. Police Chief Larry Finch told the council the new Dodge police vehicle should arrive on February 11th.

Clerk Lucretia McPeak ask for the council to approve a motion to pay Central Stone $100.08 from motor fuel tax money. Council unanimously approved the motion.

The council unanimously approved a motion for the city attorney Chris Scholz to send a "fix or flatten" notice to the owner of the building on Main Street which housed My Sisters Place. Some bricks have been falling onto the walk and street.

The council discussed the need to hire a part-time police officer. Police Chief Larry Finch informed the council he had a couple applicants so council tabled it until the next meeting in hopes the applicants could come to the meeting.

Mayor Kat Hasten-Reed told the council that the dead lines for the grants that were to help with demolition had been pushed back and the city attorney would still try and get ownership of the properties or 116 and 118 North Main.

In other business the council approved:

At 8:12 P.M. the council went into executive session to discuss employee issues. No action was taken after returning to regular session.

Those in attendance were: Mayor Kat Hasten-Reed, Clerk Lucretia McPeak, Treasurer Monalisa Graves, Police Chief Larry Finch, police officer Marli Burt, employees David Little, Trevor Finch, Tim Graves, and David Carpenter; alder persons Kelly Harkey, Deanna Stambaugh, Dave Clover, Brian Covert, Greg Wisslead, and Randy Shumaker; also Kurt Dittmer, Dan Gillett, and Michael Rodeffer.