The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Booster Club Discuss Parade and Open House and 2022 Ideas

The Stronghurst Booster Club called their meeting to order at 4:33 p.m. on December 13th, 2021.

The November minutes were reviewed and approved on a vote by Amanda Jack, seconded by Jim Blender.

Treasurer’s report:

Those attending were given a form of account balances and deposits/bills from the Christmas open house.

Deposits from the village and 50/50 raffle totaled $1128 and biills totaled $1521.99. They are sttill waiting on couple of bills from Amanda ($67.22) for the ornaments and Jade for the children’s gift raffle.

New expense this year was $200 to Jerry Spiker for hanging lights/greenery.

Another $295 was deposited in the fall fest account from Mum money.

Johnson Plumbing was paid for winterizing the spray

2021 Christmas open house feedback:

A suggestion was made to form a planning committee that could meet throughout the year to help plan and better organize this event. Advertising more and including more businesses could be great goals for next year. Also consider adding more lights at the park. Electric is an issue and Jim will look into what it would cost to upgrade.

“Shop Local Stronghurst” night.

A suggestion was made to have another night other than the Christmas Open House to get people to town to shop locally. It could be around Christmas or even in the spring? The focus would be on shopping. Possibly collaborate with the Henderson County Economic Development corporation?

They will look into forming committees in 2021 for each event the Booster Club sponsors and possibly try to set dates for all events in 2022 earlier so it can be advertised better.

The nominating committee for the 2022 Booster Club officers have chosen: Amanda Hobby- Jack as president, Melinda Whiteman as Vice President, Shelly Gittings and treasurer, and Christine Deverell as secretary. Sara made motion to accept nominees, Jan seconded and all in favor. A formal vote will be held at the next meeting on January 10th, 2022.

The Fall Festival 2022 is set for Saturday September 17th, 2022.

Jim motioned to adjourn at 5:04 p.m.

In attendance were: Christine Deverell, Shelly Gittings, Jim Blender, Sara Leffler, Amanda Hobby-Jack, Jan Neff, and Donna Painter.

The next meeting is Monday, January 10th, 2022, 4:30 p.m. at the Stronghurst American Legion.