The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Bar owner wants village to cancel coffee shop's proposed drive-thru

by Jeff Tee - River Rat News

The Oquawka Village Board held its regularly scheduled meeting on Tues., Dec. 7th with Trustees Don Rice, Shawn Lain, Tammy Bundy, Brian Collier, Scott Ray; Village President Lori Lipes; Village Clerk Callie Thacker; and Village attorney Andy Youngquist present.


Resident and owner of DC's Bar, Greg Beucher, addressed the board to oppose the proposed drive thru for the new Muddy Cup Coffee Company, which is located in the old Hub restaurant building, and owned by Tianna and Shawn Lain.

The drive thru would utilize the alley adjacent to Greg's residence. Greg stated the definition of an alley is to provide access to the back of buildings and is not intended for through traffic.

He noted the Village has a little different definition. Greg said his alley is the busiest in town because people use it to get to the Post Office, Smith Laundry, and Schuyler Street.

He said his dogs go crazy every time people drive or walk down the alley. He went on to say that having through traffic would be a nuisance.

Greg said if the drive thru is approved, he would like to put up an 8' privacy fence across his property to lessen the impact of the nuisance and suggested the alley become a one-way with speed bumps.

The owners of Smith Laundry addressed the Board to say they felt it would block their parking lot.

Mayor Lipes stated, the board can't address something that hasn't happened yet – it's not yet open and she's looked at the property and the Zoning Officer has determined Lain can place the concrete pad for the drive-up window.

Trustee Collier said he felt the issue is that the Village has a nuisance ordinance that states you can not block any part of the alley right-of-way. Collier stated you could probably get one car at the drive thru window but the problem is when you get cars waiting in line, the alley will be blocked. He went on to say that if cars lined up at the drive thru are blocking even 1' of the alley right-of-way, that would be an ordinance violation.

Rice asked what the difference is between a car blocking an alley and a beer truck blocking Schuyler Street while making a delivery. Lain stated a car sitting at the drive thru window will not block any part of the alley right-of-way.

Collier asked how they knew that. Lain said they had measured it. Collier asked, "legally, how do you know where that property line is?" Lain said they asked the zoning officer. Collier stated that wasn't a legal measurement. Rice replied that it was up to Collier to prove they were in violation. Collier responded, "it's up to the property owner to have a survey done."

Attorney Youngquist stated: if you can find property stakes, a new survey wouldn't be necessary. If you can see where the alley is and if the pad is not in the alley, you can pour the pad, and then if a car can park on that pad without blocking the alley, it's not a violation.

Collier asked, what if they have 2 or 3 cars lined up.

Lipes stated he's not open yet and he's done nothing wrong. She reiterated the Zoning Officer has been out and measured and determined he's able to pour the pad. She stated once the business is open, if there are problems, then those problems would be addressed.

Another resident who lives along the alley stated she didn't understand why they couldn't have a sign that says call this number and we'll bring your coffee to you. She went on to say she didn't understand why the Lain's wouldn't reason and take opinions from others.

Tianna Lain responded saying she didn't understand why she couldn't have a drive thru at her business just because the woman's dogs bark and go crazy. Tianna stated the woman's dogs were not her problem. Lipes said it would be discussed further at the work session.

Mayor & Staff Report

Lipes stated she was unsure when Village Treasurer Chris Petersen would return to work. Ray suggested, after Chris returns, they train another person on how to run the software in the event Chris needs more time off. Lipes agreed.

Street & Water

Mick Olson noted Streets and Water Supervisor Jeff Petersen would need to get a complete count of water services and also note which ones currently have a curb stop and which ones do not, in order to move forward with the water grant.

BADD Grant

The next step is to figure out exactly what they would want to use the grant money for. This will be discussed at the next work session.


Tee will get some bids in order to determine the cost of remodeling the building across the alley from Village Hall into a museum.

Squad Car Grant

Bundy said the funds for the new squad car have been allocated but haven't been released and could be released very soon or it could take months. The dealership is ready to take delivery of the car now.

After a long discussion noting that if they aborted the purchase to wait for the funds, there may not be another squad car available for purchase for many months, it was noted the the total purchase price for the squad is $57,478.26 and the grant will reimburse $43,100 leaving the final cost for the village at $14,378.26.

Bundy stated the grant has changed, and if they opted out now, they would have to start all over and the most they could be awarded would be $25,000.

Youngquist felt that if the funds have been allocated, they will eventually be released and it's just a matter of when.

A motion was made by Ray to use up to $60,000 out of funds from the sale of the fire department to be reimbursed by the pending grant, for purchase of the new fully equipped Chevy Tahoe police squad car. It was seconded by Collier. No's Rice and Lain; Yes's: Bundy, Collier, Ray, and Tee. Motion Carried.

Citizen of the Year Award

A few nominations have been turned in and will be accepted thru Dec. 31st. Winner to be announced at the January 2022 meeting.

Review Truck Parking

Lipes has continued to receive complaints about the truck parking area. Everyone who parks there has obtained a permit, she noted. Police Chief Tim Edwards asked for clarification of where the permits are to be placed on trucks or trailers.

There is no designated spot to place the permits and the board had agreed that it wouldn't be necessary to obtain a permit if the truck was only parking temporarily.

Bundy asked if temporary meant 1 or 2 nights a week or 1 or 2 nights per month. After no clear answer was given, Edwards asked again for clarification on what temporary meant.

A discussion ensued but no clear definition of temporary was given and it was noted that the lot was for Oquawka residents only.

Lain stated they had given permission to one resident's father to park there on a temporary basis when he was in town visiting.

Edwards asked if everyone who parks there needs a permit? Lain answered they are supposed to. Tee said unless you're in town visiting. Tee went on to say it's more trouble than it's worth.

Ray made a motion to close the parking lot to semi-truck parking. Seconded by Tee. Lain and Collier voted NO; Rice, Bundy, Ray, Tee voted Yes. Motion Carried. The lot will remain open to truck parking until December 31st, 2021 at which time a No Parking sign will be placed.

BCZ Water Main Estimate

Lipes noted they have received an estimate from Bruner, Cooper, and Zuck to extend a water main in order to feed a house that is currently without city water. Cost is $12,500. Lain specified the estimate was for engineering fees only. Motion by Bundy to accept. Second by Tee. All members voted yes.

Veterans Park Flags

Lipes said she had been contacted about all of the flag ropes becoming frayed. The ropes will be replaced in the spring.

Outdoor Benches

New benches for Riverview Park have already been approved but some less expensive benches have been found. The new benches will be green.

Meeting was adjourned.

Jeff Tee

River Rat News

"Just the facts, Ma'am"