The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
By: Michael Rodeffer, The Quill
The La Harpe City Council called a special meeting on December 6th at 6 p.m. for the sole purpose of discussing and taking action to hire a full time police officer.
After calling the meeting to order and saying the Pledge of Allegiance the council voted to go right into executive session. The council first met with Police Chief Larry Finch and then called Scott Rosson into executive session.
At 6:40 p.m. the council exited executive session and returned to their regular meeting.
Council unanimously approved a motion to hire Scott Rosson as a full time police officer at an annual salary of $42,000. Rosson agreed to accept the position
Police Chief Larry Finch will work with Rosson to set up Rosson's week schedule.
Rosson has been in the law enforcement business for 22 years, either part time or full time. Rosson is fully qualified and certified and able to start work upon giving his current employer a 2 week notice.
Council adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Present were Mayor Kat Hasten-Reed, City Clerk Lucretia McPeak, council members, Deanna Stambaugh, Randy Shumaker, Greg Wisslead, Brian Covert, and Dave Clover. Also present was city Police Chief Larry Finch, Scott Rosson and Quill reporter Michael Rodeffer.
Larry Finch La Harpe Chief of Police (left) with new full time deputy Scott Rosson (right). The Council gave unanimous approval.