The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Stronghurst Booster Club Holds Meeting

August 9th, 2021

Attendance: Christine Deverell, Shelly Gittings, Melinda Whiteman, Jim Blender, Peggy Chockley, Lori Taylor, Donna Painter, Char Fischer, Jan Neff.

Meeting called to order at 4:30 p.m.

July Minutes: Minutes reviewed individually, Lori makes motion to approve previous minutes, Peggy 2nds and all in favor.

Treasurer's report: Shelly gave details of report. See attached form. Checks written for $90 to Fields of Fun for deposit for inflatables for Fall Festival. Checks written from spray park account to Goff for $556 for T-shirts and Johnson Plumbing for $2622.83 for repairs to the spray park. Deposits were made to spray park account with the leftover registration fees from Doc Pogue Run. Donna makes motion to approve the treasurer's report, Lori 2nds, all in favor.

Bills: There is one bill from Doran Insurance for $78 for the addition of the Veterans Memorial Fundraiser event to the Boosters insurance policy. Insurance is normally paid out of the general account however since the Veterans fundraiser has its own account should it be paid from that account. Christine makes motion to pay the $78 bill to Doran Insurance out of the Veterans Memorial account, Peggy 2nds, and all in favor, motion passes.

Old Business:

Doc Pogue Run Saturday June 26th, 2021: Run made a total profit of $6169. There were 7 gold sponsors, 11 silver sponsors, and 25 bronze. 62 Runners total. Melinda will make a thank you letter to all the sponsors. Would be nice to have a group picture of all Booster Club members. Maybe next meeting or at Fall Festival.

Fall Festival: 9/18/21:

There will be a Special Fall Festival meeting on Friday, August 27th at 4:30 pm tentatively at the Stronghurst American Legion.

Motion to adjourn at 5:30. Jim makes motion, Jan 2nds, all in favor.

Next meeting is Monday, September 13th at 4:30 p.m. at Village Hall.