The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1925 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic: April 5, 1925

RATES GOING UP: Mailing will cost more in the near future for the postal rates provided by the postal wage raise measure effective the 15th of April contain some radical changes in existing charges. The one in which the public is most interested and possibly most affected by is that raising the rate on all mailing cards except government postal cards from one cent to two cents. The new rate will apply to all kinds of picture post cards and private mailing cards except the regulation government postal card bought at the postoffice, (Other rates were headed upward too.)

GREAT CONCERT: A packed house greeted the Monmouth College Girls Glee Club at the U.P. Church last Thursday evening and the program which was given was one of unusual merit. The chorus numbers under the direction of Miss Evelyn Fort of this place, musical instructor in the College, were finely rendered while the special vocal numbers, piano, harp, violin and xylophone selections and readings drew evidence of appreciation from the audience in the shape of repeated encores. The special costuming of the singers added to the effectiveness of a number of the selections.

HONORED AT LUNCHEON: The nicely appointed home of Charles Lind and daughters was the scene of a pleasant social event given in the honor of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford McKeown, whose marriage occurred on March 10th. The guest, numbering about 50 enjoyed a delightful evening. During the luncheon a "Floral Love Story" was read and at the conclusion Mrs. G. W. Voorhees in a few well-chosen words presented the couple with a beautiful bridge lamp. Although taken completely by surprise by the event, the happy couple gave appropriate expression of their appreciation.

Marshall Barn Burns: The main barn on the C.R.A. Marshall farm northwest of Stronghurst was destroyed by fire Wednesday morning. (Present home of the late Charles Marshall). Mr. Marshall discovered the fire when he arose at about 5 o'clock. The upper part of the structure was ablaze at that time, but there was sufficient time left to release the horses and turn them out of their stalls before the building collapsed. A number of other outbuildings standing in close proximity to the barn were saved by the assistance of neighbors who were quickly on the scene. About 200 bushels of corn, 500 bushels of oats, a Ford touring car, a number of farming implements, some harness and other things are included in the loss which Mr. Marshall estimates at $1,500 ($22,230 in today's values). The insurance on the building and contents was only $664 ($9,840 in today's values), leaving the net loss between $800-900.The origin of the fire is unknown; the most plausible theory is that it was the result of carelessness or the deliberate act of some one who had occupied the hay loft of the barn during the night.

HE JOINS THE NAVY: Gale Chase, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Chase of Galesburg is a visitor at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Spiker. Gales is a student in the radio school at the Great Lakes Naval Station near Chicago. He expects to be transferred from there about the first of June to the government school at Harvard University for a course of study to be completed in September. He then expects to be assigned to duty with the Asiatic fleet of the U.S. Navy, which will afford him the opportunity of visiting some of the interesting places of the world.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: George Chant arrived from Albuquerque, N. Mexico in time to get a start in the gardening game with the advance guard in this locality. Mrs. Chant will remain with her two sons in Albuquerque until about the first of June when she will also return to Stronghurst. Mr. C.H.Davis who spent the winter in Southern California, returned home convinced that Illinois is, after all, a pretty good place in which to live. Mrs. W. H. Cross, who has been a patient in the Monmouth Hospital for some time recovering from an operation for the removal of imbedded molars, left there and is now resting at the home of friends in Monmouth. Neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Simonson and family who recently took up their residence on the Curry farm north of Stronghurst, gave them a housewarming with a delightful lunch and pleasant social time. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Foote are now enjoying the radio programs sent out daily from the various broadcasting stations of the country, having installed a receiving set constructed and sent to them by their son, A. E. Foote of Washington, D.C.

Arthur Steffey who has been located at Norwood, Minn. for the past few years, has accepted the position of Supt. of school at Knoxville, Ia., having been selected from 125 applicants for the position. He and his family will move there about the first of June. Mr. Glen Marshall, manager of the Stronghurst Grain & Merchandise Co., reports business just a little slack at present owing to the busy season among the famers-only one car of grain was shipped in the past four weeks. The Amos Cavins family loaded their household goods for shipment to their new home at Princeville, Ill. Mrs. Joe Huff, Miss Jean McElhinney and Miss Blanche Sullivan attended a school of instruction for telephone operators at Monmouth. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Shafer and family and Miss Eva Shafer drove to Keokuk, Iowa last Saturday and visited Mrs. Shafer's father, Mr. Tucker, who was there from Lyons, Kans. at the home of another daughter, Mrs. Walter Odell.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Miss Beulah Booth of Red Oak, Ia., was visiting with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graham. She then went to Chicago where she entered the Presbyterian Hospital training for nurses. It was voted by a majority of people to put up a $11,000 gymnasium as soon as the details can be arranged, ($160,020 in today's values). The high school girls expect to canvass the town for the Monmouth Salvation Army to benefit the storm-stricken territory in the southern part of the state. The April benefit tea for the Women's Cemetery Society will be held at the Blue Grass Hotel on the afternoon of April 14th.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Wendell Rex, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Norville passed away about 5:20 am Saturday after nine days of suffering from double pneumonia. (A long article tells of the child's illness and funeral.) Mr. and Mrs. George Admire, Jr. of Dallas City are the proud parents of a daughter, Rosa Pearl, born Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Admire's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry White. Miss Mary Morgan, science teacher in the high school, took her Botany Class to Monmouth greenhouse for the study of plant life there. John Drain is recovering from his recent serious injury from a fall while helping to raise a building for the Miller Construction Co. at Burlington.

OBITUARY: William C. Winders-A former resident of Media died at the St. Francis Hospital, Burlington last week. He had been at the hospital for several weeks. He was born in Ohio, December 26, 1843. Since last December he had made his home with his son Robert. He was a member of the Latter Day Saints church and is survived by three sons and one daughter. Interment was in Aspen Grove.

CARMAN CONCERNS: Paul Pendry is at the Burlington Hospital suffering with a bad sore throat. His mother is reported some better but still not able to leave the hospital. Wm. Lightner of LaHarpe is in the area repairing the school building. Walter Burnett has been a busy man repairing the Carthage Lake Club property. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Coffman, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Vaughn and Marcellus Clover attended the minstrel show at Lomax Tuesday evening. Virgil Dixon lost a valuable mule caused by indigestion.

OLENA OBSERVATIONS: On Sabbath afternoon at the regular preaching hour, 3 pm, Rev. O'Hara , Supt. Of the Central Illinois conference, will preach in the Olena church. This service will be followed by the sacramental service. All are most cordially invited to come and enjoy these services; feel assured it will well be worth while to listen to this exceptionally fine speaker and get his message. Mr. Clas. Carlson and wife, Mrs. Anna Johnson and Mrs. J. Lant attended the quarter conference held in Gladstone and report the finances of both congregations to be fairly good. The ladies of the Gladstone church served a very appetizing dinner in the basement at the noon hour. Rev. O'Hara then gave one of his masterly sermons on the signs of the times he taking a very optimistic view of the Master's work.

Harvey Lant was taking an enforced vacation on account of being a LA Grippe (the flu) sufferer. Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson and daughter, Miss Lois, have been numbered with the sick and Miss Thelma took a few days off as teacher in the East school to help care for them. Miss Helen Lant substituted for her. Mr. Martin Jacobs, who has been quite a sufferer with rheumatism, is able to be out again. Mrs. Jesse Hicks is again numbered with the sick. Miss Nellie Johnson has been quite indisposed the last several days with LA Grippe. The community was greatly shocked and saddended by the tragic ending of the life of Mrs. Taley and daughter of Burlington. Mrs. Taley, as Miss Dehague, spent most of her young life in the drainage district at the old homestead and was highly respected.

Mr. Chalmer Perdue and children spent a few recent days with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hunt of Raritan. Mrs. Perdue has been kept quite busy this spring weaving some very attractive rugs. Miss Marie Rankin of near Stronghurst spent a few days with her friend, Miss Esther Johnson and took the opportunity to visit Miss Esther's school in Hopper.

Mr. Warren Johnson of Olena purchased a lot of Mr. Chalmer Perdue that Chalmer had previous bought of Mrs. George Deitrick. Mr. Perdue and Mr. Rickels have had a little controversy over a one-half block of land which both claims, but Mr. Perdue and wife, taking their deed to the county seat for investigation, are said to be the rightful owners, but for seven years they had no use of it. Sometimes, it's worthwhile to examine deeds. John Lant has been asked by Miss Shear, teacher of the Olena school, to write a historical paper on the early settlement of the village. Relatives have received word from Wilbur Davis, who is in the U.S. Navy, stating the Atlantic and Pacific fleets had met at Valejo, Calif. and would be starting soon for an eight-month cruise, their objective point being Australia, where elaborate preparations are being made for their reception. Wilbur is aboard ship U.S. Bridge The combine fleets number187 vessels with sailors galore,