The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic: March 26, 1925
PACKED TO THE DOORS: The Stronghurst United Presbyterian Church was packed to the doors last Sabbath evening by an audience which for two hours or more gave its undivided attention to the film, "Present Day Life in Egypt" presented by Mr. and Mrs. Fee, two returned Egyptian missionaries. The picture, consisting of eight reels, not only depicted scenes connected with the direct missionary work which the U. P. Church is carrying on in Egypt, but also illustrated the present agricultural, commercial and social conditions in the great Nile Valley. Perhaps, the most significant thing which the picture revealed was the vivid contrasts between the old and new civilizations which mingle in the land of the Pharaohs. An illustration is the great modern dam at Assuan which provides the means for irrigating many thousands of acres. This was shown in contrast with the primitive method of dipping water from streams by the well sweep method and pouring it into sluiceways to be conveyed to the small patches of farm land:
OBITUARY: MRS. JUDITH MAUD SOWRE: From the Council Bluffs, Iowa paper-"Judith Maud Totten was born near Stronghurst, Ill. Oct.9, 1903 and departed this life at the Jennie Edmundson Memorial Hospital in Council Bluffs, Ia., on March 1, 1925 at the age of 22 years, 4 months and 19 days. She was untied in marriage to Eli Sowre Jan. 13, 1924. Mrs. Sowre was baptized in the Olena, Ill. U.P. Church in childhood and was loved by all who knew her. She was the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Totten. One sister, Ollie, receded her to the "Great Beyond." Besides her kind and loving husband, she leaves to mourn her death her 4 day old daughter, Elaine Marion, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Totten of Council Bluffs, Ia,; four sisters-Mrs. Mary Troutman of Bonaparte, Ia.; Mrs. Anabel Biggs of Fort Madison, Ia.; and Mrs. Erma Chipman of Council Bluffs; also five brothers-Edgar E. of Missouri Valley, Ia.; Floyd and Walter of Knightsen, Calif.; Perry of Ft. Madison, Ia. and Albert of Council Bluffs. Burial was in Fairview Cemetery in Council Bluffs, Ia. (Child birth was extremely dangerous and claimed many mothers and children.)
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Ed Stine is confined to his home with an attack of heart trouble. Mrs. W.C. Ivins has been having a pretty serious time with hemorrhages of the head and nose, the attending physician having to use the packing remedy to arrest the flow of blood. The house on the farm of L. D. Cortleyou near Abington, Ill., was recently destroyed by fire originating from sparks on the roof. Mr. and Mrs. Cortelyou had left only a few days previous to make their home at Colorado Springs, Colo. Aunt Lizzie Stewart who is 86 years of age while carrying a lighted lamp, tripped on a rug in her home and fell, cutting her hand quite badly on the broken lamp Luckily, the lamp was extinguished or the result might have been more serious.
OBITUARY: MRS. NELSON PEARSON-From the LaHarper: "Mrs. Nelson Pearson died at the hospital LaHarpe, Illinois on Mar 18, 1925, aged 71 years, 10 months and 16 days. Tilda Rosonquist was born in Sweden and was married there to Nelson Pearson on December 29, 1870. In 1880 Mr. Pearson came to Gladstone, Illinois to try out the new country and liked it so well that he sent for his wife and she came in 1881. To them eight children were born, four of whom preceded the mother in death. In 1911 Mr. Pearson bought a farm east of LaHarpe and moved to it, but in 1918 he decided to retire from active farm work and enjoy the fruits of his labor so they came to LaHarpe and have since lived here.
Four living children are Frank and Mrs. Sophia Olson of Stronghurst; Oscar, who lives on the home place and Hulda Shrier of Peoria. There are eight grandchildren living. Mrs. Pearson also leave a brother, O. J. Ross of Biggsville, one sister, Mrs. Hannah Nelson of Pittsburgh, Pa. and a brother in Sweden. She was a member of the Swedish Lutheran Church.
She was a dear old lady whom everybody liked. It was her joy to see and talk with her friends but for the past two or three years her heart had been so bad that she could not walk far and she could not go even to her neighbors. Throughout all this time she never made a complaint but sat contentedly at home enjoying her flowers and the companionship of her husband, who devoted his whole time to making her happy. Her children were home whenever it was possible and the grandchildren would like to have stayed with her all the time. For the past year she had failed fast and had twice been at the hospital where her chief concern was that she was burden to the nurses who when they assured her that it was a pleasure to do for her, were rewarded with a cherry smile, even when her suffering was intense. Her suffering had ended and she has gone to rest. She will be missed by family and friends, but her kindness and unselfishness will be remembered and bring comfort to those who sorrow. "To live in hearts, we leave behind is not to die. A thousand bright memories anchor her past to the places she blest with her presence and love." (What an obit; she must have been a special lady.)
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: The union prayer meetings being conducted in the different churches of the village are proving to be very interesting as well as instructive. A good interest at these meetings has been manifest, which shows that the people are becoming more interest in the teaching of the Bible. Miss Irene Shellenberger is a sufferer from tonsillitis at her home. Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Tweed , the new hardware merchant, have moved from their rooms in the H. N. Vaughn house to the Allie Bruce home in the west part of town. Clarence Walker is able to be out and to walk about again. He has moved his household goods to the tenant house of Mrs. Kamber in the west part of town. The young people of the Christian Church will give an April Fools Party in the community room at 8 o'clock on April 1st. Everyone come and have a foolish time. George Dixson is confined to his home with the flu and an infection of the nose. John Huppert is a very busy man at his harness shop repairing harness for the farmers as it is time for the spring work to begin. (His harness shop is the northwest old part of Flatt Tire today.) James H. Spiker and wife of Bushnell, well known here, are at Excelsior Springs, Mo. where he is taking a course of baths in an endeavor to get rid of lumbago. The fine weather of the last few days has started farming and gardening operations locally. Oats are being sown, corn ground prepared and potatoes have been planted. Dave Stewart received word from his brother, Rolla Stewart of Galesburg telling of the death of the latter's daughter, Mrs. William F. Hale at Cottage Hospital. Her death occurred suddenly from dropsy two hours after her arrival at the hospital. (Dropsy is the old fashioned term from edema, the retention of fluid by the body.) Mrs. Roy Moore of Lomax, who was operated on for appendicitis at the Burlington Hospital, was able to return home. Born to S. F. Tannus and wife on March 17th a daughter.
OBITUARY: MRS. J. C. COVERT-Mrs. J. C. Covert, an aged and highly respect citizen of Raritan community, passed away at her home there of pneumonia. Funeral services were held at the Baptist Church. She leaves to mourn her departure an aged husband, four sons and two daughters and a number of grandchildren and a host of sorrowing relatives and friends.
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: John Drain, who has been working for Miller Construction Co. at Burlington was badly hurt. While helping to raise a building, a board upon which he was standing broke and let him fall injuring his back and left side badly. He is being cared for at present at the home of his brother, Ralph, until he is able to be removed to the hospital for further treatment. Milton Adair took Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Drain and Miss Mabel over to see their son and brother Sunday. Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Drain returned to his bedside having been called by telephone as John was not so well. Eldon White took them over. Mr. Drain came home Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Drain remaining to help care for him. Wendell Rex, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Norville, has been seriously ill since Friday of double pneumonia and the little life has been hanging in the balance for several days. He is thought to be some better although not much encouragement is felt yet for his recovery. Dr. L. T. Hoyt of Raritan is the attending physician. Mesdames Charles Bacon and Arch Reed , Swam Creel and Earl Norville of Monmouth have been here during the week to assist in the care of their little nephew. It will be remembered that a year ago on March 7th, Mr. and Mrs. Norville were called upon to give up their only son, Harry ,aged 8 months from the same disease and their many friends are hoping the life of this dear little boy may be spared to them.
MEDIA MEANDERING: Prof. Neil Ausmus presented the following boys of the basketball team with a letter "M" at assembly: LaVerne and Gerald Gilliland; Joe Moon; William Pogue; Roy Basket. Clifford Campbell, Allison Hixson, Clifford Ross, Dan Gilliland and Burdette Grate were awarded numerals. C. G. Richey has business interests at Farmington, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Mink have sold their residence which was recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Barnard White to Mr. and Mrs. George Wax who will occupy it as soon as necessary improvements are completed. An offering of $26.52 was lifted at Sunday school Sabbath morning to help storm sufferers of the southern part of the state and other states. Mr. John Suydam who is suffering terribly from an infected wart on the back of his left hand is going to Burlington for treatment. "Mike" Howell, manager of Media Lumber Co., is a patient at Burlington Hospital having undergone an operation for appendicitis; he is getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Lefler of near Hopper were Sunday guests at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Barnard White. Mrs. Guy Garrett and daughter, Louise, are confined to their home being victims of scarlet fever. Mrs. Coleman Garrett is a patient at the Burlington Hospital having suffered an attack of appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hendrickson, Jr., are the proud parents of their first child, a son. Clyde Stanberry is doing carpenter work in Burlington his week.
Our farmers are very busy getting ready to sow oats. Some are plowing and while others are raking and burning stalks so that they may be ready to plow for corn. Quite a number have early garden seeds planted and some of four housewives are engaged in house cleaning. The congregation of the United church is preparing an Easter program. Communion services will be held at the morning service Easter Sunday and new members will be received. The attendance at Sunday school Sabbath morning was 112. The goal has been set for an enrollment of 250 for Easter Sunday. A large attendance at church Sunday morning was encouraging and yet there are many more who should have been present. Everyone is welcome at all times.
CARMAN CONCERNS: The ladies aid met with the following members present: Mayme Clover, vice president; Pearl Coffman, secretary; Grace Crane, Phoebe Wisbey, Minnie Rehling. Mattie Gillis paid in initiation fees on that day and wanted to join said society. A comfort was tied for the society to be sold at the Easter Bazaar which will be held on election day in the afternoon and evening the 7th of April and everyone is asked to donate something for the bazaar, whatever they wish to give. They appointed a dinner committee: Pearl Coffman, Grace Crane, Mattie Gillis. The committee met and decided on the following menus to be served a 5 o'clock pm sharp: roast chicken, gravy, dressing, mashed potatoes, canned corn, pickles, cabbage salad, deviled eggs, cranberry jelly, tea, biscuits, butter, home-made iced cream, angel food cake, coffee and ice tea.
Mr. George Steiner is visiting his daughter, Mrs. James Lord. Mrs. Mattie Gillis will entertain the Thursday Club at her home Thursday of this week. Dannenberg Brothers were shelling corn in the Terre Haute neighborhood a couple of days this week. Mrs. J.W. Twilley still remains quite poorly. Mrs. Martha Johnson and James Bevans went to Burlington Saturday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Ella Dehague Yaley and daughter Lanora. The community was shocked to hear of this sad affair as Mrs. Ella Yaley had many friends here as she used to live near our village. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crane accompanied their son Frederick to Carthage where he will attend school. Mrs. Fred Clover is a Burlington goer these days taking treatments from Dr. LaForce for her throat. Mrs. Frank Marsden and daughter returned to Burlington after having the flu at the home of her parents, Mr. .and Mrs. John Dixon, northeast of Carman. Mrs. Addie Gludy and gentleman friend of Burlington were calling on Mrs. G.'s mother, Mrs. Eliza Brown (now the entire neighborhood knows the news). The many friends of Walter Howell are glad to learn that he is getting along as well as can be expected after being operated on for appendicitis at the Burlington Hospital. (You just didn't want to have a bad stomach ache at this time are you ended up in the hospital with an appendectomy.)