The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic: March 19, 1925
OBITUARY: MRS. CHARLES JOHNSON: Mrs. Charles J. Johnson, a highly respected and long-time resident of this community, was summoned by death at her home 2 ½ miles east of Stronghurst Thursday evening, March 12, 1925 at 8:30 o clock. During her nine weeks illness she was a patient sufferer and always of a cheerful disposition. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson were among the first residents of Stronghurst, living on the Isaac Nichols farm at the time the town site was laid out, the home now being occupied by the Albert Jones family. This home became a center of hospitality and in 1887 when the A.T. & S.F. railroad passed through the county, the first telegraph office of Stronghurst was stationed in their home.
Mrs. Johnson, whose maiden name was Caroline Matilda Swanson, was born in Krakshult Jonkopings lan, Sweden Jan. 27, 1852. She was confirmed in Sweden in 1867. She emigrated to America, landing in Burlington, Iowa June 16, 1869. She was united in marriage to Mr. Charles J. Johnson October 23, 1875 at Mediapolis, Iowa. The came direct to this vicinity and began housekeeping on what was then the George M. Foote farm and have always lived in this community. Eight children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, 3 sons having passed away in early childhood. She is survived by her husband and five children: Frank, Charles, Mrs. Mabel Nelson, Waldo and Miss Ella and by 16 grandchildren, besides numerous other relatives and many friends.
Mrs. Johnson was a charter member of the Lutheran congregation in Stronghurst which was organized December 28, 1890 and always lived a consistent Christian life, faithful in church attendance as long as her health permitted. Funeral services were held at the Lutheran Church; the remains were laid to rest in the family lot in the local cemetery.
COUNTY NURSE GIVES REPORT: Miss Carrie DeVore, visiting county nurse, was here Wednesday through Friday of last week conducting an examination of the children in the village schools. Amongst the 144 grade school pupils, she reported the following number of cases of physical defects: defective vision-53, defective hearing-1, adenoids-19, defective tonsils-8, teeth needing attention-2, nervous affection-1, and skin and scalp affection-1.
Amongst the 92 high school students 42 were found to have defective vision; 4 with defective hearing; 10 with nasal trouble; 7 with diseased tonsils and 16 with teeth needing attention. Reports showing the results of the examination were mailed to the parents. (The Editor of the paper a few pages forward expounds on his theory that the poor vision in the high school is attributed to the poor lightning in the rooms of the building. He blames the litigation over the foundation of the district costing the district money and therefore, led to cheaper lighting.}
RARITAN PRAYER MEETING: A MEETING OF MORE THAN USUAL INTEREST WAS HELD Thursday evening, March 12, at the Raritan Baptist Church, the occasion being a combination of the weekly prayer service, a missionary stereopticon lecture and the farm bureau community meeting. The prayer service was conducted by Rev. C. E. Riddington in the usual manner, but was decidedly unusual in the spirituality shown, especially when the matter of the large mixed audience is considered. Following the prayer service, Rev. Riddington also delivered the missionary lecture which was accompanied by a beautiful set of slides showing the conditions among the children of various lands and the problems which missionaries must fact in reaching them.
Following this lecture, Dr. LeCroy, the County Veterinarian, gave a short talk on the tuberculosis eradication work which is being conducted in the county. He emphasized the importance of this campaign as part of our human health program. He pointed out that children are particularly susceptible in bovine tuberculosis, which makes a clean mild and meat supply particularly important. A report on the campaign which began last August shows 701 herds tested, comprising 6,342 head of which 88 were reactors.
At the close of Dr. LeCroy's talk Farm Advisor, Walker showed the motion picture film, Clean Herds and Hearts. This is a production of the Dept. of Agriculture and shows the steps necessary to be taken in making a county a tuberculosis free area. While primarily educational enough, a story is woven into the film to add greatly to the interest.
The two Raritan churches are cooperating to make the mid-week prayer service, a vital force in the community and the meeting described above indicates they are succeeding. Whereas generally Rev. Riddington stated, the average number present at prayer meetings was four or five.. There were 129 on this occasion. It is such meetings as this that build a community. (Obviously, this was a special meeting as it was front page news.)
WILL SHOW PRESENT DAY LIFE IN EGYPT: Two years ago a score of United Presbyterian laymen subscribed to a fund to produce a motion picture of present-day life in Egypt, especially in its relation to the American United Presbyterian Mission in the Nile Valley. Next Sabbath night his film, 8,000 ft. in length, will be exhibited in the Stronghurst Presbyterian Church & Many of the 200 members of this group-educators, doctors, clergymen-are from Illinois and Iowa. They live in eleven of Egypt s largest cities.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Dale Mesecher, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. Art Mesecher, who live east of Stronghurst, was so unfortunate as to get his collar hone broken while at play on the Allison District School grounds. His injury received prompt attention and he is reported as getting along nicely. Miss Ruth Brokaw is learning the intricacies of bank bookkeeping at the Stronghurst State Bank. The Misses Roberta Denum, Lena Morey, Nellie Johnson, Hazel Stine and Lucille Parish all took teachers examination at Oquawka last Saturday. Miss Ruth Mains has gone to Chicago where she recently accepted a position in the bookkeeping department of the South Shore State Bank. G.Q. Fort and wife have vacated the Lutheran parsonage where they have made their home recently and will be domiciled in the H. M. Allison residence until their own new home is completed. The Lutheran parsonage is being prepared for occupancy by the new pastor and his family who will arrive soon.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Florence Cortelyou has improved sufficient to be able to get about with the aid of crutches. Harold Allison, whose life has hung in the balance for several weeks, is now considerably improved. Frank Gustafson is stepping a little higher than usual and wearing a smile that won't come off. It is from the fact that he recently became grandpa when a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wilson of Media Township. Del Fornell and family have moved from Stronghurst to the Bainter homestead farm south of town where Del will assist W. H.Bainter in his farming operations this season. Friends of the family will regret to learn that Mr. and Mrs. Fornell's little son Harold is seriously ill with inflammatory rheumatism. Mrs. H. B. Fort was pleasantly surprised by a number of ladies living in the neighborhood of her home when they dropped in on her to help celebrate her birthday. Miss Ruth McMillan is teaching in Canton, Ill. schools. Dr. and Mrs. I. F. Harter and their niece, Mrs. Zula Allison, departed on the Santa Fe for Los Angeles, Calif. where they expect to spend several weeks. Mrs. James Wolf has been with her daughter and family on the home farm near Terre Haute the past week or two caring for the daughter and granddaughter who have been having a siege of the Flu. Jim says he can "batch" all right, but don't like it.
The Board of Education of the city of LaHarpe has decided to submit to the voters of the school district at the next election a proposition of a $25,000 bond which would be used for the erection of an assembly hall as an addition to the present public school building. The Dallas City Review says that C. E. Ellison, former member of the firm known as the Dallas City Clothing Co., has purchased the C. A. Mendenhall stock of Dry Goods in that place and will continue the business at the present stand. Mr. C. J. Doty, with whom Mr. Ellison was associated in the clothing business, will continue to operate the same under the old firm name.
A twelve-piece mixed orchestra, which has been organized for some time amongst the village high school students with Prof. Dawson as the instructor, gave a concert before the high school body on Tuesday morning. The orchestra consists of three cornets, three violins, two clarinets, saxophone, baritone trombone, trap drum and piano. Mr. Lloyd Kennedy and Ralph Staley were working near Larchland hauling logs for shipment. Amos Cavins was home from Princeville for a few days; he will move to that city in about two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dobbin have moved to the farm north of town in order to be near their work; they only moved part of their household goods and locked up their home here for the summer. Eight hundred and thirty-seven head of horses were sold at auction at Galesburg by the Galesburg Horse and Mule Co. at the regular weekly action, thereby establishing a new record in horse sales in Galesburg. In the Raritan area, a shower in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ingle was held at the Leonard Livermore home Tuesday evening.