The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1925 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic, April 30, 1925

ON A SUB IN SOUTH AMERICA: Through the courtesy of Mr. George Barnett, The Graphic shares a letter he received from his son Max, who is a pharmacist Mate of the 3rd Class at the U.S.M. Submarine Base at Coco Solo, Canal Zone, describing a trip which he recently made to Ecuador: "I just returned last Monday from a trip to South American being gone a month. We left here March 10th, crossed the equator March 13th, with the usual ceremonies and arrived at Guayaquil, Ecuador on the 15th. There were nine submarines and a tender, the Quail, which I was on for the time being only.

On the 17th I was in a party that went to Quito, the capitol, which is quite a distance in the mountains, possibly 200 miles by railroad as the latter has to make a great many twists and turns through the mountains. The day after we arrived there, the railroad washed out. We were taken care of in Quito by the government of Ecuador, free lodging and board of the best quality being furnished to enlisted men at the Ecuadorian Military Academy while the officers were taken to hotels. Nothing seemed to be too good for us and we had a splendid time.

The city is about 10,000 feet above sea level, and we had some difficulty in breathing while climbing hills, etc. After staying there four days, we left and came half way back by train, and there we were placed in care of the Army. They had horses and burros for us to ride over the trail and Indians to pack our baggage. The trail over which we traveled had been practically unused for 30 years so you can imagine what was before us. We started on the trail on Tuesday, March 24th, and the first day's journey of only 12 miles was all up hill. Imagine that for a bunch of men who seldom walked a dozen blocks without resting. We stopped that evening at an Indian village. By the way, there were not quite horses enough to go around and I happened to be one of the unfortunate ones who walked. We rested at the Indian village until the following morning. We were treated to fresh park, chicken soup (with everything in it) and coffee and slept in a native church on the floor which was covered with dry grass. All told, there were about 200 people-sailors, officers and Indians sleeping together on the floor.

The next day's march was 18 miles and we covered it in about 8 hours. Some of the ponies were lame so more of the men had to walk. By this time, we were going down the mountain and it's easier to walk down a steep hill than it is to ride. That afternoon we came to a larger village and found that due to severe rains, three bridges on the trail had been washed away so we stayed here all-day March 26th.

The next and last day we had 50 miles to cover and most of us preferred to walk as the trail ran along a river all the way and was very dangerous. We walked from 6:30 am to 2:45 pm, covering about the same distance we had made during the two preceding days taken together; but when we stopped, I was all in. We were descending gradually to lower altitudes and whatever there was a place in the trail which was the least bit level, was filled with mud and water up to our knees. There was no way to avoid these places and so, after 30 miles of this, you can imagine what our trousers and shoes were like. One of my ankles was on the "frits" and the heel was off my other shoe; so, I could only hobble along, but arrived at our destination soon after the first of the party did. We reached the end of trail and found a train waiting for us. We also found five sailors with sandwiches and coffee. I believe I appreciated the nigger cook who was with the sailors more than any of the others just then.

On way back to Coca Solo we stopped at an uninhabited island for a day's fishing. This island is a historic spot from the fact that it was once the stronghold of the pirate Morgan. Nothing eventful occurred during the remainder of the trip and we arrived here Monday, April 6th. No casualties occurred on the way of sickness and for the first time while I have been down here I did practically nothing to the line of regular work for about a month. I had neuralgia of the face for four or five days during the trip so that I would hardly sleep at night but got rid of it when we got back to the ship. I arrived at Coco Solo safe and sound with the exception of the loss of about 6 pounds of flesh. We reached here a couple of days after an epidemic of food poisoning from eating canned beef tongue had broken out but there were no fatalities. I expect to be here for three months yet, but do not know what changes may take place in the meantime so still address me here at the dispensary.

LOCAL SCHOOL AT GALESBURG TRACK MEET: Stronghurst High School will be represented by a fast relay team and a good all around squad of entries in the Military Tract and Knox Relay meet at Galesburg Friday afternoon. Frank Wilcox and Eldred Kemp in the dashes and middles distances and Clarence Burrell and Clifford Mills in the field events will be the strongest bidders for honors from Stronghurst. A squad of 14 athletes will represent the school in these events:

BANKERS LEARN ABOUT PROTECTION: On account of the stormy weather last Friday, the bankers meeting held at Oquawka to discuss protection against robbers was slimly attended. Therefore, it was decided to call another meeting to be held at Stronghurst on the evening of May 14th when it is hoped that all the banks in Henderson County my be represented in order that a complete and effective protective organization may be formed. The meeting will be held in the Masonic hall in Stronghurst and merchants and other business men, school teachers and other professional men and all other interested in the safe guarding of banks and the lowering of insurance rates are invited to meet with the bankers. R. C. Saunders, former chief of police of Des Moines, Iowa, and organizer of the Iowa State bankers' Protective Association will be present to address the meeting and outline the plan which reduced bank robberies in the state of Iowa to a minimum last year. (Remember, this is the era of Bonnie & Clyde.)

OBITUARY***MRS. C. E. LANT***Mrs. C. E. Lant died at her home in Gladstone Township last Friday morning, April 24th following an extended illness. She had been receiving treatment at the Monmouth Hospital for several weeks and on Monday was removed to her home where she was placed under the care of two nurses. Medical skill and careful nursing however, proved unavailing in relief from the nervous disorder with which she was afflicted and the end came last Friday morning.

Mrs. Lant, formerly Miss Lulu Porter, was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Porter of the Biggsville neighborhood, both of whom are deceased. She is survived by her husband, who is a well-known farmer and stock breeder of Gladstone Township and by two daughters, Dorothy, who lives at home, and Ruth, who is a teacher in the Gladstone schools. She is also survived b one brother, James Porter of Gladstone, three half-brothers, Frank and John Porter of Gladstone Township and Wilson Porter of Oregon and three half-sisters, Mrs. Laura Postlewaite of Tarkio, Mo.; Alice\McDaugal of Chariton, Ia. and Mrs. D. A. Whiteman of Monmouth. One sister, Miss Anna Porter, passed away a few years ago.

Mrs. Lant was a woman of exemplary Christian character and a member of the United Presbyterian Church. Funeral services were held at her late home of Sabbath afternoon with interment of the remains in the South Henderson Cemetery.

TRAIN CHANGE: Through the efforts of County Farm adviser Walker, the Santa Fe officials have agreed to make Stronghurst a stop for Train No. 10 for the discharge of passengers from Kansas City. The train is East bound and due here at 1:24 am. Arrangements were recently made to have this train stop here to take on passengers ticketed for Chicago, but this has never before been made a discharging point for this train for passengers from the West. Walker asked for this accommodation for stockmen of the community who are in the habit of making stock buying trips to Kansas City.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mr. R. B. Thomas is reported to be critically ill at his home in this village. Mrs. Ada Beardsley has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Lois Tulsen in Chicago for the past week. Alex Whitmore, a well-known resident of Gladstone, suffered a paralytic stroke and passed away a few minutes later last Sunday morning. Elder Gerber of Eureka, Ill. will again occupy the pulpit of the Stronghurst Christian Church Sunday morning and evening. Circuit Court will convene in adjourned session at Oquawka and Sheriff Davenport was here serving notices on several of our citizens to report for petit juror service. Rev. C. E. Riddington of Raritan, who was driving through to Memphis, Mo. to visit his father, spent several hours in Stronghurst having some repair work done on the auto he was driving. The Howe Engine Co. was demonstrating one of their motor equipped fire trucks last Monday and showed that the machine was capable of throwing an inch stream of water to about twice the height of any structure in the village. Mrs. Edgar Kern died at their home in Chicago on Aril 25th. Her remains were brought to LaHarpe, her former home, for interment. She and her husband were residents of Henderson County for the first three years succeeding their marriage in 1873.

Coming, the playlet, "Robert and Mary," at the M. E. Church Sunday evening, May 10th. George Decker is prepared to accept lawn mowing or other odd jobs which you may have. Writing from Cheyenne, Wyo., Mrs. Hattie (Bowen) Bakewell says "Weather fine here, but little moisture. Everything pretty dull at present. About six men for every job. Lots of sickness in and around Cheyenne." Donald McKinley, a son of Fred McKinley, formerly of this place, accompanied b his wife arrived here from Santa Ana, Calif. to visit Mrs. Ella Parish and other relatives. They are making an auto trip from California to New York. Mrs. Myra Fort who is at the Mayo institution in Rochester is encouraged by her condition, and she was advised she would not have to stay there.

The high school girls' orchestra gave a number of selections as a curtain raiser at the entertainment given at the Lyric by the M. E. church ladies, which were enthusiastically received by the audience. They are a promising organization and may be able to soon put on public entertainments of their own. John B.Downer, the 19 year old son of R.B.Downer of Kirkwood, was found dead in his room at the Northern Hotel in Burlington by employees of the gas company who were searching for a leak in the mains. Young Downer had evidently been dead for several hours when his body was discovered in the gas filled room.

CARMAN CONCERNS: Miss Fern Finch is much better; she has been suffering with lumbago (back pain). Charlie Waterman is papering the A.C. Babcook home. Miss Cheryl Babcook preached at the Nazarene Church last Sunday evening. Mrs. Mary Seins returned from Burlington where she had been staying for treatment of her ear. Mr. Daryl Dowell lost a horse while he was at work; it is presumed it had heart trouble. Several of the pupils from neighboring school are here to take exams. Schools will close this week with a community picnic; an entertainment will be given by both north rooms. Mrs. Huff from Dallas City is employed for the coming year to teach the upper room and Miss Irene Hoots is rehired for the primary room which will make her third term here as teacher there. Mr. Paul Pendry remains at the Burlington Hospital and is improved. Some of the farmers have the corn planted and other just starting. Strawberries have turned back from the Sunday frost.

MOTION PICTURE SHOW SPONSERED BY THE FARM BUREAU: The fourth series of motion pictures meetings which are being held by the Henderson County Farm Bureau will begin May 4th. The pictures to be shown are "The Hoosier Schoolmaster" and "Tune In." (A schedule for the county follows.)

FREE ENTERTAINMENT: At the Better Stronghurst League luncheon at the NuVon Hotel last Friday evening, it was decided to continue the free Saturday night open air entertainments in the village for a few weeks longer. A committee was appointed to arrange the next program, which will be given on Saturday night, May 9th beginning at 7:30 o'clock sharp. More details later.

SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION NEWS: Somewhere around 50 traveling representatives of construction, heating, lighting and plumbing concerns were here last Thursday to submit bids on the new school building work. It was found, however, that on the basis of the bids presented the whole job could not be done on a figure which the building committee thought would be acceptable to the tax payers so the matter was laid over for further consideration involving changes in plans and specifications.

THEY'RE MOVING THE TOWN: Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Peasley received a letter from their son, George, who is selling automobiles out in the state of Wyoming, telling about the troubles of the town of Lavoye. This boom town, situation in the very heart of the great Wyoming oil field got its start in 1920 when the Ohio Oil Co. which has recently obtained full possession of the land was instrumental in starting building operations there. A general merchandising store was erected by R. J. Mosher for the accommodation of the employees of the oil company and around this building as a nucleus there grew up in a short time a town of 1,500 people. On Jan. 5, 1920 a French-Canadian by the name of Lavoye filed a homestead entry on the land on which the town stands, the same being allowed by the land office at Douglas. Lavoye then divided 20 acres of his entry into lots and leased the surface rights to merchants.

On Feb. 23, 1921 the Ohio Oil Co. was granted a lease to develop the mineral properties of the land, the order dating back to August 19, 1920. The town had by this time grown to fair proportions and the oil company filed a protest against Lavoye's homestead entry; charging that he was not a citizen of the United States and that the company needed the surface rights of the land to develop the oil lying in that district.

The matter was threshed out in the courts with the result that the oil company's contention was upheld and an order was handed down by the U.S.District Court ordering Lavoye and the persons who had leased the land from him to vacate immediately.

George says in his letter that the people of the town are trying to make up their mind which one of three locations on the edge of the oil district will afford the best site for the town when it is moved. Selfish interests are at work pulling in three different directions and the situation as George describes it is that "the town is bound for some place, but no one is sure where."

NEW PLAN FOR PRAYER MEETING: A new plan will be adopted in the method of conducting the local community weekly prayer meeting. The book of Acts is now being studied chapter by chapter and under the new plan, there will be a set of 10 questions asked on the chapter under discussion. Answers will be called for by the leader at each meeting. The question, which will always be the same, are of such a nature as to bring out all of the principal facts and lessons to be drawn from the chapter studied..(Curious about the questions? Look up article on microfilm at the library.) At the next meeting on April 30th the 10th chapter of Act will be studied at the M.E. Church; take your Bibles with you.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Good crowds are attending the services of the United Church each Sabbath day and the pastor, Rev. W.H.Cross, is giving some splendid sermons. Weekly prayer meetings were started this week and will be held each Wednesday evening at the M.E. Chruch. The enrollment at Sunday School Sunday morning was 110. A special "Mothers' Day" program will be given on Sunday, May 10th and an extra effort will be made to have every member in Media Township who does not attend church elsewhere at this service. Everyone is welcome at any time or all services.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: An intermural event was held at the high school. The Sophomore Class won running up 44 points; Freshmen 2nd with 30 points; Juniors were 3rd with 27 points and the Seniors scored 16 points. Mrs. Dan Campbell and Clifford left on Train No. 22 of the Santa Fe for a visit with relatives at Akron, Ohio. Mary Anders was able to return to high school after being away several weeks with illness. Mrs. Charles Malm and little daughter Jane Ann of Peoria visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Gram. Edgar Gram of Peoria was a Sunday guest. Mrs. Cleve Hickman and Mrs. Arthur Pogue are the hostesses for the May meeting of the Missionary Society of the U.P. Church. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Campbell are the proud parents of their first son born April 27th; mother and baby are doing nicely. Members of the new county board of supervisors met at Oquawka and organized by electing C. H. Curry of Stronghurst as chairman.

***FUNERAL SERVICE-MRS. C. E. LANT: Services for Mrs. C. E. Lant who passed away on Friday morning were held at the home at 2:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon and were attended by a large concourse of friends and neighbors. Rev. J. A. Mahaffey of Stronghurst was in charge of the service and brought words of comfort to the sorrowing ones. Casket bearers were Frank Whiteman, Charles Whiteman, James H. Gibb, Charles McMillan, Milt McGaw and Oscar Malmburg. Flowers were in profusion. The body was laid to rest in the South Henderson Cemetery. Relatives in attendance from a distance were Mrs. Alice McDougal of Chariton, Iowa, and daughter; Mrs. Francis Maxwell; Miss Bessie Postelwaite of Tarkio, Mo.; Mrs. D.A.Whiteman and Mark Whiteman of Monmouth; the Misses Bess and Louise Whiteman of Evanston; Mr. and Mrs. Will Graham of Alexis; Mr. and Mrs. Will Bell and daughter and Mrs. Mary Smith Porter of Keithsburg and Mr. and Mrs. J.M.Graham and Miss Bessie Graham of Kirkwood.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: The baseball game between the north and south end teams of the Farm Bureau which was played here last Saturday afternoon was won by the south team of which Charles Pogue is captain. The score was 7 to 6. Seven points were won by the high school athletic team at the meet at Milliken University. Russell Whiteman tied for first place and Jack McIntosh won two thirds. Bids for the janitor position of the grade and high schools were considered by the two boards and Perley Dixson was the successful bidder. Mr. Dixon is in San Francisco at present but will return in a short time (Dixson/Dixon is spelled both ways in this note.) Miss Elva Dye who was taken to the Burlington Hospital suffering with appendicitis was reported better. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graham have received word of the birth of a son to their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rebas of St. Louis. Bernard Liby and family have moved to Abingdon where he has employment. Ralph Hickenbottom has moved his family from the John Dixon property in the east part of town to the residence west of the park which he recently purchased. Mr. and Mrs. S.A. Brown visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Pearson and other relatives. Mr. Brown, who has been Y.M.C.A. secretary at Pontiac, Ill. has accepted a like position at Newton, Kans.; they will move there soon. Mrs. Huldah Millen is confined to her bed with a severe attack of acute bronchitis.