The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1925 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic: Feb. 5, 1925

OLD RESIDENT CALLED HOME: Death has once more invaded the ranks of the early settlers of Stronghurst and removed to the realms beyond for a respectful and beloved member thereof in the person of Frank J. Murphy. Mr. Murphy passed away Feb. 3rd at the home of Wm. P. Austin, Mendon, Ill. where he and Mrs. Murphy have been living and keeping house for Mr. Austin since last fall. The cause of Mr. Murphy's death was heart trouble, the first serious indication of which manifested itself about a year ago since which time he has been gradually failing in health. About a week ago word came to his friends here that his condition had become critical and the news of his death was therefore not unexpected. It, however, caused a wave of genuine sorrow to sweep over the community.

Frank James Murphy was the son of James H. and Pamelia Murphy, who at the time of his birth were residents of Allegheny County, Pa. The date of his birth was April 14, 1853. When he was four years of age, his parents moved to the vicinity of Denmark, Ia., and here he grew to manhood on a farm and learned the carpenter's trade, an occupation at which he worked during the greater part of his life. On March 25, 1879 he united in marriage to Miss Jessie B. Hart, daughter of John H. and Emily Hart of Denmark, Ia. In 1883 he and his wife moved to Atlantic, Ia., where they remained one year and then moved to Illinois and took up a residence on the George Chandler farm near Terre Haute. They lived on this farm for four years and then moved to the village of Terre Haute where five more years of their life were spent.

In 1893 Mr. Murphy came with his family to the then new village of Stronghurst and during the remaining 31 years of his life was actively interest in its growth and development. This activity was not confined alone to the pursuit of his occupation as a carpenter, but manifested itself in many other ways of real helpfulness. His accommodating nature and genial disposition won him the firm and lasting friendship of the whole community and the memory of his unselfish spirit will be to those who knew him his enduring monument.

Mr. Murphy was a man of firm convictions in matters concerning the welfare of his community, state or nation and never hesitated in making these convictions known. He was, moreover, usually to be found on the right side of all moral and social questions. He was devoted to the principles of Odd Fellowship and at the time of his death had been united with the order for a period of 51 years. He had also been a member of Modern Woodmen of America for a period of 24 years, the local I.O.O.F. Lodge of which he was a member and willing participate in burial services at the cemetery in the afternoon. During the evangelic services conducted here last summer by Messrs Cantrill and Pegot, he confessed his faith in Christ and was received into the communion of the Stronghurst Christian Church. Mr. Murphy is survived by his wife and one daughter, Mrs. Edna ??chner of Elmhurst, Ill; also by grandchildren Mildred and Dorothy Austin of Mendon, Ill. Mrs. Austin, another daughter, mother of the two grandchildren mentioned above preceded his father in death by several years. Mrs. Roxanna Gates, an aged sister, of Mattoon, Ill also survives him.

The remains of the deceased were brought to the house of the Fort sisters in Stronghurst from Mendon. Services will be conducted at the Christian Church. Following them, the remains will be deposited in a crypt in Hope Abbey Mausoleum. (list of out of town attendants follows)

FIRE IN BLANDINSVILLE: For the third time within a year our neighboring city of Blandinsville has been visited by a disastrous fire, the latest coming on last Friday night, Jan. 30th. The fire originated in the Silvertooth and Lewis Cafˇ where a gasoline stove blew up and threw the burning fluid over the room converting it into a roaring furnace. Three adjoining business places were also destroyed before the flames were subdued: Webb and Son Store, The Cotton Grocery Store and a barber shop. The Pearson Variety Store south of the cafˇ was also badly damaged by smoke and water. The loss on buildings and stock is estimated at $25,000, probably half of which was covered by insurance.

It is believed that with proper fire fighting facilities, the fire could easily have been confined to the Cafˇ in which it originated. Blandinsville is neither provided with a system of water works nor adequate fire fighting apparatus and the citizens are reported as becoming aroused to the necessity of providing some method for reducing the fire hazard.

DAIRIES MATTER: Henderson County is richer yearly by $60,000 because of the soil fertility produced as a by-product of dairying, according to the blue Valley Creamery Institute. The figures are based on data resulting from many carefully kept records on a considerable number of farms. The average quantity of manure recovered for use on crop lands in the area studies was 7.4 tons per cow and since the fertilizing value of a ton of manure is $2.60, by-product of each cow is approximately twenty dollars. The application of this figure to the 3,000 dairy cattle in this county brings the total added value to the soil fertility here to almost unbelievable figure given above.

OBITUARY ***OPAL CARLSON***Opal Alice Carlson, the only daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Edward Carlson of the Olena neighborhood, passed away at the parental home on Jan. 31st following a lingering illness. The deceased was born August 9, 1907, making her 17 years, 5 months and 22 days old at the time of her death. During nearly two years of illness she bore her suffering with great fortitude and was always a cheerful disposition. She possessed a beautiful Christian character and will be greatly missed in her home, in the Sabbath school and by her many young friends. Those left to mourn her departure are her parents, two brothers, Glenn and Clarence, together with numerous distant relatives. Funeral services were conducted at the Olena church with interment in the Olena Cemetery.

LOSES MONEY: The guarantors of this season's five number lyceum course for this community have been assessed $10.00 each ($140.53 in today's values} to make up a deficit caused by lack of patronage. Inasmuch as some of these guarantor's purchased tickets to the amount of seven or eight dollars at the beginning of the season, they naturally feel that their share of the expense of providing clean, wholesome and educational entertainment for the people of the community has been rather excessive. It is quite evident that there is not enough interest taken in this community in the sort of entertainment provided by the modern lyceum bureau to justify a few persons in signing up for a season's course. (After WWI the agricultural economy was in a slump and people cut corners and paid for necessities.)

CORN CULLING SCHOOL: Seed corn selection according to the most approved methods was thoroughly explained to a group of Henderson Count farmers by Dr. W.L. Burlison of the Agronomy Dept. of the University of Illinois in a meeting held at Stronghurst. Four to six from each township were invited to act as corn project leaders in their respective communities. After an extended discussion of the points to be considered in seed corn selection, the men were given the opportunity for practical study as each man had been requested to bring a sample of his own seed corn to be used as laboratory material:(list by townships for individuals selected).

KILLED BY HIS OWN HAND: Carthage, Ill. Jan. 29 "The most unique suicide in the history of Hancock County occurred Wednesday morning when the body of Earnest W. Earls, 43, prominent farmer living seven miles northwest of here near Ferris, was found hanging from a beam in a roof of a corn bin on his farm. The man had tied a rope about his neck, climbed to the top of a heap of corn, tied the other end of the rope to a beam and fired the full charge of a shotgun into his left breast. The impact threw him from the top of the corn heap and left him suspended in the air by the neck. The double plan made death certain. The body was found soon after 7 o'clock by members of the family and death occurred only a few minutes previous.

Mr. Earls had been quiet but had given no inkling of the intended act. He had gone to the barn Wednesday morning as usual to attend to his tock. Members of his family can ascribe the deed only to worry over an important charge of assault brought against him by William Gabel of Elvaston. The alleged assault took place July 13, 1924 and since then he had been quiet and morose the family said. The trial opened in the Hancock Count Court here before Judge Warren Orr Tuesday and was to have been concluded Wednesday. According to Clyde, Johnson, Earls' attorney, the case against him was weak and in an event the charge was of minor importance.

Earls was known as an expert farmer and was popular in the community. He leaves a wife and two daughters, 13 and 15 years old. An inquest was conducted at the farm by George Moore of Carthage, coroner Wednesday morning with a verdict of suicide."-LaHarpe Quill

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Fred Mudd and family are moving to Abingdon where he has employment in a hardware store. The regular luncheon of the Better Stronghurst League was held last Friday at the NuVon CafˇinI the village (this group preceded the Booster Club of today). Mr. E.G .Lewis of Media gave an interesting talk on community problems and the relation of agriculture to community development.

WEDDING BELLS-BROKAW & SHULTS: The home of Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Brokaw in Stronghurst was the scene of a happy event on Feb. 4th when a quiet wedding took place at 7:30 p.m. uniting the lives of Miss Ethel Brokaw, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brokaw and Rev. K. E. Shults of Powell, Wo. The marriage ceremony was performed by Dr. F. E. Shults, a brother of the groom, the double ring service being used. Following the ceremony, a wedding dinner was served to the guests by Mrs. Johanna Wheeling, cateress. Mr. and Mrs. Shults will be at home to their friends at the M. E. parsonage in Powell, Wyo. after Feb. 10th. Those present at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Brokaw, parents of the bride; Mrs. Mary Starkey, her grandmother; Chester Brokaw, a brother, and Mrs. G. G. Olsen of St. Ansgar, Ia. with whom the bride made her home last year while she was engaged in church extension work there. The bride is a lady of refinement and culture and high Christian character. She is a graduate of Northwestern University and has spent considerable time in church extension work in various cities. The groom recently accepted the pastorate of the M. E. Church at Powell, Wyo.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: The home of Dave Roscum, five north of Oquawka, was destroyed by fire last Saturday evening. The house, which was built last fall, was occupied solely by Mr. Rosum who was away at the time of the fire. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Marsden's daughter Laura, who had been an inmate of the Burlington Hospital for two weeks, was brought home much improved in health. Mrs. Al Berg received word that her sister, Mrs. Bernard Liby of Galesburg, had been taken ill with scarlet fever a few days ago while on a visit at Monmouth with relatives. Miss Frances Worley returned to her duties as nurse at the Burlington Hospital after two weeks spent here helping to care for her mother, Mrs. G.W.Worley. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lease and family arrived here from Gorin, Missouri and spent the night at the Al Berg home. The family expect to move soon to the Dale Davis farm west of Stronghurst where they will be employed during the coming year. Mr. Hal Prim, who is a landscape engineer with headquarters at Des Moines, Iowa has been at the home of Mrs. Prom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Hicks in the village. Mr. Prim is recovering from a serious accident which recently befell him at Keokuk, Iowa where he was run over by a reckless auto driver. He was in the Keokuk Hospital for several days and came from there to the Hicks home.

Village officials were warned to be on the lookout for bandits who had shot and severely wounded assistant police chief George Kemper of Canton, Ill. early that morning when they were discovered trying to force the safe in the Scripps-Green Clothing Store. The bandits escaped in an auto which was said to be headed in this direction. No one, however, reports having seen any car answering the description given passing through here. Mrs. Hettie McLain has been confined to her bed with illness this past week. Miss Florence Cortelyou still remains very weak and does not gain strength. A young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Olson is a patient at the Burlington Hospital seriously ill with pneumonia. Ben Leinbach went to the home of his daughter at Greenfield, Iowa. Mrs. HA. Epping has been confined to her bed since she unfortunately slipped on ice in their backyard and fell sustaining a badly sprained ankle. Relatives received word that J. C. Flatley is now in Mercy Hospital at Des Moines, Iowa suffering from a general breakdown. H. C. Haben, a brother-in-law, will go to see him. Deputy Sheriff M. R. Mosley of Hancock County is in Stronghurst searching for information concerning John Dolittle, a person of unsound mind who has disappeared from his home in the vicinity of East Fort Madison.

E. R.Grandey went to Chicago accompanied by Harold Lukens and Jack Regan. Mr. Grandey was in attendance at a dinner given by Marshall Field & Co. to the Interstate Merchants Council now meeting there and at which about 1,100 people were present. Four hundred eighty-two trees on the Johnson estate were sold by R. M. Cassell, manager of the estate for the city of LaHarpe for the sum of $10,325 in cash ($150,022 in today's value). The firm of Rankin and Miller of Monmouth were the purchasers. The money will be applied toward paying the indebtedness on the estate which must be wiped out before the LaHarpe schools can benefit by Mr. Johnson's bequest. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Layton of near Dallas City are concerned. Mr. Layton is recovering from serious extended illness and Mrs. Layton fell and broke her left arm requiring the limb to be placed in a plaster cast from the shoulder down. During the past week Loren Morey sold his residence in the east part of Media Township to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ogden who intend to become residents of Stronghurst soon. Mr. Morey has purchased the residence of Roy Mudd in the east part of town and will move his family there. Roy is contemplating moving into the Jerry Johnson house recently vacated by Fred Mudd and family who moved to Abingdon. Miss Victoria Ottoson, who keeps house for Fred O. Johnson and children of the Bruen farm west of Stronghurst is very low with pneumonia. The Santa Fe will soon make a change in the length of the sections from about four miles as at the present to about five miles thereby dispensing with the expense of a few section foremen along the line.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: The grade school started again Monday, taking up their work in the auditorium of the high school. Mrs. Gridley put her pupils on the stage and Prof. Smith and Miss Allaman are in the auditorium. Books came Monday morning and school is in full swing again until the new grade schoolhouse is finished which will be a month or six weeks yet. (The old school burned down.) Word was received by relatives that Hubert Mekemson, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mekemson of Hamilton was ill with scarlet fever. J.W.Dixon returned home from a six weeks' visit at several points in California spending some time in the home of his son Pearlie and family at San Francisco. The "Web of Deceit" play is to be given at the high school next Tuesday by the Arcadian Literary Society who are busy practicing. Miss Eva Gibb, teacher in the high school at Hull, Ill. was an over Sabbath visitor with her parents.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: The Ladies Community Club will present a home talent play entitled "A Southern Cinderella" in the auditorium of the Wever Academy on Feb. 12th. Miss Mary Dixson, high school teacher, is the director. "Black Mammy Judy" will be there in all her glory and make you smile. (at this time period, black face comedy was not unusual). Mrs. Thomas Howell delightfully entertained the Married Ladies Class of the Sunday School. Mrs. John Pogue and Mrs. N.J.Gram will entertain the Ladies Missionary Society of the U.P. Church at the home Gram home. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Heap welcomed an 8 lb. son at their home; both mother and son are doing nicely. Mesdames Barnard White, George Wax and W. W. Murtland were having dental work done in Stronghurst. Clifford Adair drove the White car drove for them. Co. Supt. A. L. Beall was called to Oquawka to assist the high school force in teaching as one of their number was ill. Harold Drain, who has been seriously ill, is recovering and is able to sit up a short time each day. Our section boss, George Admire, Sr. says Media section of the Santa Fe is likely to be divided and half of it put on with Smithshire and the other part going with Stronghurst meaning there will be no section at all at Media. Boys here who have worked so faithfully for the Santa Fe will be left without work-some of them depend entirely on it for their means of living. William Murtland has been quite a sick boy for a week on account of a severe attack of tonsillitis. He is better again, but so many of our people have been and are sick from colds, sore throat, etc. Hopefully, Mr. Groundhog came out early in the morning and did not see his shadow and that more mild weather may do away with a lot of sickness. Mrs. Elmer Powell is recovering from a recent operation for gall stones at Monmouth Hospital.