The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic: Jan.8, 1925
PASSING OF A PIONEER: G. Henry Annegers, a resident of Henderson County for 75 years and one of the largest land owners in the county, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. J. Artz in Burlington, Iowa, Jan. 3rd at the ripe age of 84 years, 3 months and 12 days. Mr. Annegers was born in Badbergen, Germany, Sept. 22, 1840. At the age of 14 years, he came with his parents to America, the destination of the family being Burlington, Ia. Soon after their arrival there the elder Annegers purchased and settled upon the southeast quarter of section 29 in what is now Stronghurst Township and this farm passed at the death of the father to the son G. Henry Annegers. This farm remained in his possession until the time of his death and to it he added from time to time other holdings of valuable farm land in the county. Almost 70 years of a very active and useful life was spent by Mr. Annegers in this vicinity.
Mr. Annegers was married at Burlington on Jan. 16, 1867 to Anna M. Pahlman, who was also a native of Badbergen, Germany. She and two sons, George H. and William C. Annergers, who with his mother, preceded the husband and father in death. The surviving children are Mrs. C. J. Artz of Burlington, Ia. and Mrs. E. E. Mark and Mrs. F. R. Smith of Stronghurst vicinity. There are also three surviving grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
Mr. Annegers was essentially a man of peace. That he knew the secret of right living is attested by the fact that even his later years found him still attending to his many interests in his habitual methodical, intelligent way, a way that characterized all of his activities from the very beginning of his business career. He was blessed with an abundance of common sense and keen judgment and his integrity, while unostentatious, was nevertheless generally recognized:Funeral services were conducted at the Stronghurst U.P. Church with interment in the Stronghurst Cemetery.
TERRORIZED BY BOMBERS: The portion of the county building at Macomb which contains the police office was partially wrecked by the explosion of a bomb on the evening of New Year's Day. While no one was injured, the lives of 14 person who use the second story of the building used as a flat were greatly endangered. Near midnight of the same day the residence of County Judge Miller in the same city was partially wrecked by another bomb explosion and it was only through good fortune that none of the family were killed. A year ago, the home of State's Attorney A. L. Hainline was bombed and almost demolished.
While no direct clue has been obtained as to the perpetrator of these outrages, it is suspected that they are the work of criminals who either fear prosecution and are carrying out a policy of intimidation or of parties who have already felt the weight of the law and are seeking revenge.
The Blandinsville Gazette suggests that the bombings may be the work of a great bootlegging organization which had headquarters in Chicago and branches in Peoria and other cities throughout the state and which maintain a squad of expert bombers whose business it is to terrorize officers of the law and people who might be called upon to testify in bootlegging cases. While this theory may be the correct one, there is the possibility that the bombing is the work of some cunning degenerate or dope fiend and instigated by a disordered mind or fancy.
CULTURE COMES TO TOWN: Next Tuesday evening the Chicago Players will appear at the Lyric Theatre in the fourth and without a doubt what will prove to be the most entertaining number of the season' lyceum course. The play will be "Is Marriage a Failure?" While the title might lead to the idea that it is a light and frivolous production, the Midwest Lyceum Bureau gives the assurance that it is really a serious play with a very serious moral and fine teachings; and that it has also plenty of good wholesome comedy to add to the enjoyment of the audience:
NEW EDITOR AT DALLAS CITY: Verle V. Kramer and wife arrived at Dallas City from Sigourney, Ia. He had purchased and assumed the management of the Dallas City Enterprise. The Graphic extends the new proprietor its bet wishes for success in Western Illinois field of journalism.
***OBITUARY***MRS. LUCINDA THRUSH: Lucinda, daughter of Knoble and Neoma Owsley, was born March 9, 1844 just east of Old Bedford Church. She grew to womanhood in the Bedford neighborhood and at the age of 19 was married to Isaac Thrush. To this union was born six children: George, John, Isaac, Clarence, Elza and Ethel.
She was baptized into the Kingdom of Christ on March 6, 1881 at Old Bedford Church by Elder Sympson Ely. She was a member of Old Bedford Church the last 43 years of her life. Grandma Thrush was one of the pioneers of Illinois, having lived in the Bedford neighborhood her entire life. She was loved by every one who knew her. She was a good neighbor and lived a life of helpfulness in ministrations. She was jolly, cheerful faithful wife and loving mother.
She passed from this life Dec. 30, 1924 at the age of 80 years, 9 months and 21 days. Surviving are her family: her husband, two sons, Clarence of near Raritan and Elza who lives on the home place, and one daughter, Mrs. Ross Lant of Burlington, Iowa.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Miss Mildred Brouse entertained a company of 22 friends at a watch meeting at her home east of town Wednesday evening. The evening passed away with music and games. Oysters, crackers, pickles and coffee were served. Miss Jean Mekemson left Saturday afternoon for Galesburg for a few days visit in the home of Russell Graham after which she will go on to Memphis, Tenn. to have the other hip operated on at a hospital there. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Foster and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest More have been confined to their homes this past week with the chicken pox. Mrs. Daisy Babcook, Mrs. Maude Kelly and Miss Ella Lyons will be hostesses for the Community Club at the home of Mrs. Babcook. "Religion wins the Home" is the subject with Miss Edith Wilson as leader.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: The LaHarpe Quill says that Grover Ewing has sold his poultry and feed business in that city to his brother Merlin Burnside and that the latter will take personal charge of the LaHarpe store. Grover, it is stated, will move in his mother's farm near Roseville. Dr. F. M. Henderson spent the holidays with his mother at Centerville, Iowa. Mrs. Rachel Mink, who has been receiving treatment at the Burlington hospital for the past three months will be brought to the home of her son, J. D. Mink near here. John F. Duncan, a former Blandinsville citizen who moved to Idaho where he became wealthy and prominent in political and business affairs, met death by drowning on Dec. 6th near Newport, Ida., when the Ford truck he was driving ran off a ferry boat on which he was to cross the Pend Oreille River. Miss Pricilla Apt has been somewhat indisposed at her home here the past few days but is improving under the care of Mrs. Dr. Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. John Breen are expecting to move to a farm near Monmouth some time in the near future and again take up the occupation of farming. John is no novice at the business and here is hoping success may crown his efforts. The young ladies of the Standard Bearer Society of the M.E. Church entertained their young men friends at a watch party in a very pleasing manner at the Community Club rooms the evening of Dec. 31st. The evening was spent socially until the hour of 12 when the New Year was appropriately ushered in and a delicious luncheon was then served to 26 guests.
It is said that the Santa Fe's crack California trains No. 3 and 4 now carry a lady hair dresser and manicurist between Chicago and Los Angeles. Coleman Garrett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy C. Garrett of Media Township and Miss Lea Frye, daughter of Editor and Mrs. D. L. Frye of Lomax, Ill. were united in marriage at the home of the groom. The large barn on the farm of Fred Anderson of LaHarpe located in the Green Bay district near Wever, Ia was destroyed by fire last Friday night. In addition to the barn, which was insured for $7,000. eighteen head of fat steers, three horses, 1,000 bushels of corn, a touring car and numerous farm implements were included in the loss. Rev. Myers, who has been unable to fill his preaching appointments for the past two or three weeks on account of sickness in his home, expects to conduct the usual services at both the Stronghurst and Maple Grove M. E. Churches. All members of the Myers household who have been ill are now believed to be well or on the road to recovery. The thawing weather of the last few days has had the effect of slightly rotting the ice which formed on the roofs and in the gutters of buildings and on the sidewalks of the village during the sleet storms of December. Citizens have been getting rid of the accumulation. It is feared that the ice formation has proved injurious to the fall wheat in this vicinity. Al Links conducted a sale of stock and farming implements at his home south of Stronghurst and he and his family expect to move to Macomb.
At a meeting held at Biggsville in the interest of proposed hard road route No. 94 connecting Aledo, Ill. with LaHarpe,Ill. and passing through the center of Henderson County, a complete organization of all of the townships in the county through or near which the route passes was effected. This committee is working along the lines which promise to result in early favorable consideration of Route 94 by the State Department of Public Works.
CARMAN CONCERNS: The ice harvest has just begun in the village. Mrs. Abe Graham, northeast of the village still remains quite poorly. Mr. Clifford Harvey delivered some hogs to Stronghurst. Wm. Babcook is a very business man taking in shelled and ear corn (grain dealer). Sunday School had election of officers last Sunday: J. Fred Clover, superintendent; Dorothy Pendry, Assistant Superintendent; Fern Finch, Secretary; Lottie Dixon, Treasurer; Winnifred Finch, pianist; Frederick Rehling, librarian; and Rhoda Howell, assistant librarian. Mr. Wm. Finch and Mr. Alvin Burnett have been feeling quite poorly and Mr. James Johnson has been somewhat indisposed. The oyster supper was served at the I.O.O.F. Hall on their annual homecoming was enjoyed by about 65 members. Mrs. Eliza Parry had been on the sick list and Mrs. Ray Stimpson is a sufferer of rheumatism. Oscar Dillon and family have been having the LaGrippe this week. Bryan Stewart shipped a carload of hogs from here. Frederick Crane of California who is down with typhoid fever is much better.
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: The stock of the Farmers' Cooperative store is being invoiced this week. Members of the company from Stronghurst are assisting Mr. and Mrs. Wax with the work. Clifford Adair is helping clerk until the invoicing is completed. Mrs. J. P. Riggs who was sick last week is better; Mrs. F. I. Barnett and Mrs. David Gilliland who were quite sick a few days ago are able to be around and at their duties once more. Carl Leftwich left for Des Moines to join the Navy. Carl was a graduate of the high school last year and is a young man of sterling qualities and can be relied upon in all things. He is quick to learn and always stood at the head of his class. Albert Swanson has returned to his school work at Augustana. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gray and family who live in Raritan vicinity are moving to LaHarpe. Miss Malah and Huston of that family, being members of the high school, will be missed. Friday night at the gym the high school basketball team will meet Lomax high. The new suits which were recently ordered have arrived and are beauties. If the boys don't win now, well, it won't be because they are not proud of those new suits.
***OBITUARY***MRS. DAVID BARRY: Mrs. D.W.Barry died at Ottawa, Ill. Dec. 27, 1924 where she was taking treatment at a sanitarium. Her husband was at her bedside when she passed away. She recognized her husband and talked with him and said she was getting sleepy then went to sleep and passed away very peacefully at 7:30 am. She was a highly respected citizen of Roseville, Ill. vicinity. Her age at the time of her death was 49 years, 3 months and 21 days.
Ellen Loretta Blanch Collins was a daughter of the late John and Rose (McParland) Collins and a granddaughter of Michael and Elizabeth (McAnally) Collins and John and Rose (Rice) McPartland, all early settlers of Warren County and all buried in St. Joseph Cemetery, St. Augustine, Ill. She was born Aug. 6, 1872 and her maiden life was spent in her parents house 4 miles east and 1 ½ miles north of Roseville. She married David Barry on Sept. 24, 1921 and to this union seven children were born, all living with the father, namely: John, Collins, Robert, Peter, Mary, Eileen, James D. and Betty. Mrs. Barr is also survived by six sisters and one brother, namely: Mrs. Anna Crowe, Mrs. Agnes Huston, Mrs. Mary Henderson, all of Abilene, Kans. vicinity; Mrs. John Collins of east of Roseville; Mrs. Josephine Tierney of Media vicinity; Mrs. Elizabeth Hanlin and Mrs. Gertrude Costello of Berwick vicinity, all of whom where in attendance at the funeral. She also leaves a number of nieces and nephews: Francis, Josephine and Gertrude Tierney; Leland and Dorothy Crowe; Miles, Rose Mary, Joseph, Alanna and Paul Michael Costello, Mary Rose and Elizbeth Collins; Joseph, John, Rose, Audra, Mark and Benedict Henderson; John, Joseph, George, Raymond, Paul P. and Benedict Huston.
Solemn requiem mass was held at St. Patrick's church near Raritan& and interment was in St. Patrick's Cemetery nearby. (Really long list of all who attended included in this article.)
OLENA OBSERVATIONS: Dancing parties were held during the holidays at the Bigger home near Carman, H. O. White home near Olena, three at the town hall and one in the Biggsville neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Simonson have rented a farm south of Stronghurst and will be leaving some time in the near future for their new home. Much butchering work is being done these few past days and also shelling corn, wood sawing and hauling.
GRAIN & MERCHANDISE ANNUAL MEETING: The stockholders of Stronghurst Grain & Merchandise held their annual met Wednesday afternoon at the Community Club room in Stronghurst. O. J. Sanderson, C. E. Peasley and C. F. Heisler were elected as directors for the ensuing year. After the election, the board of directors organized for the coming year by electing O. J. Sanderson as president; C. H. Curry and W. W. Ross as vice presidents; C. R. A. Marshall as secretary and Glen Marshall as manager. The financial condition of the organization in the opinion of those present justified the distribution of a 7 per cent dividend amongst the stockholders and such a dividend was declared:
***OBITUARY***MRS. AMANDA VREELAND: Mrs. Amanda Vreeland, a resident of Raritan most of her life, passed away at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ella Hixson, last Monday at the age of 67 years. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hill, pioneer residents of the Raritan neighborhood. A few of the later years of her life were spent in California, she having come back to Illinois last summer for a visit with relatives. Short funeral services were conducted at the home of Mrs. Hixson after which the remains were brought to Stronghurst for shipment to California.
INSURANCE MEETING: The policy holders of the Farmer's Mutual Ins. Co. of Henderson County held their annual meeting in the Community Club rooms.The report from officers showed the business to be in a good condition:J. Y. Gearheart of Raritan and C. R. A. Marshall of Stronghurst were re-elected as directors. W. E. Sanderson of Biggsville was chosen as a new member of the board. C. R. A. Marshall, president; Thos. Dixson, treasurer and W. J. McElhinney, secretary, were re-elected to their respective offices.
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Miss Gladys Frank entertained the high school students who took part in the play, "Engaged by Wednesday," at an oyster supper at Gilliland's restaurant Thursday evening. Carl Leftwich was unable to get into the Navy as he learned when he got as far as Burlington that the doors of the recruiting stations were closed and no new members to be received for a while. The grade teachers and pupils who have been holding forth at the M.E. Church since the holidays on account of a section of the boiler having burst by the extreme cold weather during the holiday, were able to resume work at the school house. A fine baby boy has made his arrival in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Norville. This home has five little girls so this young son was eagerly welcomed.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Mr. and Mrs. Preston Plummer of Casper, Wyo. have been guests of his mother, Mrs. Hattie Plummer. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Weigand are moving their household good into the Smith property in the south part of town. Roy Mann was able to return to school after being laid off with a lame foot he recently injured playing basketball. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Schular are now driving a new Studebaker sedan. Dale Whiteman returned from the Monmouth Hospital where he had a tonsil operation. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Vantyne left for Kansas City where they expect to make their home. Junie, 12-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gibb west of town, has been quite ill. Last word was that she is to be taken to the Burlington Hospital for x-ray to determine what her trouble is. Frank Stevenson entertained twenty young people at his home Saturday night. The evening was spent in games, music and dancing. The next number of the Biggsville lecture course will be the Golden Gate Concert Co. featuring Hawaiian music.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Margarette Barry of the Raritan neighborhood is a victim of the Grip. Mrs. James Tierney delivered seven pure bred Buff Orphington chickens to Mr. John Collins of Roseville vicinity. Fred Mudd has secured employment in Abingdon and will move his family there. Cleo Stine of Des Moines, Iowa, was attending a convention in Chicago and stopped here on his way home. He drove to Burlington to take the train home.
At the Warren County Centennial Celebration, W. O. Kidder was awarded first prize of a gold headed cane in recognition of the fact that he was the oldest man present who was born in Warren County. The prize of an umbrella to the oldest native-born woman went to Mrs. Eliza Pittman of Roseville. Mr. Kidder is 85 years of age and Mrs. Pittman is 86. The two old people were children together and attended the same school.
CARMAN CONCERNS: Mrs. Nancy Twilley is suffering with a bad hand which was caused by a chicken scratching her. Miss Edith Lord is confined to her home with chicken pox. Several of our citizens attended the Royal Cloak Co. sale in Burlington and returned home with what they call bargains. Mr. and Mrs. August Rehling called at the home of his brother, Fred in Burlington; they are all down with the Grip but now are somewhat better. Glen Mooney of Burlington joined local boys in a rabbit hunt. Mrs. Ray Stimpson is still a sufferer of rheumatism.
OLENA OBSERVATIONS: On Friday evening an entertainment will be given in the Olena church by Gladstone talent. "The Mock Wedding" is the name of the play and those who have attended it elsewhere say it is quite humorous and the costuming is very elaborate. The ladies of the church will serve lunch. Plenty of snow and the weather is quite cool. Mrs. Ruth Browning has been caring for Mrs. Lillard and a young son who reside in one of the homes on the George Barnett farm. Chalmer Perdue was sawing wood for H. S. Lant. The annual church dinner was held Saturday serving 25-30 guests. Sunday school officers were elected: Supt.-Mrs. Margaret Peyton; Ass't. Supt.-Mrs. Anna Johnson; Sec and Treas.-Miss Esther Johnson; Organist-the Misses Winnifred Dowell, Laura Marsden and Hazel Hicks; Librarians-the Misses Elda Marsden and Agnes Vail. Teachers elected are the following: adult class- Mrs. John Lant; young people's class-Miss Thelma Peterson; boys' class-Miss Pauline Marsden; and infant class-Miss Nellie Johnson. The following were appointed as Sunday School Committee: Mrs. Anna Johnson, Mrs. Peyton and Mrs. J. Lant.