The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic: Feb. 19, 1925
CIVIL WAR SOLDIER DIES: Henry G. Garrity of Biggsville passed away at his home there on Feb. 14th at the age of 85 years, 11 months and 8 days. Funeral services were held at the U.P. Church in Biggsville on Feb. 17th Rev. J. A. Renwick of Olathe, Kansas, a former pastor of the deceased, officiating. Mr. Garrity was one of the few surviving Civil War veterans in Henderson County and a military escort comprised of comrades Mekemson of Biggsville and Hess of Kirkwood with a color bearer from the Naval Recruiting Station and a squad from American legion of Monmouth, Ill. acted as guard of honor as the flag draped casket was born from his home.
HELP WITH INCOME TAX RETURNS: Mr. C. E. Pendarvis of Peoria, who is a special agent of the revenue department of the state will be in Henderson County next week to assist tax payers in filing their income tax returns for 1925 and to answer any questions along these lines. He will be at the Media State Bank all day on Feb. 25th and during the forenoon of Feb. 26th. On the forenoon of Feb. 27th, he will be at the Stronghurst National Bank and in the afternoon at the Stronghurst State Bank. (Income tax was a new thing, authorized in 1913; help would have been appreciated.)
DAIRYING MEETING: Feb. 24th the Farm Bureau will hold a meeting for men who are interested in dairying. C. S. Rhode, Dairy Specialist of the University of Illinois will be present and will lead the discussion. This is not an attempt to turn Henderson County into a dairy center, but it is intended to give those men who are somewhat interested in this subject some information concerning their various problems. This should interest a man with two or three cows as much as one who is making dairying a specialty:
FIRE FIRE FIRE: Falling sparks from flues burning out came near causing the destruction of two farm homes in this vicinity during the past week. Last Saturday morning the roof of the house on the I. H. Brokaw farm in the Raritan neighborhood was discovered to be in flames by a neighbor, John Butler, who was passing. He quickly gave the alarm and prompt action on the part of neighbors who soon arrived resulted in the damage being confined to the burning of a large hole in the roof.
On Monday forenoon G. W. Beckett discovered a blaze in the roof near a chimney on his residence south of Stronghurst. Quite a stiff breeze was blowing at the time and the fire was making rapid progress when discovered. Mr. Beckett succeeded, however in quenching the blaze by the application of several buckets of water before the arrival of other assistance.
CHICKEN PIE SUPPER: The ladies of the Christian Church will give a Chicken Pie Supper at the Ladies Community Club Room on the Thursday evening Feb. 25th commencing at 5:30 o'clock. The menu is as follows: chicken pie, creamed peas, mashed potatoes, slaw, jelly, hot rolls, coffee and pie alamode. Price for the supper is 35 cents (about $5.17 in today's values). Your patronage is solicited. (Why did I include this ad in the column? This is how organizations made money in that time period. It also gives us a glimpse in what kind of menu was expected. Today, we depend on soup suppers, spaghetti dinners or maidrites.)
HE DIED: Mr. Charles Weddington passed away at his home in the west part of town this morning shortly after midnight following an attack of pleurisy. The news of his death came as somewhat of a shock to the community as it was not generally known that his condition was serious.
MARRIED-Frank J. Morris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Morris of Biggsville, and Miss Susie Magee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Magee of Stronghurst, were united in marriage Tuesday evening, Feb. 17th at the Christian Church parsonage by Rev. W. H. Cross
OBITUARY: GEORGE BOND BECKETT: Republican Record of Carrollton, Mo.-"George Bond Beckett was born in Henderson County, Illinois, 52 years ago. He spent his early life in Illinois and was married to Miss Kate Schaffer, 32 years ago. In about 1900 the family move to Iowa and they remained in that state for approximately four years. In 1904 the Becketts came to Carroll County and settled on the Harvey Kelly farm, some ten miles and north and east of Carrollton.
Mr. Beckett lead a busy life attending to his agricultural duties and entering into the activities of the community. About five years ago he purchased the farm known as the Brown farm, two miles east of Carrollton and lived on his farm until last spring when failing health caused him to move to Colorado Springs, Colorado. The change in climate did not restore him to health and he had been gradually growing weaker until the Death Angel finally claimed him.
His wife and sons, Ellsworth and George, Jr., were with him during his weeks of his illness. He also leaves two daughters in Carroll County: Mrs. Hal. P. Rea of Carrollton and Mrs. Louis Miller of Standish. Ellsworth Beckett, a brother, lives in North Yakima, Washington; Oscar and Joe Beckett live in Stronghurst, Illinois and Chas. Beckett, another brother, lives on the Kelly farm east of Bosworth. One sister died some time ago. Two sisters, Florence and Ollie Beckett, live in Stronghurst, Illinois. Mr. Beckett was highly respected in every community in which he was known and had many friends." (Many who had tuberculosis tried a warmer, dry climate and usually to no avail.)
FAST MAIL: Dr. Grainger of Stronghurst received a letter Wednesday evening at 8:30 which was mailed in San Francisco at 4 o clock Monday afternoon, a little less than 48 hours previous. The letter was carried by air mail from San Francisco to Chicago in 41 hours and the remining 6 ½ hours were consumed in the doubling back trip b rail from Chicago. (Unheard of, fantastic for this time period)
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: A. E. Moore is now able to be up and about the house recovering from a recent illness. Mrs. W.E. Hurd is suffering with a severe attack of asthma at the Apt home, it being necessary to call a physician. Harold Simsonson and family are moving to the Simonson homestead southeast of Stronghurst. Merra Vaughn and Henry Marshall enrolled as students at Gem City Business College at Fort Madison. Mrs. Fannie Voorhees, a sister of Douglas Wasson of this place passed away at her home in Blandinsville on Feb. 15th. The birth of a daughter to George and Christie (Worley) Jordan at Blandinsville Feb. 16th raises Mrs. Wm. Worthington of the country south of Stronghurst to the dignity of great-grandmother. Miss Eva Shafer is confined to her home with illness and Paul Bell is recovering from an attack of the Flu. Roy Mudd is recovering from an attack of La Grippe. A Business Men's Club was organized at Dallas City attended by 40 enthusiastic boosters. Ray Nordstrom's have moved their household goods from their former home at Rushville to the Al Link farm south of town. J. Stine left for Jacksonville, Fla., where he will join the Sprague Players with whom he toured in Chautauqua work last year and who this year will be with the Radcliff Chautauqua Bureau as entertainers.
Dave Lair, section foreman at Decorra, was taken to the Santa Fe Hospital at Ft. Madison and underwent an operation of appendicitis from which he did not recover as is ordinary cases. He was threatened with pneumonia. The quarantine which was placed on the J. F. Mains home two weeks ago as a precautionary measure following the illness of Mr. Hurf Flanegin, the son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Mains, has been lifted and Mrs. Mains is again assisting with work at the local post office. One car load of cattle and one car load of hogs were shipped from the local station by Frank Johnson for the Shipping Association. The consignment was accompanied by James Sanderson and Fred Kershaw to the Chicago Market. The two young gentlemen will no doubt see some of the sights of the city. James expects to visit his sister, Mrs. Veva Harms at Milwaukee, Wis. before returning. Uncle Charlie Peterson who makes his home with his son Albert and family on the Curts farm near Carman remains in an almost helpless condition from rheumatism, requiring the attention and constant care of some member of the household. Albert is just recovering from a severe attack of pneumonia, just now being able to be up and about the house part of the time. Seemingly some families have more than their share of trouble. A closing out sale will be held by Harold Allison at his farm one mile east of Stronghurst on Feb. 26th.
Charles Shadel of Piittsfield, Ill. passed away on Feb. 10th at the age of 84 years. The deceased was the father of Mrs. C. J. Doty of Dallas City. The Dallas City Community Club is to sponsor the preliminary financing of a grape culture project for that vicinity; it is hoped to gel 60 or more acres of land planted to grapes as a start. C. H. Ingraham, who has been identified with banking institutions in LaHarpe longer than any other living man, has retired from the cashiership of the First National Bank of LaHarpe and Fred Randall, who has been an employee of the bank for several years has been selected to take his place.
LOOKING FOR A FIRE ENGINE: Village president, Chas. Fort; Councilmen A.E. Moore, G. W. Worley and C. S. Forbes and fire chief Geo. Dixson made a trip to Kenosha, Wis. To inspect a line of fire trucks manufactured in the city. The village board is contemplating the purchase of a motor driven fire truck to take the place of the horse or hand drawn apparatus now in use. Several different makes of fire trucks will be examined by the committee before recommendations for purchase are made to the council.
***OBITUARY***HENRY O. GARRITY: Funeral services were held Tuesday morning at the United Presbyterian Church for Henry O.Garrity whose death occurred Saturday evening at nine o'clock following an illness since Xmas when he received a shock from a fall when arising from bed. Mr.Garrity is survived by his widow and an adopted daughter, Mrs. Lilly Cramer of Cherryville, Kansas, who was present during his last illness. All that loving hand could do was done. Mr. Garrity was born in Ireland, Jan 6, 1840. At the age of six he came to this country with his parents, three brothers and one sister, he being the last of the family left. They settled in Tipton, Ia. Here his mother died. When 17 years he started out for himself coming to the Rankin neighborhood and from here he enlisted as a private in the Civil War, serving four years and three months. On Dec. 8, 1869 Mr. Garrity and Miss Lizzie J. Buchanan of Boone, Iowa were united in marriage. Their 55th wedding anniversary was celebrated on that date last year in a quiet way owing to his feeble condition. Their golden anniversary was elaborately celebrated five years ago at the U.P.Church of which Mr. Garrity was a regular attendant when able, being a member since 1868. Funeral services were in charge of Rev. J.A. Renwick of Olympia, Kansas, a former pastor with burial in the Briggsville Cemetery.
SOCIAL AT THE CHURCH: Biggsville-The adult class of the Methodist Church held a delightful social in the church auditorium and dining room on Friday evening. The program was enjoyed by 63 members of the class, teachers of the Sunday School and a number of invited guests. Song, "He Leadeth Me" by the congregation; Prayer by Dr. Crane of Monmouth; Reading, Miss Bertha Beebe; "The Church in the Wildwood," by male quartette consisting of Chas. Graham, Albert Pearson, Clark Kelly, Robt. Mc Vey accompanied by Mrs. Albert Pearson; Address, "My Observation in France," by Dr. Crane. Dr. Crane gave a wonderful talk as he was a visitor in France last summer and was able to tell many interesting things A luncheon consisting of chicken sandwiches, apple salad, potato chips, date bars, whipped cream and coffee was served. The church was decorated in hearts and valentines.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Mrs. Chas. Essex and daughter, Mrs. Jim Kilgore, and little daughter visited Mrs. Maude Mudd and husband in Lewiston. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McIntyre of the Barr neighborhood were dinner guests of Mrs. H. J. Millen, the lady's mother. The Earl Dye family who have been living in the South Henderson precinct, have moved into the Jim Graham home west of town. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jonson in the west part of town are the parents of a baby boy
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: The junior class of the high school entertained some of the students at a party at the Academy. The rooms were prettily decorated in the class colors, blue and gold. Games and stunts furnished entertainment and the most popular game seemed to be progressive "Bunco." The class served refreshments of fruit salad and two kinds of cake. Rev. Cross of Stronghurst accepted a call to the pastorate of the congregation of the United Church of Media at a salary of $1600 ($23, 728 in today's values). He will have the use of the parsonage belonging to the congregation of the U.P. church. The churches are to remain federated until the end of the year at least, the year closing in November. Rev. Cross will serve there as soon as the roads and weather permit and he will be here to preach each Sunday morning and evening whether he has moved or not. Teachers and students of the grade school had a valentine box Friday afternoon. Quite a number of the "sweet missives' were made by the children, especially those of the primary grades. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gibb and family and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Palmer and son Kenneth are doing light housekeeping in Monmouth while the roads are so bad. The gentlemen are working on the high-tension line which is being erected from Keokuk to Monmouth to carry the power from the dam for electric current.